
"Perhaps, today we the God of war world, a new generation of God of war will appear!"

"It is said that Ao Feng has reached five million points of the power of the God of war?"

"Yes, as long as he steps into the strongest realm, maybe he can become the strongest God of war!"

"But what should he do if he falls into the devil's way and is doomed?"

"Then we... Maybe everyone will be finished!"

The sky of the whole ares world turned black at this time.

From a distance, they could see a figure standing above the sky, emitting a terrible smell all over their body.

All the surviving super pupil people also stopped fighting at this time and looked at the human figure of Fengshen Weian from a distance, just like the God of heaven, suspended on the nine days.

"The highest level of copy!"

"It seems that Feng Shen can often reach this level?"

"I don't know how he did it..."

"It is said that when you reach the realm of God of war, you can get SSS level evaluation."

"Isn't that God going to get additional super pupil talent?"

"Has anyone ever calculated how many kinds of pupil techniques there are on Feng Shen?"

"It's hard to say that the super pupil of some copies can be integrated together, but as far as the current intelligence is concerned, I'm afraid no one knows how many pupil techniques there are in Fengshen."

"Moreover, each time a copy of the Raider strategy, Feng Shen can obtain a new additional super pupil. We can only roughly guess what the super pupil's ability is, but we can't confirm what kind of ability he has. This is the most terrible!"

"Yes, Fengshen is already more unfathomable. However, his strength is still expanding. If I get to the back, I can't imagine how strong Fengshen is."

These super pupil people look at the gods with worship eyes.

Perhaps, before that, they will question or envy the achievements of Fengshen.

But after this copy, from inheriting the will of the proud war king to going to the murderous emperor to solve the two war kings of the murderous emperor, how long did it take?

Even if they were to solve their opponents in such a short time, it is estimated to be choking.

It can be said that the strength of Fengshen has broken through their cognitive category and can not be measured by human beings!

Therefore, no one here will fight against Feng Shen, and no one will envy his achievements.

When a person's level reaches too high, people all over the world will not envy such people, because they know they have no such ability at all.

Others enter the copy and know that the God of seal is also in the God of war world. Those who threatened to challenge before have shut up at the moment.

They have heard that Hongyang was chased and killed by the gods for several days. He degenerated from a generation of war king to the power of the God of war, even less than five figures. Finally, he was killed by an aborigine!

Become the joke of the whole copy!

All this is because he chose the wrong opponent.

Good, why provoke the evil star of the God?

The super pupil who still had any idea about the God, now obediently shrank in his turtle shell and didn't want to say a word more.

Well, it should be lucky that others don't come to their own trouble!

And find someone else's trouble?

Do you think your life is not long enough?

Standing between heaven and earth.

Chu Feng's thoughts became stronger and stronger.

"The last important thing in Lingtian war magic formula is to turn your fighting idea into killing idea!"

"Because these two different cultivation systems cause too much confusion in the process of transformation, it will lead to loss of consciousness."

"However, I have a causal link between good and evil, and good and evil thoughts can be transformed."

"As long as the ability to launch causal transformation, even if you step into the last layer and fall into the devil's way, the cause and effect pupil of good and evil can also change the result!"

After Chu Feng reached the realm of half step God of war, he could better understand the defects of the last layer of Lingtian war magic formula than anyone.

If we say that different cultivation systems will lead to mental confusion, even if we reach the realm of God of war, we may not be able to solve this problem.

However, Chu Feng has the cause and effect pupil of good and evil.

Itself can transform this evil thought.

Therefore, using the last layer of Lingtian war magic formula will not cause any problems!

"Then try it!"

Chu Feng thought.

Then, his God of war thought gradually opened up a new space.

The idea of killing God!

Yes, the last important part of "Lingtian beheading the devil" has doubled its god of war power, which has opened up a new layer of space.

After the God of war idea is 100% transformed into the idea of killing God, the power of two different ideas can coexist in Chu Feng's body.

He naturally gained twice the power of the God of war.

However, in the process of cultivating martial arts, their God of war thoughts are transformed into 100% God killing thoughts, which will be lost.

In this case, the newly born idea of killing God will overwhelm the consumed idea of war god, so as to erode the mind of the super pupil.

The reason why reaching the God of war can not solve this problem is that after entering this realm, the opponent is not others, but himself.

Defeating yourself is always more difficult than defeating others!

When Chu Feng stepped into this realm

Suddenly, the whole world fell into an atmosphere of killing!

It seems that an unparalleled demon God will be born in this world!

"No, can you say that Ao Feng is really going to fall into the devil's way?"

Not to mention others, even Ling Tianzhan's eyes showed a worried look.

If Feng Shen really falls into the devil's way, then everyone present may really be finished!

Just then,

Chu Feng opened the cause and effect pupil of good and evil.

Causal transformation!

Originally, the idea of killing God wanted to suppress the idea of God of war.


Because of the transformation of cause and effect between good and evil, this result has been rewritten.

Although, Chu Feng also consumed a lot of pupil force.

However, his current God of war thought, after overriding the idea of killing God, turned into a golden ocean in the sea of knowledge, and wrapped up all the breath of the idea of killing God!

Then, digest slowly!

Finally, the idea of killing God completely disappeared, leaving only the idea of God of war.

But the God of war thought left behind is twice as much as before!

Open the panel again——

Ares power: 10000000

Ten million points of the power of the God of war!

After reaching the level of God of war, the value has been capped!

A startling will burst out of Chu Feng and ran through the sky!

At this moment,

Chu Feng's consciousness suddenly felt that a cold eye covered the whole world.

That is the pupil of heaven!