Use the supreme pupil.

Chu Feng has figured out what the reason is.

"It turned out that this situation was related to the five super pupil people I let go at that time..."

"The blade queen is much stronger than I thought. Her blade can damage the detection system of protoss inheritance and open up a walking channel."

"If the five super pupils didn't come in, with the strength of the queen of the blade, it might not be necessary to trigger the prohibition..."

Chu Feng narrowed his eyes. After the forbidden attack on the queen blade, there seemed to be no problem.

Start the supreme pupil again.

Originally, the blade queen has the powerful undead rebirth ability of the Zerg.

As long as there is one cell left, it can regenerate.

When the prohibition was triggered just now, the blade queen hid in a weak corner and covered herself with Zerg scales.

This kind of scale can provide a very strong defense for the queen of blade. It is as strong as the sharp blade behind her.

Of course, after the impact of prohibition, the scales of the blade queen have been completely destroyed, and the chance of rebirth has been used once.

Undead Zerg's blood can regenerate three times, and different from the pupil of reincarnation, you can choose the time of regeneration.

The pupil of reincarnation can only be resurrected immediately, so it can't escape the attack of prohibition.

However, the rebirth of the queen of the blade can wait until the end of the prohibition, and then through a little cell retained, and then it can be completely reborn.

It can be regarded as the top individual combat effectiveness in the world of Star Airlines!

Even the prohibition can't solve this kind of thing. It can be imagined how strong the queen of the blade is.

The little white fox on Chu Feng's shoulder also showed vigilant eyes and roared at the queen of blade.

The next second,

A sharp blade stabbed Chu Feng's heart!

The speed is so fast that it even produces a sonic boom!

Ordinary people's visual capture ability can hardly see the action of the blade attack, so they have been pierced in the chest.

After Chu Feng opened the eternal God's eyes, the picture in front of him suddenly slowed down.

Under super vision, he can quickly capture the actions of the blade queen.

The figure flashed.

The dunkong fox has the ability to start blinking and shuttle in this small space.

Although you can't teleport outside the protoss core area, there's no problem teleporting inside.

However, after the next blink, the other two blades attack from the left and right sides!

There are six blades behind the queen of blade. It's not enough to dodge an attack in a flash!

Chu Feng's left eye became deep.

The void in front of him rippled like water waves.

The blade of the blade queen turned an arc strangely and stabbed in the other direction. With a "Ding" sound, it collided with another blade and made a crisp sound.

Chu Feng's pupils also turned scarlet.

Hell is coming!

Mind control pupil has no effect on the blade queen connected with the whole Zerg.

Therefore, he gave up the pupil of reincarnation and the eighteen layers of hell and chose to use the most powerful means to control the queen of the blade.

However, at the moment when the underworld came, the figure of the blade queen retreated instantly!

The coming of the underworld is a range of damage, but it can only come around with Chu Feng as the center, and the area can not be said to be very large.

The speed of the blade queen was too fast. In the blink of an eye, she avoided the coming range of the underworld.

Within the barrier, the four ghosts stared coldly at the blade queen outside, but their bodies were stuck in the barrier and could not go out.

Although the coming of the underworld is a very powerful pupil technique, it is limited in scope.

If the enemy is not within his own border, it is impossible to produce any effect.

Chu Feng immediately took back the hell, and his pupil power consumed another part.

Before, Chu Feng only recovered half of his pupil force. Next, every minute of his pupil force must be used very carefully.

The queen of blade looked at Chu Feng warily.

She also seems to be aware that this human is not ordinary and has strong strength.

Neither side moved casually.

Chu Feng's pupil continued to switch back to the eternal God's eyes, and secretly calculated the next battle in his heart:

"My super pupil now basically has only eternal God eyes, which is more suitable for fighting with such a fast opponent."

"Hou Yi's bow and three pointed two edged knife can't achieve good results. The opponent's speed is too fast. Ordinary attacks can't hit the opponent at all."

"Wait... Maybe I have another pupil operation that can be used..."

An idea suddenly appeared in Chu Feng's brain.

However, this requires a lot of pupil force.

And... Can only be used once.

But this may be the best way to deal with the queen of the blade!

"That's it!"

Chu Feng decided to pay attention.

The queen of blade's eyes moved and seemed to find a flaw in each other!

She rushed up without hesitation!

The royal blood of the Zerg is mainly fighting.

The queen of the blade has part of the ability of the prophet. She can see through the opponent's actions and make a prediction, so she can avoid the hell of Chu Feng in advance.

And her eyes now catch a flaw in each other.

The queen of blade will not miss such a good opportunity!

Her figure, as if in a shaking God, had appeared behind Chu Feng.

However, Chu Feng's super pupil has been switched.

A radian appeared at the corner of his mouth


The blade of the queen of blade was about to reach out when she suddenly found that the blade couldn't reach out!

It seems that there is an invisible diaphragm that completely blocks the blade of the blade queen!

Her face changed and she wanted to run away at once.

However, it seems that there is an invisible barrier around, which traps the queen of blade in this small space. She can't go out by any means.

And this space is just the size of an alchemy furnace!

you 're right!

This flaw was deliberately sold by Chu Feng to the queen of blade in order to lure the other party to attack his back.

At the moment of selling the flaw, Chu Feng has switched the eternal God's eyes to the pupil of Heaven (b), and predicted the next action of the queen of the blade through the previous calculation.

Think you'll predict?

The calculation power of eternal God's eyes is not necessarily worse than the prophet's prediction ability!

Chu Feng's heart moved, and the alchemy furnace of the supreme old gentleman suddenly appeared above the queen of the blade.

"As a Zerg, what I fear most should be the damage of fire!"

"You should take a bath!"

Samadhi true fire flows down from the alchemy furnace into rolling magma!

Instantly covered the whole body of the blade queen!