All the people in the God group can feel the overwhelming killing intention emerging from Chu Feng's body!

Even in the age of super pupil that can't hurt people, the breath emitted by Feng Shen is still so terrible!

As if

They are not facing a person, but death!

Chu Feng said faintly, "I'll go to the base of longwuwei."

This calm tone fell on the ears of all the people in the group of gods, but it seemed thousands of times more terrible than the whisper of the devil!

As if, this voice fell and judged the fate of the enemy!

"Feng Shen, it's too dangerous for you to go alone?"

"Why don't we go too?"

Jiang Xue wanted to persuade Chu Feng, but she didn't say so much when she thought that the cherry blossom country was still dealing with evil gods.

The power of Fengshen is too terrible.

Moreover, from the floating world, Chu Feng received SSS level evaluation and was free to open the channel of the spiritual world.

Even if you lose to your opponent, you must have the ability to protect yourself.

Chu Feng shook his head and said, "don't follow."

"It's enough for me to deal with them alone."

After that, Chu Feng's figure disappeared in front of everyone!

His soul returned to his own space of the heavens.

"Two hundred shadow killers?"

Perhaps, everyone thinks that Chu Feng will get rid of the shadow killer's attack through the ability of the spirit world!


Chu Feng's mouth gently stirred up.

"Just right, try the first knife with you!"

In the space of the heavens, a light door slowly appeared, connecting the outside world.

Chu Feng stepped out.

In his eyes, there was a strong killing intention!



Beyond the heavens.

Two hundred superpupils, standing by!

When they saw a light door in front of them, all shadow killers were alert.

The slaying king, who led the team, looked heavy and said, "according to intelligence, Feng Shen has obtained the SSS level evaluation of the floating world and can enter the spirit world."

"At the moment he came out, all of us attacked him!"

"If not, follow him all the time and record his current position!"


The rest of the shadow killers, reply in unison!

Finally, the door opened completely!

All shadow killers are ready to attack Fengshen at this moment!

Even if he successfully enters the spiritual world, he will consume some things.

Otherwise, if 200 shadow killers can't deal with a super pupil, it's like losing big hair!

Just then

There is a prison in this world!

The shadow killers were surprised to find that they couldn't perform any pupil surgery!

"Pupil surgery is forbidden here!"

"The ability to use mobile classes is prohibited here!"

"It is forbidden to use the secret treasures of the heavens here!"

Three way law landing.

All shadow killers, including Chu Feng himself, can't use pupil power!

The confinement of the way of heaven has also blocked this heaven and earth.

Every super pupil here, not to mention the use of pupil surgery, and even super pupil connection, can't spread the news!

"The complete pupil of heaven?"

The king's face showed a shocking color.

Obviously, he didn't expect Chu Feng to enter the floating world, but he didn't open the pupil of Floating Life and enter the spiritual world, but opened the complete pupil of heaven?

In the intelligence, it is not said that Feng Shen has obtained this level of pupil art!

"It's over!"

At this moment, a feeling of uneasiness appeared in the heart of the king.

So far, I haven't heard that Fengshen failed in any copy mission.

Even if it is a positive encounter with an opponent at the level of Osaka Liufeng.

As a super pupil, killing Wang can guess that Chu Feng is an extremely careful opponent. He will never make a move that may fail.

After these three forbidden laws come down

All the superpupils present can't use any pupil surgery!

Together with the ability of the shadow killer, it can't be used.

Because this belongs to the ability of mobile class!

The best thing is

Chu Feng even banned the use of the secret treasures of the heavens!

After the promulgation of these three laws, all the people shrouded in the confinement of the heavenly way have become ordinary people!

"Can he really beat two hundred at a time?"

Deep in the heart of killing the king, I feel that this idea is very absurd.

If you can't use pupil surgery, everyone present should be just ordinary people.

Feng Shen doesn't really want to beat two hundred each, does he?

With an ordinary body!


At this time, Feng Shen suddenly moved!

His body came to one of the shadow killers in an instant.

One punch!

The other party's head burst open!

Now, all the shadow killers are stupid!

"I know, there is power pupil on the body of Fengshen!"

At this moment, the king finally understood why the gods would promulgate these three laws.

In the age of pupil surgery, the super pupil of the power enhancement system can be said to be the weakest pupil surgery.

At the beginning, it was basically eliminated by the copies of the heavenly towers.

As shadow killers, most of their abilities are very treacherous. They have no power system at all. This barbaric and rough pupil technique!

The eternal God eyes of Chu Feng can provide him with blood power.

His combat power at the moment is placed in the martial arts world, which has also reached the level of martial arts saints!

Think about it, the martial arts saint in the martial arts world appears in the real world

It would only be a massacre for everyone present!




The violent fist hit the human body, but the sound was like a mountain collapse!

When everyone heard the sound, their scalp was numb and their hair stood up!

This punch was not on the mountain, but on people!

Hearing the dull and heavy noise, all the shadow killers here realized that if the fist of Fengshen hit them

Will die!

"I heard that you like the Dragon guards who surround and kill our dragon kingdom?"

Chu Feng's cold voice sounded in everyone's ears.

"In that case, let you experience the deep despair waiting to be slaughtered!"

In the confinement of heaven, everyone can't leave here at will!

The ability of shadow killers and the rules formulated by Chu Feng make them unable to use!

After the use of the secret treasures of the heavens was prohibited, these super pupil people completely became ordinary people. They could only watch Chu Feng hunt them one by one like chickens!

Rao is these shadow killers. They have experienced many battles and seen countless blood. At this moment, their hearts turned into fear.

It was a kind of despair waiting to die!

In the face of absolute power, they don't even have any resistance!

Chu blocked it fast.

In the blink of an eye, there was only one person left to kill the king.

Shawang sighed and killed himself.

Two hundred shadow killers, the ending of killing Chu Feng, only one——

All those who wanted to kill him died without exception!