After the sound.

When the other people looked at the young man, their eyes also showed a bit of disgust.

Chu Feng's mind moved and his eyes looked at the young man whom everyone despised.

On the other side of the sacrificial platform, a young man about 14 years old wore the same red sacrificial clothes, but his mask was different from others - it was a fox demon mask.

"Yes, how can he be the son of God?"

"There is inferior blood in the body!"

"Can't he see some unclean things? It's said that his parents were killed!"

"If this little disaster star stays in the village, I'm afraid it will bring disaster to all of us!"

The people around him pointed at the boy with cold eyes.

Usually, they may be busy with their own affairs and haven't said so much.

It's time to distribute benefits at the sacrificial platform.

These children who grew up in large families also began to form circles.

And that young man is the despised target.

"This child is quite sincere."

After opening the panel, Chu Feng unexpectedly found that more than half of the power of incense and fire was offered by the despised youth.

Read and feel a little with your heart

Chu Feng unexpectedly found that he and the young soul seemed to have a unique sense of intimacy!

"Can you say..."

Chu Feng's mind moved and opened the supreme pupil.

As the primary superpupil, the supreme pupil can still be activated at any stage of the Tiantong route.

The picture in front of me turned.

Chu Feng unexpectedly found that the fate picture he saw

"Previous life?"

A special feeling appeared in his mind.

These fate pictures are not the things of this life, but the previous lives of teenagers.

The boy in the picture looks a little older than himself.

His name is Xia Mugui.

The reason why the boy was chosen as the son of God was that he awakened his ability to see monsters.

In fact, these monsters are spirit bodies and should have been in the spirit world, but a huge disaster occurred before the floating world, resulting in the emergence of spirit bodies in this world.

Of course, there is no such setting of evil gods in the floating world, but there are legends of monsters.

Therefore, the form of spirit body becomes the form of monster.

Chu Feng also found that Xia Mugui's ability to see monsters was given by himself!

In the floating world, there is the setting of previous life and present life.

The Dragon God of the previous life made a fate with the boy and gave him the ability to see the spirit. In fact, it is the pupil skill of the Dragon God as the pupil of the sky.

Xia Mugui, who can see monsters, also has the ability to communicate with the spirit world.

However, in this life, he is too young to know how to use this power.

He was also frightened by the spirit body floating in front of him.

People in the village think Xia Mugui is a monster. They can see unclean things and are birds of a feather like monsters!

However, only the old patriarch knew that this ability came from the inheritance of the Dragon God, so he chose Xia Mugui as the son of God.

Even if the old patriarch died a few years ago, because the will is still there, the people in the village dare not withdraw Xia Mugui's identity at will.

This is also the reason why Xia Mugui is regarded as a monster, but can still stay in the village.

Of course, Chu Feng saw more than that.

As soon as the picture turned, the boy in front of him suddenly became like a previous life, and at that time, the Dragon God was still alive.

The sky looked unusually dark.

At the other end of the sky, a huge vortex appeared!

From the perspective of the Dragon God, that vortex is the source of the disaster!

The picture suddenly became chaotic.

Once again, the spiritual world has been completely integrated with the floating world.

Originally, there is a saying of reincarnation in the floating world.

However, since the emergence of the source of the disaster, the spiritual world has been chaotic, resulting in some spirit bodies with resentment. Because the spiritual fluctuation is too strong, it can affect the real world.

Therefore, some spirits cannot reincarnate and become monsters.

With all his strength, the Dragon God filled the loophole in the source of the disaster.

After Xia Mugui inherited the power of the Dragon God, he began to transcend these resentful monsters.

Fourteen years ago, Xia Mugui died in his previous life.

Reincarnate into this small village.

And the power of incense he provides to the Dragon God is also the most!

After learning this information, Chu Feng immediately realized that he might have some Tiantong power to stay on the young man.

Xia Mugui's pupil looks deeper than other peers.

He was used to hearing these rumors since childhood. In the face of the slander of these teenagers, he just glanced at the past.

When the deep eyes fell on others, they suddenly made these children of the same size feel hairy in their hearts.

"Ignore him, that's a monster!"

"I don't know what the old patriarch thinks. He set this monster as the son of God, and there's no way to abolish it!"

"We'd better not provoke him. You don't see that guy's eyes. It looks like a monster. Maybe he's staring at us, and we'll be contaminated with some misfortune!"

"It doesn't matter. We are the son of God. Even if this guy releases magic on us, the Dragon God will protect us!"


The group of gifted sons of God gathered together to discuss, without hiding their voice.

In fact, according to the traditional ceremony, there is still one last step not carried out - dripping blood!

Any son of God should drop blood to worship the Dragon God.

The son of God means that he has different life experiences and blood vessels. His previous life can be traced back to further. Their blood is of great significance for the recovery of the Dragon God.

However, when these blood are offered to the Dragon God, they will fall into a weak period of at least one month.

Before the old clan was born, the blood dripping ceremony must be carried out step by step.

But since the death of the old patriarch, the adults in the village loved their children, voted uniformly and abolished the blood dropping ceremony.

Therefore, the blood dripping ceremony that can offer the most incense power is gone!

The power of incense received by the Dragon God behind is also very few.

Xia Mugui gently took out a knife, cut a knife on his finger, and then dropped a drop of blood into the copper bowl for sacrifice.

When the bottom of the copper bowl was full, his slender and tender little hand placed the sacrificial copper bowl on the sacrificial platform of the Dragon God, bent down, knelt and kowtowed three heads.

Chu Feng felt a strong force flowing out of the copper bowl to nourish his damaged spirit.

In front of his eyes, a series of prompts also popped up:

[power of incense + 15]

[power of incense + 10]
