A void, break open from the surrounding space!

The new war King super pupil immediately felt a great threat, overflowing from the terrible void door!

His spirit immediately raised twelve points of vigilance.

At the moment when he became the king of war, he had felt that at the other end of the killing emperor, a battle ended without suspense. It was another super pupil and the king of war who died!

"You are... God?"

The super pupil of the murderous emperor took a deep breath and looked at Chu Feng's figure surrounded by the spirit of war. His hands were shaking.

Is this the first person of the heavenly towers?

Since I have been through the customs, I have hardly missed the SSS level evaluation!

How many kinds of pupil surgery are there on him?

At that moment, Zhan Wang's super pupil felt that his blood was boiling all over. Instead, he was completely activated in front of the huge threat of the enemy.

"Come and fight!"

Chu Feng felt the other party's war spirit and smiled.

This is acting!

Really integrate into a role, rather than use a divine and high look, and feel that the role you play is just an NPC.

The super pupil who can't integrate into the role of the heavenly towers is doomed to not go far!

Whether he is practicing "Da Dao Zhi Xian" or "Wu Xiang Shentong", Chu Feng will fully devote his mind to his role as if he were a person in this world.

So, there is something to gain.

After each play, he can quickly find his heart and gain enough experience from his role.

Therefore, only when we go down this road can progress be so rapid.

The war King's super pupil was obviously inspired by the war.

People in the God of war world undoubtedly love fighting.

In the face of an opponent whose God of war is stronger than himself, only by giving full play to 200% of his fighting idea can he survive!

The other party must be a super pupil with good ability to obtain a new position as king of war so quickly in the killing emperor.

Chu Feng is interested to see what the other party can do with himself under the same condition of the highest combat power!


The figure of the war King disappeared into the shadow.

Hundreds of thousands of murderers appeared around Chu Feng!

These killing intentions are like turning into real blades, around all directions of Chu Feng, and the whole void has become a place full of killing intentions!


One hundred thousand murderous sabres cut towards Chu Feng. Countless cracks appeared on the vast earth, as if the whole earth would collapse at this moment!

Chu Feng's whole body is surrounded by a layer of light golden veins. The sky gang composed of the God of war's idea does not damage the golden body, so that these murderous blades can't hurt him.

The next second,

Chu Feng's pupils burst out a golden light, looking for each other's trace.

Suddenly, he felt a swampy mire under his body, limiting his movement.

This mire will not only absorb his body, but also lead his pupils to this black mire.

"It's a little interesting. It's also a double limitation in physics and pupil force."

Chu Feng saw the source of this pupil technique at a glance.

He has seen similar pupil surgery in other hypermydriasis patients before.

It can not only limit each other's physical activities, but also limit the flow direction of each other's pupil force.

For example, mind control pupil surgery, if you encounter double restriction pupil surgery, then mind control will be transferred to this quagmire and cannot fall on the other party.


Chu Feng soon opened the pupil of reincarnation.

Unlimited monthly reading!

Suddenly, the surrounding space scene immediately changed greatly.

The earth disappeared.

This world has become an endless blood red space.

Chu Feng's body was suspended in the blood red space.

In his own real fantasy, there is no place for the mire to stay.

The pupil technique of the other party is naturally disintegrated by itself!

A move of heart.

Chu Feng cancelled the rule that the space can be hidden here!

In his dreamland world, the body shape of Zhan Wang's super pupil can no longer sneak in the dark and be exposed.

He looked a little changed, but he saw Chu Feng's body, moved in front of him and hit him with a fist!

When the fist is about to fall on the other party,

Chu Feng suddenly found that his thinking had become infinitely slow.

With one punch, he was very close to the other party, but his thinking stopped, as if he couldn't cross the threshold.

Zhan Wang's super pupil also exuded a trace of cold sweat on his face. Obviously, this pupil technique needs to consume extremely terrible pupil power to release Chu Feng!

He didn't dare to neglect. He immediately used this time. He gathered an invincible black knife in his hand and cut down Chu Feng's neck!

When the blade of the black knife is about to fall on Chu Feng's neck

Suddenly, Chu Feng's eyes kicked. Around his neck, there was a void crack just wide enough to accommodate the black knife.

When the black knife penetrates the past, it penetrates into the crack of the void.

"Void law?"

Zhan Wang Chaotong obviously didn't expect that Chu Feng had understood the law of emptiness. He was stunned at first.

But then, he felt a cool feeling from behind him.

He was like a beast, instinctively pulling to the side!

The black knife scratched along his shoulder, instantly broke his black armor, and a stream of blood splashed in the air.

While the other party's attention was distracted, Chu Feng immediately gathered all his pupil strength and broke the swamp like thinking limit.

His body immediately regained its ability to move.

"Interesting. It's the first time I've seen pupil surgery with limited thinking."

Chu Feng smiled.

Zhan Wang Chao Tong looked at Chu Feng warily and asked, "how did you release your move?"

Chu Feng said, "it's very simple. Even if my thinking is limited, there are still enough pupils. My eyes can move."

"Just use my eyes, release the fighting idea and break through a void, and you can break your move."

Zhan Wang's super pupil took a breath.

In this life, there will never be any more terrible opponent than Fengshen!

Even any available space will not be missed!

After using this mental confinement, it is already the last means of Zhan Wang's super pupil.

His pupil strength has now consumed two-thirds.

In the face of the most terrible opponent, Zhan Wang Chaotong directly used his strongest attack means at the beginning, constantly calculated the other party and made use of the strongest point of his pupil technique.


After a series of attacks, Feng Shen not only remained intact, but also didn't use much pupil power. He has dissolved all his means.


No, it's not possible!

The next second, all the combat power erupted on the Zhan Wang's super pupil!

The last force is useless!

PS: it's five o'clock. Thank you for your words