Zerg home star.

A hoarse and ugly voice echoed throughout the mother planet.

"The heir of the protoss King's blood appears!"

"That blood is not completely extinct..."

"He will bring disaster and crisis to our race!"

"Find him and kill him!"

After hearing the sound, the dense Zerg troops made a sharp cry.

Zerg mother planet, on this planet full of giant Zerg, suddenly became crazy!

Countless huge Zerg, full of wings after evolution and variation, flew to the boundless universe.

They received the signal and are using their nose with great sense of smell to explore the inaudible breath in the deep space of the universe.

Some insects that could not fly in the universe came near a huge ball.

Or... A huge meatball!

Then, the meat ball seemed to sense some indication, and its ball slowly opened around.

There is a space in it.

All the middle and lower Zerg swarmed into the interior of the sphere.

When it is full of Zerg troops, it can't even accommodate more Zerg

Like a balloon, the sphere began to float into the sky.

With the dense Zerg troops, they killed the boundless universe together.

At the same time

In the star navigation world, all hypermydriasis have received a task prompt:

"The Zerg have sent large troops to sweep the universe. Please be careful of the Zerg's attack!"

Except Chu Feng, all the super pupil people are in a state of ignorance!

The Zerg launched a big chase. Isn't that the final stage that should be opened after ten years of exploration?

It's only three months now

Are you kidding me?

However, there is not much time left for them!

Since the protoss was nearly extinct and the human mother planet was destroyed, no one in the universe can stop the development of Zerg!

They reproduce at an amazing rate and leave hatching eggs on various planets to rule the whole universe.

When the leader of the Zerg's parent planet gave the general order, the Zerg of the whole universe poured out!

According to the hint from the mother's spine

Protoss King blood is in the T1 star ship!

It can be predicted that the next Zerg forces will launch a thorough pursuit of all human starships!



"Three complete Protoss certificates have been completely collected."

Chu Feng took a deep breath.

In front of him, a complete star map is unfolded!

On this star map, not only the positions of all Terran starships are marked, but also all the inheritance places of Protoss and the positions of Zerg can be found by Protoss certificates!

After collecting the three Protoss certificates, the super pupil is equivalent to opening the full picture insight mode!

He soon found that there were more than a dozen Zerg ovaries away from his direction, which belonged to a very dangerous route.

Because these Zerg ovaries are deeply buried in the soil of various planets and have not been fully hatched, even the original detection function of the star spacecraft may not be able to scan these guys.

If not for the complete star map, if we go on like this, I'm afraid the ship will suffer.

"In another place, first pass on some of the protoss to you."

Through the marking of the protoss certificate, Chu Feng switched to a safer route.

On the way to these routes, you can also find some Protoss weapons left in the land of protoss inheritance.

The strongest weapon that Terrans can take out is the star rail gun.

However, in front of the protoss, the star rail gun is a brother.

"Ignite the acceleration engine device!"

"Target: Sirius!"

After the accusation was made, a thick laser flame immediately rose behind the Starship.

Then, Chu Feng's starship was ten times faster than before!

In the universe, the spaceship is like a meteor. After changing one direction, it moves towards other star regions at an incredible speed.

On the way to the original direction of the starship, a dozen planets suddenly heard a strange noise.


A large number of dense Zerg were born from the planet.


A dozen huge meat balls broke from the soil of these planets.

The size of this meat ball is incredible. It is even suspected that these meat balls occupy half of the center of the planet.

After a long incubation, they seem to be full enough!

Then all the Zerg swarmed into the meat ball.

The meatball expands outward, opening a space similar to a petal.

All the Zerg entered the petals, and then the meat ball closed slowly.

When the petals were completely closed and reconstituted into a ball, a pair of strange eyes appeared on the outside of the ball.

Those eyes stared at the direction Chu Feng left.

No, exactly, a dozen pairs of eyes!

These meatballs belong to the higher creatures of the Zerg.

In the Zerg system, high-level intelligent creatures can send some infinite cosmic long wave signals.

Therefore, even if the higher Zerg are not on the home planet, they can contact the Zerg on the home planet.

If you use the Zerg language to describe it, this meat ball is [hatching insect].

However, the hatching insect is not just an egg. It even has independent wisdom to decide what kind of seeds and life to hatch.

Of course, hatching these advanced Zerg also requires a certain amount of energy.

They can devour special energy on some planets, not only provide enough evolutionary nutrition for themselves, but also hatch different races.

It can be said that this is a living egg!

And this egg can fly!

An ignorant T2 starship mistakenly entered here.

Of course, there are no superpupils on this ship.

Belong to the wandering aborigines in the universe

"No, there are hatching eggs around here!"

The captain suddenly sensed the Zerg vital signs nearby. His face changed greatly. Like seeing a ghost, he turned around and was about to escape.

However, the petals of the nearby hatching eggs opened!

A strong space energy, with the Zerg in the hatching eggs, takes off in an instant!

With the help of this power, the Zerg flew directly to the Starship like blinking!

Click, click!

Soon, the piercing beetle with sharp teeth had drilled into the interior of the Starship and destroyed all the energy supply systems inside!

In just ten seconds, the Starship lost its ability to resist.

There was a wailing sound inside.

"Detection, there is no Protoss King blood here."

Hatching eggs send a signal of disappointment.

Five seconds later

The Starship was completely destroyed by the Zerg in a huge explosion!