However, the top demons can fly. Where can the elders catch up?

Even if they have some mobile ancestors, they are far from catching up with the movement speed of the top demons.

In the blink of an eye, the powerful evil spirit suddenly appeared over the village.

When the villagers saw the huge evil spirit in the sky, they immediately exclaimed.

"Run! It's the top demon!"

"Elder, where have they gone?"

"It's said that the elders took out their ancestral utensils to punish evil spirits!"

"Then why haven't they come back now?"

"What's the point? Even the elders can't deal with the top demons when they send out ancestral weapons!"

Everyone was awestruck.

If the ancestors of the Shenzi family can't deal with the top demons, what else can we do?

Is it true that the end is coming like this?



Chu Feng looked down at all this and his eyes moved slightly.

He looked at the black robed priest and found that there was a strange smell on the man.

"This person's identity seems a little strange!"

"It seems... Not from this world."

"The way he controls the spirit body looks the same as the elder, but the way he uses it is completely different, as if he came from another world."

Open the supreme pupil.

From the fate picture of the black robed priest, Chu Feng saw that the other party had crossed a long space tunnel.

Then, after a long journey, he arrived at the floating world.

He opened a box.

A strange light burst out in the box.

Then the world began to become chaotic.

Spirit body and floating world are integrated together, and Demons disturb the world.

"This black robed priest is the culprit of all this?"

Chu Feng was a little surprised.

However, the last disaster should have been a hundred years ago!

Why does this black robed priest look no different from the fate picture?

Start the supreme pupil again.

Chu Feng unexpectedly found that after all this, the black robed priest came to other worlds through the tunnel of the black hole.

"Can he travel through the different worlds of the heavenly towers?"

This time, the ability of the black robed priest completely attracted Chu Feng's attention.

In other worlds

The black priest seemed to want to do something, but he didn't succeed.

"Maybe that box is the key. The black robed priest himself does not have such a powerful ability, but can shuttle through different celestial worlds."

"Is this an ability?"

"Or is it that the black hole originally connects different worlds, but it happened to be found by the black priest?"

Some doubts came to mind.

Anyway, in his eyes, the black robed priests were enemies.

At present, we should solve the current problems first in order to suppress the rampant of the top demons!

Chu Feng's eyes were placed in the shrine in another corner.

"Grandma Yan!"

He called in a deep voice.

Mother-in-law Yan immediately opened her eyes and murmured, "the world is not peaceful. There is an extremely Yin and evil force that is causing trouble again!"

"It's the top demon..." Chu Feng explained in a deep voice, "can you stop it?"

Chu Feng was not ready to use the wrath of the Dragon God to solve the top demons immediately.

After all, he couldn't see through the identity of the black priest.

Originally, in this replica world, there should be no super pupil opponent.

Even if there is a super pupil opponent, he can see the identity of the other party with the supreme pupil, and then effectively target it.

However, the identity of the black robed priest is more mysterious than the super pupil. It not only came from other worlds, but also opened the box, causing chaos in the floating world, the spiritual world and the real world.

After all this, he can calmly continue to go through the black hole tunnel to other celestial worlds.

This outsider may be able to avoid the damage of the Dragon God's anger. Chu Feng has only 5000 points [the power of incense], and the Dragon God's anger can't be launched several times.

If 1500 points of [power of incense and fire] were wasted at once, and Chu Feng couldn't use the extra super pupil talent now, if the [power of incense and fire] was gone, he would be out of ammunition and food!

"By the way, how much [power of incense] will it take if I untie the seal of grandma Yan and strengthen it to the top demon?"

This problem suddenly appeared in Chu Feng's mind.

Soon, he was prompted in the system panel.

"Untie the seal of grandma Yan and spend [power of incense X2000]!"

"Upgrade mother-in-law Yan from a high-level demon to a top-level demon, and spend [power of incense X1000]!"

"Maybe it's because mother-in-law Yan is a high-level demon who is infinitely close to the top demon, so the [power of incense] needs to be spent is not much."

Chu Feng secretly guessed in his heart.

If so, Chu Feng can get a battle positioning of a top demon and have a chance to use the wrath of the Dragon God.

"There is operating space!"

Chu Feng took a deep breath.

He naturally wants to solve the crisis.

After all, this village is one of the few villages that believe in the Dragon God in today's floating world.

Other villages also have their own ancestral gods. For a long time, the power of the Dragon God did not come to the world, so they lost many believers.

These sons of God are a few believers who can provide Chu Feng with a lot of [power of incense], so they must be protected!

The next moment,

Chu Feng thought.

"You consumed [power of incense x3500], untied the seal of mother-in-law Yan, and strengthened her into a top demon!"

The next moment,

Mother-in-law Yan's body burst out a powerful spirit breath.

The spirit in her eyes became clearer than before.

Chu Feng's heart moved: "maybe it's because grandma Yan's level has risen again, so she has restored more human nature."

"After all, grandma Yan is still a normal spirit, not an evil spirit full of resentment."

"So she can improve her thinking ability, but the black haired monster can't."



Over the village.

A dark storm swept the whole village!

Many villagers died in the storm!

Many houses were overturned in the sky.

Many injured people appeared in the street.

However, the top demons did not stop to absorb the essence of ordinary people.

After all, it doesn't make much sense for the level of top demons.

What it needs is the blood of the son of God!


The violent air flow lifted a luxurious mansion!

Inside, a group of 14-year-old girls huddled together with frightened expressions.

It is the son of God who is hiding!

The top demon immediately aimed at these gods!

Just as its black tentacles went towards the God son roll mat

The figure of mother-in-law Yan suddenly appeared in front of each other.