The moment he finished this sentence.

The figure of brother embarrassing disappeared.

Finally, he left an embarrassing mask and fell in place.

Fictional existence?

What exactly is this ability?

Moreover, the gods come from the heavenly towers?

Lu Ping frowned, looked at Feng Shen and asked, "what does he mean when he says you come from the heavenly towers?"

Chu Feng frowned: "I don't know..."

Just then, he suddenly remembered that he came through!

For a moment, Chu Feng seemed to realize something.

"Does it mean that... Brother Jiong's real identity, like himself, is also through?"

"But wasn't your previous life on earth?"

"What does it mean to come from the heavenly towers?"

Of course, half of the other party's words left completely.

It seems that I don't intend to have more conversation with Chu Feng for the time being.

Chu Feng said faintly, "I don't know what kind of abacus they play."

"In reality, I was chased and killed."

"Now, there are two hundred shadow killers blocked at the exit of my heaven space and can't get out."

These words made the other people in the God group have little doubt.

If Feng Shen is pursued and killed, it means that he is definitely not with these people and the Linyuan guild.

Moreover, if Feng shen wants to really join the Linyuan guild, what is the need to target the whole Cherry Blossom country?

The other members of Chengshen group also had a little more trust in Chu Feng's eyes.

"Yes, it is estimated that this is just what the guy provoked discord. There is no need to pay attention to him!"

Jiang Xiaoyu hummed and said, "unexpectedly, the guy who looks mysterious is not a good thing from the beginning!"

Jiang Xuemo was silent and didn't know what he was thinking.

Chu Feng looked at Lu Ping: "what's the situation of longwuwei now?"

Lu Ping shook his head and looked a little heavy:

"The superior has removed Xia Longwu's position as head and has taken control of all the military forces of the Dragon state."

"According to the contract, long Wuwei can't take action without military orders."

"In other words, for some time in the future, long Wuwei is estimated to be abandoned and there is no way to stop anything."

"Once they choose to take action, it is equivalent to violating the super pupil contract and will be seized of the ability of super pupil."

Chu Feng realized that at the beginning, he would pour so many resources to cultivate super pupils and sign super pupil contracts!

If even the senior level of longwuwei comes from Linyuan guild, their initial goal is to use the binding nature of super pupil contract to control all major forces in the world.

Although it is impossible for him to control everyone, if a large number of excellent hypermydriasis people are used to restrict their activities with some contracts.

For example, if you can't fight your own people.

Then, the action of longwuwei will be very limited.

Of course, it is impossible to say that they need to follow any order.

For example, it is definitely against the spirit of the contract to directly order the super pupil to die, and the regulations will be repealed.

However, after seizing the military authority of longwuwei, Linyuan guild can order them to stay where they are and can't carry out any other actions.

In this way, if there are any changes in the Dragon Kingdom and the Dragon Wuwei can't take action, this force will be limited.

Chu Feng suddenly realized why Xia Longwu could sit in the head's position!

I'm afraid the Linyuan guild also valued Xia Longwu's ability to cultivate and attract talents, so it set him as the head and asked him to tap more potential super pupil people!

Usually, potential hypermydriasis can form a powerful fighting force.

Their super pupil surgery is much stronger than ordinary people!

However, once these people join the Dragon Wuwei, even if their strength is stronger than before, they will also be limited by the super pupil contract!

If one day the Linyuan guild wants to fight the world, then this force will be limited and unable to resist.

Once you resist, you will violate the super pupil contract!

"I see!!"

"Linyuan guild is playing a big game of chess!"

"This guild spent so much resources on betting, but cleverly used some settings of the super pupil contract to limit the actions of other super pupil people."

Chu Feng suddenly thought that even in Kassel college, there was a similar contract.

Moreover, if you join the Kassel organization, you must obey some of Kassel's arrangements, and you can't start with the organization and senior management of the same school.

This regulation is based on the name of "equality and mutual assistance". However, because Kassel college promises to give some benefits, this regulation is equal, mutual assistance and fraternity. It can't start with the senior management of the same school, so it's established.

Because the senior management promised to give some support to the students of Kassel college in terms of resources, it is equivalent to giving benefits.

As long as the benefits are given, the spirit of contract will be established in some advanced requirements.

This is the price to pay for accepting the benefits!

Chu Feng was very cautious when he first read the contract of Chengshen group.

It is also because this group will not accept too many benefits from others for no reason, so there is no risk of being controlled.

Of course, the goal of Jiong is not to control them.

According to Chu Feng's guess, brother Jiong's positioning should be an intelligence recipient.

And he said he was made up!

That may be the product of a superpupil!

The reason for this is to gather the excellent super pupil intelligence in the world.

Therefore, the content of the contract is arranged loosely.

But after a long time of information exchange and understanding, even a fool can infer the ability of the other party through the information exchanged for a long time.

I've exchanged a lot of information with brother embarrassing.

Therefore, the existence of Ji geben may have known all his super pupil abilities and made effective targeting!

Chu Feng told the other members of Chengshen group about this guess!

Jiang Xue and Lu Ping were stunned and showed thoughtful expressions.

"Yes, your conjecture is really right with their motivation!"

"But what is the purpose of this Linyuan guild to spend so much to control the super pupil of the world?"

"With their IQ, they should not make such a stupid idea of destroying the world?"

This villain's motive can only appear in third rate novels and comics.

It's ridiculous to destroy the world!

Chu Feng paused and said, "maybe they are trying to protect themselves."

"Because they come from the heavenly towers!"

"As superpupils, we are also invading their world."