"A little interesting..."

"The Dragon cutting system should be related to the task of Tiantong."

"I think this copy is a little interesting."

Chu Feng chuckled and then chose to open it.

"Ding! You opened the novice gift bag!"

"Get divine physique: ancient seal dragon body!"

At the same time, the physique of Chu Feng changed.

[Constitution]: ancient dragon sealing body (awakening degree: 5%)

[task]: kill the evil demon dragon in the world, awaken the ancient dragon seal body to its final form, eliminate harm for the people and protect the common people in the world.

[special instructions]:

"Killing the demon dragon can further awaken the potential of sealing the dragon body and improve the realm."

"Those who have sealed the dragon's body are immune to the erosion of the demon dragon's blood."

"In the face of crisis, it can trigger the blood potential and break out the Dragon cutting power beyond the realm in a short time!"

Chu Feng's eyes moved: "kill the demon Dragon..."

This task seems simple, but now I am a crazy prince.

Moreover, the demon dragon in the Dragon cutting world sounds difficult to deal with.

The acting task seems simple, but it is actually difficult.

There was a knock outside the door.

After Lin Zhong came back, he said, "Your Highness, Zhenlong military general wants you to go now."

"But I'm afraid there will be a test next!"

"With zhenlongwu's character, your highness may not be so good."

"If you think the assessment is too difficult at that time, you'd better give up..."

Chu Feng shook his head and said with a smile, "what are you afraid of? It's difficult to be challenging. Otherwise, what's the meaning?"

Lin Zhong showed a strange look.

He felt that his royal highness at the moment was much more confident than before!

After awakening [ancient seal dragon body], although it was only 5%, Chu Feng felt that his strength was much stronger than before.

The body was only eight years old. After witnessing the Queen's death and going crazy, the body was very weak.

However, after waking up his divine physique, Chu Feng felt an inexplicable power, which was enriching his whole body!

Don't come out. It seems a little boring.

Following Lin Zhong's footsteps, Chu sealed a carriage.

Out of the city, soon, a yellow sandy wasteland appeared in the field of vision.

In the distance, the towering city wall stands at the other end of the sky. The storm roars and waves of demon dragon roar from the distance, which makes people tremble!

Here is the real frontier!

Just the overflow breath makes ordinary people feel palpitation.

Lin Zhong didn't walk along this road several times. When he arrived at the military camp of his destination, his face was already soaked with sweat.

It seems that a demon dragon will attack at any time in the distance and take his own life!

Staying in the frontier is like being with tigers. There are always a pair of ferocious eyes watching behind

But Chu Feng, after awakening the ancient dragon seal, faced the roar of the demon dragon. The old God sat on the carriage and closed his eyes, just like an old lady listening to Beijing opera.

After getting out of the carriage, several soldiers immediately came up and asked, "who are you? What are you doing here?"

Lin Zhong immediately handed over a token.

"This is the royal order of general zhenlongwu."

Seeing this token, the soldiers around didn't make trouble.

When he came here, Chu Feng felt a killing atmosphere.

Those soldiers who reside in the frontier, with their firm faces like granite, mechanically obey any military order.

He couldn't help thinking of a sentence: only the strong can stop in the frontier.

The strong will never obey anyone.

Even if he is the prince.

Therefore, if you want to deal with the enemies in the palace, you must become stronger!

The strong will only admire and fear the stronger!

If you want to gain the morale of the army and turn these frontier soldiers into your own weapons and minions, you must become stronger!

Instead of relying on the identity of the crown prince.

Following the footsteps of several soldiers, Chu Feng and Lin Zhong went to the bottom together.

This is a place like a dungeon.

Through the dark and cold corridor.

A figure in armor appeared at the end of the corridor.

The man is 1.8 meters tall, tall and straight. He has a green dragon shadowless gun behind him. His eyes are like an eagle in the night. His whole body exudes an extremely powerful sense of authority. Just looking at each other's eyes has been unbearable for ordinary people.

"General, your royal highness is here."

After Lin Zhong passed away, his attitude became humble.

However, in fact, in terms of status, Taifu's status is not lower than that of the general, but in the face of zhenlongwu, Lin Zhong is overwhelmed by the other party in temperament.

That is the innate suppression of ordinary people by martial artists!

In this world, in addition to the demon dragon, there are also strong people who can break mountains and rivers. Their boxing style can break the earth like the God of war.

The realm of martial arts is divided into: Purple Qi, cave, Huaxu, Xuantong, mountain and sea, heaven and earth

Zhenlongwu is a powerful man in heaven and earth.

It is said that when a strong man in heaven and earth moves, heaven and earth turn over and tamper with heaven and earth, which can turn the general trend of heaven and earth into his own use, and even fight with demon dragons. No matter which imperial dynasty he is placed in, he is a strong man admired by the world.

According to Lin Zhong, Zhen Longwu is more arrogant and won't see his so-called identity.

When his eyes came to Chu Feng, an invisible pressure was released and forced towards Chu Feng.

Lin Zhong's face changed.

He knew that zhenlongwu was testing whether the prince was qualified to withstand the test!

From this moment on, the general's test for his Royal Highness has come!

However, when this pressure fell on Chu Feng, his expression did not change, and his face was very calm.

"Your Highness, please!"

It seems that he was surprised by Chu Feng's performance. Zhen Longwu was a little more recognized and his attitude became a little more polite.

Chu Feng nodded and stepped in.

This is a dark room.

On the ground, there were mottled dark blood stains.

Like a place of execution!

On the cross, an extremely ugly monster was imprisoned.

The monster had the body of a primate, but it had a strange faucet covered with golden scales.

"Hiss -- hiss --"

"Hiss -- hiss --"

Strange, strange, ugly and hoarse voices came from the monster's throat.

At the top of the cross, there is a decapitation knife with a length of half a meter and a blade of slightly tons, but weighing hundreds of kilograms, which is quietly suspended on the monster's head.

"Use this machete to kill the golden blood dragon and monkey. Even if you have completed the task, you can join the army."

Zhenlongwu's steady voice echoed in the secret room.

Lin Zhong's face changed: "Your Highness, the blood of the demon dragon has an eroding effect on any creature. If you are contaminated with this blood, I'm afraid you will be in danger!"

"Please think twice, your highness!"

Zhen Longwu sneered: "when you go to the frontier in the future, you have to go outside the pass to resist the invasion of these monsters."

"Now, a golden blood dragon monkey that has lost its activity dare not kill..."

"Going to the battlefield and meeting a living monster, do you intend to die or run for your life?"

Chu Feng didn't say much. He went forward and put his hand on the machete.

Take a deep breath. At that moment, the ancient seal dragon body began to work quietly in the body!

How to kill the monster containing dragon blood? Chu Feng has an answer in his heart