At the moment the message was sent,

The border, above a mountain.

A brave man cut off more than a dozen enemies in front of him with a knife!

"President, you have almost reached the state of zhanzong. The progress is among the best in this copy!"

"Our task of the heavenly towers should be relatively stable this time!"

The subordinates behind him immediately stepped forward and complimented.

However, there was deep fear in the president's eyes.

He turned around and looked at the members of the guild at hand and said with difficulty:

"Feng Shen, in this copy."

The subordinates suddenly shut up.

There was a dead silence on the field!

Even the subordinate who just flattered closed his mouth and stayed in place, unable to say a word.

Well, although the president is his immediate boss.

But if the deity is in this copy

Even if you force it, no one will really believe it!

Didn't you see deep fear in the president's eyes?

The president took a deep breath and said:

"Now, use all your abilities to inform everyone of this copy and tell them that the God is Ao Feng!"

"Try your best to gather all your strength..."

"Deal with Feng Shen!"



"Has the news been released?"

Chu Feng flashed a light golden awn in his eyes after killing the braided boy.

He smiled and knew that the braided boy had revealed his identity information.

However, Chu Feng is not afraid. Under the special mechanism of the God of war copy, there must be enough reasons to fight against himself.

If you attract them, you won't have to take the initiative to find them!

In other words, Chu Feng deliberately asked the other party to disclose his own information.

It took him a very short time to reach the state of zhanzong!

Open panel——

Power of God of War: 2333333

"Hehe, unless they can defeat Zhan Wang in such a short time, they can't be my opponent."

Although the super pupil has the pupil technique, the fighting idea of the war king is not covered.

The fighting idea itself has something to do with mental power. It can be immune to mind control pupil surgery. How can general pupil surgery pose a threat to the king of war?

Therefore, at least more than 500000 zhanzong states can break their wrists with the king of war with super pupil.

Even if Chu Feng challenges Zhan Wang now, he may not be able to defeat each other.

The war King's millions of combat power is not built.

Once you reach the realm of the king of war, your combat effectiveness will get a qualitative leap. At that time, you can make up this gap instead of using pupil technique.

If you let yourself become the king of war and wear two supreme heaven inheritance, no one in the world will be your opponent!

But how long

The battle result of Chu Feng has spread all over BeiCang academy!

"Have you heard that Ao Feng killed ten new talents in BeiCang Lingyuan!"

"No? I've seen the strength of those ten talents with my own eyes. How exaggerated it is!"

"Yes, I was killed by an AO Feng. I don't even have the ability to fight back!"

"How exaggerated is Ao Feng's strength?"

Just when everyone was talking

Suddenly, a white light fell to the position of Wudao hall!

It's Gu beixuan!

It is also to send these ten super pupils to the high-level of beicangling courtyard of Ao Feng!

However, the other party is only an aborigine, although it also has the power of zhanzong

After Gu beixuan came to the martial arts hall, he looked at his ten talented disciples. None of them were gone and turned into ashes!

His eyes stared at Chu Feng and said word by word: "what a cruel and cruel young generation, ten geniuses of BeiCang spirit hospital, all of them were killed by you, none of them!"

"Oh?" Chu Feng raised his eyebrows. "I think you'd better find out a few things first -"

"I. It's you, not me, who are cunning. You should know better than anyone why those ten fools come to trouble me!"

"Second, I directly let ten of them go together. Don't bully me."

"Third, they came to trouble me first. Since they can't even stop my move, they will die if they die."

"I'm not your nanny. I practice fighting with you and need to take care of your body. Can I bear it?"

"I think you're old, so don't talk so much nonsense. If you want to trouble me, come and fight quickly, otherwise, shut your mouth!"

Chu Feng's words directly challenged Gu beixuan!

The onlookers who knew about it were all hoodwinked.


Ao Feng, a 15-year-old boy, wants to challenge Gu beixuan?

That's a war sect!

Put it in the North Cangling courtyard and be properly ranked into the ranks of the five masters?

How can Ao Feng challenge him?

"Well, since you come to die, I'm not polite!"

Gu beixuan was so angry that he directly burst out all the power of the God of war!

"The power of 200000 zhanzong? Yes, I just took it!"

Chu Feng laughed.


The two fists collided with each other, and a fierce vigorous wind broke out, which soon lifted the whole martial arts hall!

If not for the high-rise of the spiritual courtyard on the way to release the protective barrier, I'm afraid the buildings thousands of meters nearby would be destroyed by the aftereffects of the two men's battle!

The remaining zhanzong of BeiCang Lingyuan who were present were full of shock when they looked at Chu Feng.

This young man has no less power than Gu beixuan, and... He even wants to gain the upper hand!

"It's boring. I still won't play with you."

Chu Feng shook his head and opened the pupil of hell.

The boundless sea of blood immediately shrouded Gu beixuan!

He opened his eyes wide and watched the scene strangely.

However, another blow!

When Chu Feng's realm is not weaker than each other, Tong Li has to deal with an aborigine. That's too simple!

Moreover, it only takes one second to kill each other!

Chu Feng wants to use pupil technique to interfere with Gu beixuan for a second. It's easier than blinking!

Just one second

All the power of the God of war poured into one punch, and all bombarded Gu beixuan's chest!

The war pope with the power of 200000 God of war was instantly blown into ruins!

There was silence!

People looked at Chu Feng in the martial arts hall like the God of war, and suddenly they didn't even have words!

Everything, in front of absolute strength, seems so ridiculous!

Even several other Zhan Zongs looked at Chu Feng with incredible faces.

They thought that the four of them could not solve Gu beixuan so quickly!

What kind of monster is this?

Chufeng open panel——

Power of God of War: 466666