Sacred wind spirit yard.

A young man sat in a cloud like Futon with half narrowed eyes. His pupils were scarlet. After he opened his eyes, several super pupils around him felt a little cold.

"You should have heard that Feng Shen has come?"

He paused and said in a deep voice.

"Feng Shen should have some ability to play a special role."

"Now he plays the role of Ao Feng, who has the magic decision of Lingtian war!"

"In the background of the God of war world, Ao Feng's parents are the founders of this skill. They almost destroyed the God of war Dynasty. They also crossed from zhanzong to Zhanwang in an instant by virtue of the highest state of Lingtian battle demon decision."

"The rumored Ao Feng now has the realm of zhanzong. We must make the worst assumption - the current Fengshen has the strength of the king of war. If he obtains the inheritance of the proud God of war, you should know whether there is anything else about us in the next copy?"

The eyes of several super pupils moved.

Do you mean

Do you really want to use that trick?

"Send out the dead!" the young man with scarlet eyes said slowly.

Everyone was awestruck.

Dead men are some super guilds. After capturing the handle of some people, they ask them to enter the copy and force them to act according to their own requirements.

The corresponding super pupil contract has been signed.

Not only the contract, but also the restrictions of family and identity, so that the dead can only do things according to the requirements of the super guild.

Of course, after their mission failed and lost their eyesight, the super guild promised to give certain preferential treatment to their families to ensure that they can spend the rest of their lives safely.

Therefore, the dead are the most loyal employees of the super guild. They can die with the enemy at will!

of course,

The dead need to spend huge resources to cultivate!

It has reached the 13th floor of the heavenly towers. It is conceivable how many resources such dead men have consumed in training all the way!

Any super guild will try its best to ensure that the dead do not die in the copy, so as to squeeze them more space in the future!

Once the dead are dispatched, it means that they have reached the point of never dying with their opponents!

Several people with hypermydriasis were a little frightened.

It seems that their president is determined to get the inheritance of the proud God of war!

Otherwise, he would not have made such a bad decision and fell out with Feng Shen.

In fact, everyone knows a truth in their hearts - as long as Feng Shen participates in this copy safely, the next inheritance of Aoshi God of war will have nothing to do with them!

Under the special rules of the God of war world, the other party can choose to challenge independently, and there is no possibility of being beaten.

If you suddenly launch an attack on other super pupil people without a challenge sign, you will be forced out of the copy if the number reaches the maximum.

Therefore, we must send dead soldiers and throw them away when they are used up!

Under the arrangement of the scarlet eyed boy, more than a dozen dead men quietly ambushed on the road from BeiCang spirit hospital to Shenfeng spirit hospital.

There is a necessary road, and there are many Canyon terrain cover.

It's also the best place to attack!



"Big brother, are you going to the sacred wind spirit yard?"

"Well, there's probably some danger there. Don't follow me. Stay here."


At the gate of BeiCang Lingyuan, ye Lianxue looked at Chu Feng's back and felt disappointed.

In fact, she already knew in her heart that she and the young man were no longer people in the same world.

There is a bigger stage waiting for him.

The little white fox lay on ye Lianxue's shoulder, rubbed the little girl's cheek and jumped back to Chu Feng.

"By the way, this is the protective talisman I prepared for you. If you encounter an enemy, it will automatically protect you."

Chu Feng handed a talisman to ye Lianxue.

Although this is just a copy character, other super pupil people can't think that they are a super pupil who will have any feelings for the copy character, let alone be naive enough to threaten ye Lianxue, it's also possible to leave behind in order to save some trouble.


Ye Lianxue quickly nodded and accepted the talisman.

After saying goodbye

Chu Feng turned into a streamer and walked in the direction of the sacred wind spirit courtyard.

After a few days, his figure appeared in a remote canyon.


Chu Feng noticed that there was a murderous spirit around him!

More than a dozen super pupils came to Chu Feng in an instant.

And their pupils burst out a strange scarlet light.

The next second,

Chu Feng was trapped in a large array, which made it difficult for him to escape.

He slammed his fist forward, but found that the powerful attack he had caused was constantly changing around through the scarlet lines around the array.

Finally, after layers of differentiation, the power caused by this punch became much smaller when it fell on more than a dozen people with hypermydriasis.

Chu Feng opened the supreme pupil and immediately understood the principle of this large array.

"I see. These red lines can decompose any force, including pupil force."

"Although there will be a little effect in the end..."

"However, when it is evenly distributed to these more than a dozen people with hypermydriasis, it becomes much weaker."

"Even if my pupil power and the power of the God of war are much higher than them, it will take a month to break this array."

"By that time, the test conference of Aoshi ares has begun, and I will miss this strategic route."

"Of course, after these guys attack me, at the end of this battle, they will also be judged as illegal and leave this copy from now on."

"But it's enough to achieve the goal of holding me back."

"And they are a group of dead men. They don't care what consequences they will have for themselves."

Chu Feng frowned and felt that he had encountered a group of troublesome enemies.

No matter using any series of pupil techniques, they will be differentiated layer by layer by the array and finally absorbed.

Even the illusion effect of hell pupil is the same.

The consumption of underground land is too large to play a particularly effective role.

At this time, Chu Feng frowned.

No matter what kind of pupil technique you face, can this array be absorbed?

Just then

Chu Feng opened the cause and effect pupil of good and evil.

It was found that some of them had hidden deep evil thoughts.

"By the way, although those dead men obey the orders of the super guild, they will certainly have resentment."

"Coincidentally, the effect of good and evil cause and effect pupil triggering pupil surgery is silent."

"Even if it is broken down by the array layer by layer, it is useless!"

"Because the effect of pupil surgery comes from causality!"

The next second,

Chu Feng opened the cause and effect pupil of good and evil!