Jones ignored the elder's words, bowed to shiver and said, "shiver, as the daughter of the ELF KING, you should pay more attention to your safety. How can you stay with these unidentified people, especially human beings."

After saying that, he raised his head and looked at Chu Feng, full of hostility.

Shiver said coldly, "pay attention to safety? If it weren't for the help of this human being, I'm afraid I would have died in the frontier garrison!"

This remark surprised everyone present.

"What the hell is going on, Sylvie?" asked the old elf seriously.

Shiver took a deep breath: "go back and talk..."

The other elves didn't stop Chu Feng and Orn.

These two humans are her saviors in the sense of heville.

Although the elves didn't believe it all, in their eyes, how could shiver need a 15-year-old ordinary human and a big fool to save him?

However, since he chose to say so, at least he treated these two people as friends, and they didn't stop much.

Under the leadership of the older elves.

The crowd came to the vicinity of the elf camp.

The passing elves, seeing that shiver came back, all went to say hello warmly.

Different from Jones and humans.

Any elf that shiver passed by talked and laughed with them.

It's not as cold as I just saw.

It can only be said that the attitude of the elves towards their own people and outsiders is completely different!

Chu Feng looked all the way and found that the elves didn't have much class concept when dealing with their own people.

Even if shiver was the daughter of the Elven king, they called each other directly by name.

This represents a kind of equality.

The elves are close to nature and have no class form of human society.

Of course, if you can become the ELF KING, you will still get the respect of the king and the elf people.

Far away.

A towering tree with a height of 100 feet appeared in the vision of Chu Feng.

The branches and leaves of prosperity are everywhere, just like a tree is a forest.

Every leaf radiates crystal vitality.

From a distance, the tree is old and contains the power of endless magic.

Mystery, wisdom

The world tree, a sacred tree believed by the elves, is said to be the king of the extinct giant family. Its huge body contains infinite magic and life.

Chu Feng mentioned the source of the world tree in the secret script he had read.

For the elves, the world tree is the divine tree.

It can nourish the soil and water in all directions with magic, and also protect the survival and safety of the whole elf family.

At the bottom of the world tree, on the roots as thick as a dragon, stands the throne.

The ELF KING sat on the throne.

As seen in the fate picture.

The ELF KING, who has lived for hundreds of years, looks like a 20-year-old with a handsome face.

But there was infinite command in his eyes.

When Xavier came, he swept his daughter and Chu Feng and ORN behind him with calm eyes, and slowly said, "Xavier, you're back. Tell me about your experience in human society."

After simply mentioning what he had seen and heard in human society, he published the information of a group of Warcraft killed by human garrison in Northern Xinjiang, which was transmitted by human high-level magicians in the void and instantly summoned by human high-level magicians.

When everyone here heard that the human garrison was attacked by human magicians

All the Elves were shocked and talked about it one after another.

"How could humans do such a thing?"

"Oh, my God, this despicable race is so dirty inside that it even starts fighting against its compatriots!"

"How did such a race come about Merlin, the great magician?"

When they looked again at chufeng and ORN behind shiver, their faces showed disdain.

Some young people of the elves even began to coax Chu Feng and ORN out.

"Great king, mankind is a dirty race!"

"These two people should be expelled!"

"They even killed their compatriots. Who knows what terrible disaster will be brewing if they leave humans on the chassis of our elves!"

"Never let shiver make friends with dirty humans..."

The elves around angrily accused Chu Feng and Aoen.

The ELF KING did not respond to these people's words, but took the lead in coming to Orn.

"King of the dwarves, welcome to the elves."

As soon as he said this, all the Elves were stunned.

Shiver also turned and looked at ORN in surprise.

This guy who looks silly is the king of dwarves?


His body looks much stronger than human beings, and his height reaches two meters, crushing the elf King's head!

Such a big guy is the king of the dwarves?

ORN smiled foolishly: "forget the king's words. I'm used to being a idle cloud and wild crane, and I'm too lazy to take care of so many things."

Chu Feng remembered that he was not satisfied with the dwarf's blood.

Dwarves are naturally short, despised by other races, and look like Warcraft. Even humans dislike this race.

Therefore, ORN has worked very hard since childhood and vowed to become a dwarf race higher than human beings.

At first

ORN was ridiculed by the dwarves.

However, when he became an adult, he had cultivated into a dwarf race two meters high!

Among the dwarves, he also showed superb casting skills.

The dwarves specialize in casting and are natural craftsmen!

ORN showed impeccable talent in any field, so he was voted the king of the dwarves.


The king of the dwarves had no interest in the throne.

Probably the most speechless King elected by the dwarves in all ages?

Unexpectedly, the two kings appeared here and talked!

The other elves didn't dare to talk about ORN at once. Instead, they put their hostile eyes on Chu Feng.

The ELF KING slowly said, "king of dwarves, you already know that Warcraft began to wreak havoc in the world. What do you think of this?"

"Just call me Orn." ORN shook his head helplessly, then put his eyes on Chu Feng and said with a smile: "if you ask me this question, it's better to ask him."

The ELF KING put his eyes on Chu Feng and bowed slightly: "I'd like to teach you."

The other elves are stupid.

In their eyes, Chu Feng is just an ordinary 15-year-old human youth.

Why did you get the respect of the two kings?

Not only the king of dwarves, but also the king of elves have to bow down to him for advice?

Jones, standing in the middle of the crowd, looked more gloomy and wanted to drip water!