In the early morning.

In the basement, it is very lively.

However, in the bustling crowd, the voice of conversation is unusually small.

Most people wait according to the previous agreement, and then quietly complete the transaction.

in fact,

The official executor naturally knows that this disorder has occurred.

But they are poor

Therefore, sometimes some official fiscal revenues need to rely on this underground black market for some cash.

The existence of the black market often involves official intervention.

This is a place where black and white blend!



A man in a cap stood in the middle of a prepared trading place.

He felt his baggage with his hand and made sure that the bottle of magic medicine was still in it. Leisurely, he took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and smoked.

After a long time.

The man with a duck tongue hat looked at his watch and frowned.

It's past the agreed time for the transaction.

"Why hasn't that guy appeared yet?"

The man with a duck tongue hat couldn't help muttering.

When he put his hand in the bag again, his face suddenly changed.

That bottle of magic medicine is gone!



"It's interesting that the official arbiter also intervenes with the unofficial."

This information, the latter part, Chu Feng still knew through the supreme pupil.

After all, the information obtained by [the prophet of truth] cannot be all of the world. In that case, the amount of information is too huge and not easy to accept!

Therefore, what Chu Feng knows is the key part. As for the social order and situation of the world, it still needs follow-up exploration to know all the appearance.

In short, what is certain now is that people in this world are not as easy to deal with as they think.

Especially that organization!

Even playing with dolls!

Chu Feng had just seen that the man with a duck tongue hat was the official arbiter. If he had completed the transaction in the past, he would be surrounded by the arbiter lying in ambush next to him.

At that time, they will use coercion and inducement to join the official organization.

First, after joining the official organization, it is better to control these idle superpowers.

Second, after mastering this black history, it is more convenient to send these people to perform any tasks in the future.

A means to trap people alive!

After all, these arbitrators deal with secrets and are very careful!

If this set is used to deal with ordinary people, isn't it a dead game?

Unfortunately, Chu Feng had already seen all this with the supreme pupil and got the other party's magic medicine in his hand by distorting the void.

"It's time to take the potion!"

Hiding in a deserted place, Chu Feng took out the bottle of magic medicine.

Inside the bottle, there is a sticky liquid.

It looks like some kind of inexplicable secretion!

It gives people a very disgusting feeling

However, through the hint of the pupil of heaven, Chu Feng can be sure that this bottle of magic medicine is genuine.

Can help you become a real mystery scholar!

"Whatever, drink it and try it!"

Chu Feng frowned and took a deep breath.

After opening the potion, a pungent smell almost made him throw the bottle of potion into the nearby sewer.

However, considering that this ragged body was taken out of the tomb, it seems that it is not a matter to drink this bottle of magic medicine.

Gollum, Gollum, Gollum!

Chu Feng poured this bottle of magic medicine on the spot!

A burning feeling came from my throat!

The smell

Chu Feng only felt that he didn't want to taste this "unique" taste in his life!

Even if he didn't drink it with his real body, Chu Feng didn't want to try again!

That feeling is simply stimulating the whole nerve of your brain through the taste buds of your tongue!


Chu Feng felt his brain become heavy.

Things in the field of vision began to twist together.

The picture becomes hazy and blurred

It's like the picture you received when you were a spirit!

Chu Feng was surprised to find that his body showed signs of separation from this body!

Just then, the mysterious shadow floated out again, trying to regain the dominance of the body.

"Abominable existence!"

Chu Feng's ability to activate the secret pupil immediately!

This time, it seemed that the mystery could no longer escape Chu Feng's control and became screaming!


"This bottle of magic medicine not only transformed Angus's body, but also forced out the mysteries in his body!"

"After swallowing the mystic's Potion, Angus's body has another crazy power, so he can squeeze out the mystery!"

It means that the three forces are now competing for the initiative of Angus.

Originally, the reason why Chu Feng couldn't kill the mystery was that it was connected with Angus' body. If he killed the mystery, it would be equivalent to solving Angus' body together.

However, because the potion transformed Angus' body, Angus' body changed in the process of transformation, so there is no place to accommodate mysteries.

After the mysterious shadow was separated, it was a dark shadow with hatred.

It looked at Chu Feng with hateful eyes. It seemed that it was unwilling to accept its rebirth plan, so it failed!

However, Chu Feng opened the secret pupil and injected a divine pupil force into it again.

"If I don't get rid of this thing for a day, I can't rest assured for a day!"

Chu Feng's eyes showed a decisive color.

This time, he must completely solve the mystery!

Otherwise, this thing is like a time bomb. It may kill itself at any time!

"Ah ah ah!"

With a shrill cry

After the divine pupil force is integrated into the secret pupil, it suddenly gives full play to its complete ability for a short time!

Chu Feng took advantage of this little time and immediately launched the secret pupil control technique to control the shadow to die!

After his divine pupil power was integrated into the secret pupil, his personality suddenly changed!

After the mystery was controlled by Tiantong, it could no longer resist this huge spiritual power and exploded and died!


At the same time.

The carriage.

The young man smiled at the corners of his mouth.


Under the pale moonlight, the carriage stopped suddenly.

The figure of the youth suddenly integrated into the moonlight and into the boundless night.

"I found you!"

There was a silver light in his pupils.

In the picture, a man in a black dress drinks magic medicine!