When Chu Feng poured his pupil power into the Dragon Wuwei token

All the Dragon guards have got special induction!

Through the super pupil contract, they feel that the commander of longwuwei has been replaced.

However, the Dragon guards in the base did not know what had happened and discussed it one after another:

"Did you feel a special feeling just now?"

"Yes, as if I sensed what had changed in the contract of longwuwei!"

"The Supreme Commander is not dead, is he?"

"I don't know... I just feel that the supreme contract in the soul seems to have changed, but I don't know."

"Do you feel the same way?"

"Showdown, I have!"

If only one person has this feeling, it may still be an illusion.

However, the presence of long Wuwei had such a strange feeling.

This shows that some variables have taken place in the core of the contract of longwuwei.

Because long Wuwei signed the contract of the army, there are some contracts in the contract, which belong to the core super pupil.

Although the content of the contract cannot be changed arbitrarily, the senior management of the contract has a certain binding force on long Wuwei who signed the contract.

These senior managers are the core of the contract and need to bear certain responsibilities and authorities.

However, if these senior executives have problems, the contract will have a certain impact.

After all, if the core of the contract is changed, the super pupil contract will review the contract again.

Just then

In front of all the Dragon guards, a line from the super pupil contract pops up:

"From today on, long Wuwei will launch the final task of counterattack against Linyuan guild."

"In this action, long Wuwei takes counterattack against Linyuan guild as the goal and freely adopts forms and activities."

"The command will not expire until the change task is completed."

When this line of text appeared in front of all longwuwei

Longwuwei in the audience, the sullen breath in his heart, was like a tsunami.

"That damn old thing was finally solved by the super pupil of our dragon country!"

"Beautiful! Well done!"

"Madder, these bastards dare to do such a thing on the land of our dragon kingdom. We really think there is no one in our dragon kingdom?"

"Brothers, it's time for us to fight back!"

Combined with the super pupil who appeared in the square just now

Many longwuwei, in fact, have guessed the answer!

Their hearts are also very excited.

Unexpectedly, I could see the Legendary Super pupil in reality!

The tone as like as two peas for the forum is the same as the order.

"I can find out the shadow killers. When the Dragon Wuwei made changes before, I had locked down the enemy's position. Unexpectedly, there was an accident halfway. Now, I can mark again and find the positions of all shadow killers!"

A dragon Wuwei wearing glasses is known as the "heavenly eye" of the Dragon kingdom.

Beside him, the girl assistant's glasses burst out a green light.

Soon, all the locations of the shadow killers lurking in the Dragon kingdom will be shared with all the Dragon guards present!

"I've been waiting impatiently for a long time. This time, I have to kill them!"

"Well, with these coordinates, it's not easy to kill them!"

"Quickly form a team. Their ability should be available in our dragon country database."

Among the crowd, a mature and stable longwuwei came out and quickly shared the information and data of the shadow killer to the public.


Under Xia Longwu's organization, the Dragon kingdom is about to launch a counterattack against the shadow killer.

Therefore, Xia Longwu reacted so quickly after hearing what had happened to Feng Shen.

Who knows, at that moment, Linyuan guild suddenly attacked, launched a sudden attack that no one thought of, robbed the authority of long Wuwei, and issued all kinds of messy orders.

When Chu Feng seized authority and launched a counterattack again

The terrible power hidden in the Dragon Wuwei can now be released again!

At that moment, all the Dragon guards began to mobilize!

Long Wuwei, who is good at analyzing and specifying strategies, quickly sorted out the pupil skills of all super pupils, and designated the corresponding plans according to the abilities of their opponents.

Every unit can basically ensure the second kill of shadow killers!

As long as the location of the shadow killer is found, everything is not a big problem!

Don't think Linyuan guild can have a heavenly eye!

There are so many super pupils in the Dragon kingdom. Although they may not have the same ability as the heavenly eye, they can also appear similar powerful super pupils in looking for people, which can track the enemy's position!

After Chu Feng's order was issued, the disrupted dragon guards were ready to go again in almost an hour, restoring all the previous order and preparing the whole army to attack!



Tianyan had a bad feeling in his heart.

He opened the pupil.

"There should be no super pupil of the Dragon Kingdom around!"

After confirming the surrounding situation, Tianyan took a deep breath.

The Dragon Wuwei of the Dragon kingdom was controlled.

Now, only some retail investors can threaten him.

Tianyan is very careful in his actions in the Dragon kingdom. He won't give himself any chance to be killed by others.

For the surrounding situation, the grasp is always perfect.


A fog appeared around the heavenly eye!

Several dragon guards rushed out of the fog in an instant!

Click! Click!

The iron chain with black mantra twined around the eye of heaven in an instant.

"The soul is frozen forever!"

A cold voice came from the mouth of a dragon Wuwei.

Tianyan's body is turning into black fog!

He always runs away as fast as he can at the moment when he is aware of the danger!

However, when those eyes fell on Tianyan, the black gas on him stopped dissipating and changed back to human form!

Tianyan suddenly opened his mouth, spit out a cold, and his whole body was shaking violently!

The ability of soul to freeze forever is a little similar to the nether cold ice.

However, even the super pupil's thinking can be frozen!

The superpupil who is stared by this pair of eyes will slow down and even give up thinking.

It's a little similar to stealing thinking.

Of course, if this kind of pupil surgery is faced with super pupil alone, it is likely to be forcibly dissolved by pupil force.

However, there are also two super pupils of mind control and a wet nurse with very strong pupil force to provide additional pupil force and strengthen pupil surgery

To deal with a single super pupil, we can suppress it!

This kind of pupil technique is not uncommon in longwuwei.

Finally, a knife!

Tianyan is so dead!

Similar things are also staged in every corner of the Dragon kingdom!