The Dark Universe is illuminated by countless flames.

The terrible energy of star rail guns, in the case of mutual bombardment, huge sparks lit up outside the window of the star ship.

Through the glass window, looking in the direction of the explosion of the satellite rail gun from a distance, it is like a gorgeous fireworks blooming, dazzling, but full of danger.

That magnificent scene was born in destruction and died in silence.

Because the universe is a vacuum and does not spread sound, the magnificent explosion was carried out silently.

Only those who witnessed this scene can experience the ultimate feeling.

Of course, Saint Nantian will not have the mind to enjoy such beautiful scenery.

All his attention was on the Starship opposite.

After a brief peak explosion, the number of satellite orbit guns fired from that ship became less and less.

Those moth like fighters, all under the attack of their own ten star spacecraft, turned into countless stars and burned out.

The battle in the star world is so terrible.

Ultimate attack, ultimate destruction, ultimate computing.

These fighter planes, placed in the middle of the earth, may bring great disaster to a super pupil country.

However, in the star aviation world, these fighters can only be cannon fodder, and some will even be used to resist the attack of star rail guns.

"The ammunition opposite has been used almost. We can get closer."

Saint Nantian gave orders indifferently.

After being used to seeing these destruction, even those with hypermydriasis gradually became indifferent.

In the star world, such destruction is just too normal.

If you want to play a qualified role here and ignore life and death, it is a basic law.

With his command, nine StarCraft slowly approached the T1 StarCraft opposite.

However, Saint Nantian's own starship did not move.

Because the mother's spine is still left, one hand self explosion is not used.

Although the other side's satellite orbit gun weapons have been used almost, and the most terrible power has been exhausted, the T1 level satellite orbit spacecraft itself still has a lot of energy.

If there is an explosion, the consequences will still be unimaginable.

However, after calculation, the damage caused by the explosion of opposite spacecraft in orbit is weakened a lot because it consumes a lot of satellite orbit guns.

Therefore, one's own orbiting spacecraft can approach the opposite side as close as possible.


At this time, Saint Nantian suddenly looked at his Protoss certificate.

The light of this Protoss card seems to be much brighter for a moment.

But then it quickly returned to normal levels.

"Is it an illusion?"

Saint Nantian had some doubts. Just now his attention was focused on the battle in front of him, but he was subconsciously aware of his Protoss certificate, which seemed to cause a slight fluctuation just now.

But after his careful examination, he found that the protoss certificate of Fangxin arsonist had not been opened.

"Maybe that guy's super pupil is not suitable for the star navigation world at all. Just because he has the protoss certificate, he came here by force?"

Saint Nantian couldn't help but make such a guess.

His face became strange, too.

The other party should not know that the protoss card has three pieces of information. After all, this is the inheritance of the gods given to him by the lunatics of Linyuan guild.

In that case, it can only be that the hearty arsonist has not obtained the control of the starship, so opening the protoss card has no effect.

Conjecture belongs to conjecture, but only the hearty arsonist knows what the facts are like.

However, I haven't seen the other party use the protoss certificate for so long to determine the other party's position


Saint Nantian always feels a little uneasy about his psychology.



"The infrared security system is completely off!"

"Explosion proof mode start!"

"Energy is temporarily dormant..."

Chu Feng's mind moved. In the starship, the high-level personnel controlled by him immediately closed all kinds of defense devices according to his will.

The monitoring screen was also cut off.

All the researchers withdrew from the room in the name of rest.

Therefore, even the mother's spine had no idea what had happened to Chu Feng.

"Little white fox, let's move to the position where the mother's spine is."

After Chu Feng summoned dunkong fox, he went to his mother's spine in an instant in order to use dunkong's ability.

The little white fox immediately nodded and moved.

Then, one person and one fox disappeared in situ in an instant!



General control center.

All the attention of the mother spine is still in the battle of Xinghai.

For the enemy in front of us, we can't solve it all the time. The mother spine feels extremely angry and furious.

The spine on the ground began to crawl indiscriminately.

All kinds of scarlet mucus filled the general control center.

The scene looks disgusting

Just then,

A faint spatial wave emerged not far from the mother's spine.

Then, from the void, the shadow of one person and one fox appeared!

Chu Feng just stepped out, and the scarlet light reflected in his eyes.

Pupil of hell!

To deal with this female spine, we need to directly use the most extreme mental control to control each other.

The mother's spine immediately felt a stabbing pain from her soul!

She was shocked to find that [zero] broke away from the control of the laboratory and activated all Protoss King blood!

At that moment, the mother spine felt a fatal crisis and hurriedly wanted to detonate the whole starship and die with Chu Feng!

"Explosion proof system start!"

"Core energy has entered sleep mode and is restarting..."

"Remaining time of blasting..."





Unfortunately, at the last second, the system stopped broadcasting.

The mother's spine completely lost her consciousness and was annihilated by the pupil of hell sealed by Chu!

The spine crawling on the ground immediately stopped its activity and entered a state of death.

After losing the mother's spine, these spines are a plate of loose sand.

All the humans controlled by the spine fell down.

Their nerves have been completely eroded by the spine and entered a state of necrosis!

"It seems that this spaceship has little use value."

Chu Feng shook his head. So much energy was used as weapons to deal with the super pupil outside. Even if he controlled the spacecraft, it was useless.

He took out the protoss certificate, slightly activated his ability, and immediately obtained the position of Saint Nantian.

Because Chu Feng has the blood of the protoss king, he can give full play to the ability of the protoss certificate.

in other words......

Chu Feng can find Saint Nantian, but Saint Nantian can't find him!

With a move of thought, the little white fox launched his ability to escape again and took Chu Feng away.

Before leaving, a paper man stayed in place and suddenly turned into a zero face!

The space movement of the little white fox made Chu Fengshen come to the Starship where Saint Nantian was