The people standing behind Ji Yuntian, standing on the top of the mountain, took a bottle of ordinary wine pot, drank a few drinks, looked into the distance and seemed to enjoy the scenery here.

It's Chu Feng.

At the invitation of Ji Yuntian, Chu Feng also came to the sword conference.

The strength he showed on that day was even stronger than any patriarch here. Naturally, he was qualified to stand on the divine sword conference.


Ji Yuntian has a hunch in his heart.

Perhaps, Chu Feng will be the most critical person to deal with devil day in the future!

Headmaster Yunxiao's eyes moved, looked at Chu Feng and smiled.

"Lord Taichu, who is this guest?"

Other patriarchs also cast doubt.

Only the patriarchs of the seven holy places can participate in the divine sword conference.

The discussion is also a major event about the use of the divine sword. Generally, outsiders will not participate.

Now, Ji Yuntian has brought an outsider here, which can be said to break the tradition of the divine sword conference.

"I will make it clear about this elder when others come."

Ji Yuntian said faintly.

Although the tone is very flat.

However, the eyes of other patriarchs changed slightly.

What did they hear Ji Yuntian call?


As the patriarch of Taichu, Ji Yuntian's identity can be the same as anyone here.

What makes Ji Yuntian call the person behind him an elder!

This is equivalent to lowering your identity!

Ji Yuntian's accomplishments have reached the peak of the heaven realm. He is a top expert in the divine realm!

Can he still call his predecessors? Isn't it the power to dominate the environment?

Several patriarchs immediately went away with divine perception.

But they found that Chu Feng's cultivation was only in the early days of Tiandao territory.

This makes them more confused.

Since he is not the strong one who dominates the territory, but at the beginning of Tiandao territory, what qualification does Ji Yuntian have to call each other an elder?

Wait a moment again.

All the leaders of Langya holy land, Tianfeng holy land and Taiyun sword sect came here.

The patriarchs of the seven holy places are now gathered at the top of the sacred mountain.

When Lord Langya came here, his eyes immediately focused on Chu Feng and narrowed slightly: "Lord Taichu, even if you are the head of the Seven Saints, you can't bring an outsider here, breaking the traditional rules?"

"As the head of the Seven Saints, you should take a good lead. How can you forcibly destroy the tradition by relying on the power of the holy land?"

This sentence is extremely harsh.

As soon as the leader of Langya came here and saw Chu Feng, he questioned the leader of Taichu.

Ji Yuntian said lightly, "Oh? I didn't say that Taichu holy land is the first of the seven holy places. Why did you suddenly button up a hat?"

"Besides, on that day, the demon clan attacked my Taichu holy land. You kept the elders of the Taichu sect and didn't let them leave. I haven't settled this matter with you yet. Instead, you were charged on the head of the Taichu holy land?"

"Hehe, the so-called villains complain first. I'm afraid it's just so?"

The voice just fell.

Ji Yuntian's breath suddenly became stronger!

People's eyes changed slightly at this time.

"Unexpectedly, he broke through to half a step!"

After that stop.

Ji Yuntian fought with two experts at the peak of Tiandao realm, and saw Chu Feng show his power to dominate the realm.

After so many years of bottleneck, Ji Yuntian also had an insight after the war.

At this moment, the eyes of other patriarchs also changed.

If Ji Yuntian has stepped into the semi dominant territory, it means that the pattern of the seven holy places will also change in the future.

Originally, the Taichu holy land was going to press the other six holy places. In addition, Ji Yuntian has broken through to the semi dominant territory, and the change of the pattern will be more obvious.

At this time.

The patriarchs of the other six holy places remembered that Ji Yuntian had the title of Ji lunatic when he was young.

Why become a god if you're not crazy?

Ji madman was famous for killing the six talents of other holy places alone!

Which patriarch was not a peerless arrogant when he was young and never had a moment of high spirits?

However, after becoming the patriarch, we need to consider the overall situation.

Years have smoothed the edges and corners of peerless Tianjiao. Many people forget how terrible the old man was!


Ji Yuntian broke through to a higher level and once again gathered his former edge.

Everyone present felt on pins and needles!

If Ji Yuntian makes a move, it will be difficult for them to resist.

The Langya patriarch's face also changed slightly.

He obviously didn't think of it

"Patriarch Taichu, you came to us today for the attack of the demon clan that day?"

Nearby, a woman's calm voice came.

Lord Wuyue wore a black tight suit, but his beautiful face wore a black veil, revealing a mysterious temperament.

She has a good relationship with Ji Yuntian. It's just right to come out and make a round at the moment.

Ji Yuntian's edge slowly faded at this time.

He said faintly, "that day, the ghost mother of the Western King and the immovable devil came to attack my Taichu Holy Land..."

"Originally, I was not against them."

"The strength of the ghost mother of the Western King and the immovable devil suddenly rose to the peak of the heaven realm, and their demon blood also further returned to their ancestors."

"With my strength at that time, even if I sacrifice Taichu divine sword, it may not be their opponent."

Once you say that.

The faces of other patriarchs in the field changed slightly.

They obviously didn't expect that the strength of the West King's ghost mother and the immovable devil had increased so much!

"Since you are not against the joint action of the ghost mother of the Western King and the immovable devil, how do you destroy these two demons?"

Headmaster Yunxiao seemed to realize something and asked.

Ji Yuntian then turned his eyes to Chu Feng.

"It was this elder who helped me to kill the ghost mother of the Western King and the immovable devil."


The eyes of other patriarchs were on Chu Feng.

Just then, the leader of Langya clan gave a sneer.

"The elder you're talking about is just a man in the early days of heaven."

"If both the ghost mother of the Western King and the immovable devil have really reached the peak of the heaven realm, then you and this elder are just the beginning of the heaven realm and the peak of the heaven realm."

"How can you beat the two strong men at the peak of heaven?"

"In my opinion, the patriarch of Taichu is breaking through to half a step of domination. He wants to deliberately invent a strong opponent for my seven holy places, so that we can divert our attention and let you develop Taichu holy land?"

Ji Yuntian looked at the sarcastic color on the Langya sect leader's face and shook his head: "if you doubt the elder's strength, you can go up and try."

"If you can stop the other party's move..."