When the news of Cherry Blossom country spread to other countries, many people were stunned!

This incident was actually made by the cherry blossom country itself!

They quickly responded. If the secret incubation plan is really implemented, not only the Dragon Congress will suffer, but also themselves will be affected!

After all, the world's oceans are connected!

If the cherry blossom country successfully carries out the secret incubation plan, all the people in the coastal areas will suffer!

For a time, public opinion turned over completely!

Many crooked people began to scold Dongshan group for its various shortcomings!

The word Linyuan guild was also exposed in the eyes of the masses for the first time.

Not only the cherry blossom country, but also some western countries have found that within their system, there seem to be many guilds similar to the Dongshan group, which command the resources of the super pupil!

If you look at this guild from the introduction of the warden, I'm afraid it's not a good thing!

What's more terrible is that the Linyuan guild is still connected with high-level officials in many countries!

The power behind it is unimaginable!

If one day in the future, all the resources in the super pupil era are dominated by this guild, what will mankind become?

From the event of Cherry Blossom country, there are more things to be mapped!

The image of their own country, the guild worshipped by all kinds, has completely collapsed!

This is not a molded leader at all, but a demon ready to cut them at any time!

"Unexpectedly, there is such a frightening truth behind this!"

"I thought what the media said was true. As a result, there was no truth at all!"

"They are birds of a feather!"

"Resist! Resolutely resist!"

"We must find out the guild that has all the connections with Linyuan guild, otherwise we can't sleep and eat!"

"Yes, we must find it!"

The curse of the masses in the West has been practiced.

The so-called western media dare not even fart in the sea of criticism!

All media personnel, as long as they have not signed the super pupil contract, quickly take the opportunity to resign and run away!

When this happens, all their identity information will be exposed in the super pupil era.

If the people around find that they have replaced these dirty media and maliciously publicized these things, the consequences

It's basically like social death, isn't it?



Linyuan guild.

The twelve shadows once again fell on the long table of the meeting.

"The secret incubation plan has completely failed."

The man sitting at the top said faintly.

There was some silence.

Everyone here did not speak.

What they never expected was that the cherry blossom country not only failed to complete the secret incubation plan, but also directly summoned the evil god.

The shadow sitting at the top, looking around at the bottom, suddenly chuckled:

"It seems that things can't be taken back at this point."

"It's getting farther and farther from our plan."

"Since the cherry blossom country has summoned evil gods, we might as well take advantage of this opportunity to open special points!"

Hear the word "special point".

All the shadows here were surprised.

"Do you really want to summon special points?"

"In that case, it's equivalent to developing with the whole world?"

"Sir, please think about it."

The head of the shadow paused and said, "I'll give you one last chance!"

"Use the power of all shadow killers to bring the gods back."

"I can't kill it. I need someone alive."

The other shadows jumped in their hearts and didn't know what they were speculating about.


After a moment, a dark figure replied.

After the meeting.

All the shadow killers in the Dragon Kingdom have got an intelligence:

"Whatever the cost, be sure to bring the God back!"



Dragon Kingdom, in a corner.

A man in a black robe with countless names reflected in his eyes suddenly raised his head.

"The original God is in the cherry blossom country!"

"No wonder my heavenly eye couldn't find him!"

"Now, he's finally back!"

At that moment,

Tianyan launched his ability and finally locked the position of Fengshen!

Countless shadow killers lurking in the Dragon Kingdom, like sneaking in the night, suddenly disappeared!

The mighty shadow killer, towards the place where the God is, killed the past!

Among them, there are many shadow killers in Cherry Blossom country, who have long been red eyed!

They know that their families are being ravaged by evil gods!

After the seal God opened the pupil of heaven, they were isolated in it.

If you can kill Feng Shen, then the imprisonment of the pupil of heaven will disappear!

At that time, their families far away in the cherry blossom country can also get a glimmer of life!



Chu Feng thought and withdrew from the super pupil era.

His figure reappeared on the coast of the East China Sea.

Looking across the sea, Chu Feng's eyes didn't fluctuate much.

In fact, cherry blossom country is fully capable of solving this incident.

However, few of them can stand up.

In this way, a nation that does not even have the spirit of righteousness towards its own people can expect any humanitarian impact on them?

forget it!

Chu Feng thought that he would not have any kindness to these animals.

Just then,

His other pupil of heaven suddenly came a hint:

"Detection, there is a shadow killer near you. Please deal with it carefully!"

"Number: 200!"

Two hundred shadow killers?

Chu Feng raised his eyebrows gently.

Next second!

Countless shadows appeared around him!

The pupils of those dark shadows burst out all kinds of light!

Pupil surgery!

Boundless pupil!

These pupil techniques are like an ocean. They want to devour Chu Feng!

At this moment, Chu Feng's figure disappeared from the original place in an instant.

Before his eyes, a space of the heavens reappeared.

"Hoo, luckily I left a hand to prepare, but I escaped!"

Chu Feng breathed a long breath in his heart.

The space of the heavens is a shelter for those with hypermydriasis.

As long as you can successfully escape, you can bring yourself a glimmer of life!

He hurriedly used the super pupil connection to contact Xia Longwu.

"I've been attacked by many shadow killers here. Can longwuwei support me?"

Xia Longwu's face changed and asked, "what happened to you?"

"It's the shadow killer in the Dragon kingdom. They have noticed my existence, so they sent all their people to hunt me!"

"OK, I'll support you right away!"

Xia Longwu's voice was resolute.

PS: if the group number is in the author's words, count the votes. The recent data are very poo