At this point,

The super pupil forum of the Dragon Kingdom has also been completely bombed!

"Sleeping trough, have you heard that there is an evil god in the cherry blossom country!"

"My God, what the hell is going on?"

"Hum, they probably want to do something bad to our dragon Kingdom, but now they have suffered the consequences!"

"Shit, brothers, some people on the Internet say that this is our revenge on the cherry blossom country. Isn't that funny?"

Some western media began to be demons again!

Their mainstream argument is that after the Dragon Kingdom experienced the crisis of the recovery of evil gods last time, this time it used the same method to retaliate against the cherry blossom kingdom.

This statement has won the support and approval of many people.

Although the super pupil people in the West generally think that divination is very powerful, it does not mean that their brains become better.

On some issues, a group of fools will still be fooled as long as they are guided by public opinion.

The super pupil of the Dragon kingdom had a curse war with the western media.

Of course, this battle is meaningless.

After all, the fundamental position of the two sides is not the same at all.

"Hum, anyway, this time it's the cherry blossom country. I don't have any good fruit to eat!"

"Just say what other countries like. Just ignore them anyway!"

"Deserve it... Who let the cherry blossom country do these things all day? I think they are now reduced to this end. They must die by themselves!"

Although the tense has not been completely clear.

However, the super pupil of the Dragon Kingdom soon got together.

In the face of rumors outside, when the Dragon kingdom should unite, it is still very united.

Just then,

The forum suddenly had a post and rushed to the top again.

There is a barrier at the border of Cherry Blossom country, blocking everyone's access

This post immediately attracted the attention of many people with hypermydriasis.

"Barriers? What is this?"

"It's something like a protective cover. All the cherry blossom people are trapped inside. None of them can get out!"

"Sleeping trough, so cruel?"

"Who can make such a terrible thing?"

All the Longguo super pupils have some doubts in their hearts.

The barrier has trapped the whole Cherry Blossom country, and the people inside can't get out!

Who has the ability to limit the whole country?

Even the Dragon Kingdom doesn't have such powerful technology, does it?

Of course, the latest video has been circulated.

Some real-time videos of the cherry blossom country were recorded. In the coastal areas, a group of super pupils were blocked by invisible barriers.

No matter how they use pupil surgery, or the pupil surgery of spatial movement type, they are trapped inside and can never come out!

"Sleeping trough, is this really true?"

"So many super pupil people can't get out of this barrier?"

"Who is the divine power?"

"I wonder if the cherry blossom Kingdom has committed too many sins and has been punished by the gods now?"

"I guess so!"

"People in the whole country are trapped inside. A group of super pupil people can't break through the barrier in any way, which..."

"It can only be said that miracles have reappeared!"

Of course, most long Guochao pupils have a theatrical attitude.

There are some kind-hearted ordinary people who mourn for the people of the cherry blossom country.

Few people really feel sad about it.

Why did the cherry blossom parliament create an evil god?

Combined with the recovery of evil gods before, in fact, in the hearts of all people in the dragon country, the answer is very clear - the cherry blossom country killed itself!

However, the mainstream rhetoric of overseas super pupil forces is different!

"We firmly believe that the Dragon Kingdom caused this phenomenon!"

"Yes, don't forget your God, who has won SSS level evaluation in the God of war world!"

"The expert group has analyzed the structure of the God of war world and found that in that world, when obtaining SSS level evaluation, the extra super pupil should be the pupil of heaven."

"The God of war world happens to be a imprisoned world, so the ability of super pupil also has something to do with imprisonment."

"If everyone in the cherry blossom country can't get in and out freely, it can only be the confinement of the pupil of heaven, so that they can't break this space."

"You are the only one who has won the SSS level evaluation of the God of war world and has the opportunity to use the pupil of heaven!"

This conjecture has shaken many long Guochao pupils.

There are some hypermydriasis who have studied copies. In fact, they also recognize the analysis of Western media.

After all, Fengshen has won the SSS rating of the God of war world, and it seems that he is the only one in the world who can do such things.

However, most of the Longguo super pupils still think that this is just the western media throwing dirty water on Feng Shen!

"Funny, a super pupil can deal with a country's super pupil. Are you kidding when you think of pupil strength?"

"Yes, even if you can get such a big imprisonment, do you think you don't need to consume pupil power?"

"If you have the ability to make any super pupil, you have the ability to fight the super pupil of the whole country, otherwise don't be funny there!"

"I've seen our coastal areas. There's no large-scale action of Longwu Health Organization at all. Even if you want to say that our dragon Kingdom uses the power of Fengshen to make this action, but Fengshen doesn't get the support of other people who share the pupil power system, you'd better shut up as soon as possible!"

Shared pupil force is super pupil, which naturally refers to those who can use the pupil force to others.

However, how can Feng Shen deal with the whole Cherry Blossom country?

Without the support of other hypermydriasis

Therefore, the rumors of the western media were defeated.

Just then

Dragon's super pupil forum, a post was suddenly put on the top!

What the cherry blossom country has done is just eating its own fruit

When they looked at Dingqing, they suddenly found that the person who sent this post was Fengshen!

This result was beyond everyone's expectation!

Originally, I thought that Fengshen had nothing to do with this matter. If his post was some clarification about whitewashing, the western media would be defeated.

After all, there can be no super pupil in the world who can use his own pupil force to fight against the super pupil in other countries.

However, the top post sent by Fengshen seems to imply that some information is in it.

"It seems that he is really a big man!"

"Yes, this account ID is officially certified!"

"I don't know what information the gods master?"

"Is it the Fengshen boss who caused all this?"

The post has only one title for the time being.

Seeing this post, all Longguo Chaotong people are talking about it one after another.

And this matter has almost become the topic of discussion all over the world at this moment!