After the black robed priest fled, a black hole opened in front of him.

"Unexpectedly, people from that world came!" he muttered to himself.

Hesitated, the black robe put a small black carrier pigeon in the black hole.

There are terrible storms in the endless black holes!

The little carrier pigeon walked forward in the storm ravaged black hole channel. Although it was shaky, it was firmly moving towards its destination.

"If the Dragon God of the floating world recovers, I'm afraid there will be a lot of trouble."

The black priest murmured to himself.

Then, his figure also hid in the black hole and disappeared for the time being.



Linyuan guild.

Twelve shadows reappeared in the conference room.

A small black carrier pigeon appeared on the hand of one of the shadows.

"Chief, there seems to be an accident in the floating world!" he said in a deep voice.

The chief shadow sitting at the top nodded faintly.

"I see."

"What should we do now?"

The chief shadow pondered for a moment and then said, "the superpupil of the floating world is the key to the spiritual world and our primary goal."

"Unfortunately, the Dragon God can't promise to cooperate with us."

"Originally, the catastrophe had consumed all the strength of the Dragon God. Unexpectedly, he was still alive."

"You send a Tiantong to get there through the black hole and see what happened!"




In the Dragon kingdom.

Several super pupil people looked at the man in black suit in front of them with a dignified expression on their face.

"Be careful, he has the ability to change the rules!"

"Damn it, what the hell is this guy's pupil?"

"I don't know. In short, let's deal with it carefully. Now the Dragon kingdom is in chaos. It's said that some force has intervened in it!"

"How could this happen to our dragon kingdom?"

"I don't know, but now there are many more enemies in the Dragon Kingdom, and some big men have spread the news."

After a little communication, several super pupil people stared at the man in a suit with a dignified look.

Suddenly, a cloud of fog appeared on the man in suit.

"I have something else to do. I'll play with you next time!"


His figure disappeared!

Several dragon country super pupils were surprised: "is that guy a shadow killer?"

However, one of the hypermydriasis showed a look of doubt.

"No, I remember the shadow killer shouldn't act like this."

"If he wanted to kill us with his strength, I'm afraid he had already killed us. Why wait until now?"

"The shadow killer will only finish every task mechanically. His identity... Should not be so simple."

However, several Longguo superpupils immediately left for another place.

This is just a battle episode.



Next to the black hole.

The man in black suit hesitated and then showed a cautious expression.

"The problem of floating world seems to be much more serious than I thought!"

"The recovery of the Dragon God should be related to the super pupil in this world."


"Why did some strange feelings come from my pupil of heaven?"

A voice suddenly echoed in his ear:

"Nine days, how are you preparing now?"

"Prepare to go to the black hole and go to the coordinates of the floating world."

"Well, if anything happens in there, remember to keep your name first. If you are killed by a super pupil, your super pupil ability will be permanently obtained by the other party."

"I see..."

After nine days' simple reply, he entered the black hole.

He will go through a long movement to the floating world.



[power of incense + 70]

[power of incense + 75]

[power of incense + 80]

[power of incense + 85]

Chu Feng kept popping up tips in front of him.

Half a year has passed since the last time we solved the top demons.

In the past six months, Chu Feng lowered the power of the Dragon God from time to time and punished the evil people.

In the village, all the villagers have established a unified concept - the power of the Dragon God has indeed revived!

For a time, the power of faith in the village increased a lot than before.

Chu Feng can get a lot of incense power almost every day.

Of course, without the bonus of sacrificial ceremony, the power of incense and fire that everyone can provide is very limited.

But Xia Mugui prayed as usual every day.

With the blessing of the shrine and the son of God, Chu Feng obtained the most "power of incense and fire" from him!


Open panel——

Power of incense: 9766

Chu Feng had already felt that it was very close to the time of his transformation.

While the power of incense was improving, Chu Feng also felt that he belonged to the Dragon God and was slowly recovering.

His perception of the floating world became closer.

It's hard to describe what it feels like

It seems that the whole world is integrated with itself.

Every part of the world is like an organ in the body.

They are moving, changing, jumping

As long as Chu Feng carefully perceives it, he can perceive every change in the floating world through the personality of the Dragon God.

Just then

Chu Feng suddenly felt that a corner of the floating world had opened a hole!

"Is that guy back again?"

His eyes narrowed slightly. After the battle, the scene of the black robed priest hiding in the black hole had actually been seen by himself.

Those who have this ability seem to be black robed priests!

The Dragon God's position is becoming more and more complete. Chu Feng plans to solve the enemy!


After the black hole opened, it was another person who stepped out of the channel step by step!

He is wearing a black suit on the earth and sunglasses. He is 1.8 meters tall. He is completely a standard image of high, rich and handsome!

Such appearance is rare in the floating world, and the breath of the black robed priest is completely different from this man!

When the sunglasses were taken off, the way of heaven in this world was reflected in his eyes.

Deep in Chu Feng's soul, there was a sense of aggregation.

However, because he is still in the form of Dragon God, this feeling has not completely broken through.

"It's the pupil of heaven!"

Chu Feng immediately realized that his soul pupil, which belonged to the pupil of heaven, had a connection with the "Gao Fu Shuai".

He immediately thought of the identity of the man.

High level of Linyuan guild!

He is also the pupil of other heavenly pagoda worlds!

Does it mean that the other party is here——

The high level of Linyuan guild has mastered mature technology, which can allow the high-level Tiantong to enter and leave the world of heavenly towers freely?