Feng Shen: "how about your investigation?"

Xia Longwu: "cough, of course we can't enter the cherry blossom country. After all... In the eyes of most people, you made evil gods, so now any people in the cherry blossom country should not treat us very much."

Feng Shen: "OK, I'll go there myself."

Xia Longwu: "are you going to cherry blossom country?"

Feng Shen: "always find out what happened in the cherry blossom country."

Xia Longwu: "be more careful. Although the shadow killers in the Dragon Kingdom have been cleaned up by us, it is estimated that many shadow killers in other countries have accepted your reward task. If there are too many people coming, try to find a chance to escape. We will talk about the evil gods later."

For the Dragon Kingdom, Chu Feng is of great significance now.

Xia Longwu also saw it.

Now, it is estimated that only Chu Feng has further explored the truth of the world of heavenly towers.

Xia Longwu had to sigh.

Originally, I thought that as the head of longwuwei, I would look up and charge to see what the truth of the heavenly pagodas was.

Unexpectedly, the progress of Fengshen is much faster than himself.

Chu Feng didn't say much superfluous words. After hanging up the super pupil connection, he explained the situation to Jiang Xue and others, and was ready to go to the cherry blossom country.

Jiang Xue and others nodded: "we are also ready to go to the next copy."

Chu Feng was a little surprised.

Is the next copy of the Raider so soon?

It is worthy of being the lineup of the quick attack group. The speed of the strategy is really fast enough!

Jiang Xue said with a smile, "your progress is much faster than us. You have explored such a deep field."

"Although we certainly can't compare with you, at this time, it's within our power to have more copies of the strategy."

"I hope that at that time, if the world really comes to the special point, our combat effectiveness will not take off your retreat."

Chu Feng smiled and said nothing more.

In this era, everyone carries a different mission.

If we didn't know what kind of existence the heavenly towers were before, Chu Feng now gradually understood his meaning and value after further exploring the truth.

Raiding the heavenly towers is not all.

He has the ability to explore the final truth and prevent some enemies from invading his world, so Chu Feng will not let Linyuan guild succeed easily.

A thought.

Chu Feng's figure withdrew from the space of the heavens.

At the same time, the team members of Jiang Xue's isokinetic attack group also began to prepare for the next copy and continue to explore and strategy.



In the real world.

Chu Feng opened his eyes.

He realized that he didn't seem to have returned to the real world for a long time.

There was a sudden sense of hunger in my stomach.

A thought.

Chu Feng opened the eyes of the master God.

Suddenly, a strange heat flow was transmitted to Chu Feng's whole body.

It's like bathing in the warm ocean, rippling wantonly

Chu Feng felt his real body, and his blood began to flow excitedly!

He looked inside his body and found that in the ancient heaven, the divine inscriptions of the ancient ten thousand families were engraved in the bones of this body.


Chu Feng felt that his real body had successfully integrated the God and devil body, and became completely different!

Try to punch forward

The roaring fist wind seemed to tear the air.

However, compared with the ancient heaven, the power of God and devil body in reality seems to be a little weaker.

"Anyway, my physical strength now can explode and kill ordinary super pupil people!"

"Even if I don't rely on the power of super pupil, the Tiantong of Linyuan guild will not be my opponent under normal circumstances."

"Moreover, with the spirit base and personality of the spirit, I have more divine pupil power, and most pupil techniques are ineffective for me."

"With the power of the law of the pupil of heaven, even in the face of some special pupil techniques, as long as the pupil of heaven is opened and the use of pupil techniques is prohibited, no one will be my opponent!"

Step out of the heavens.

Chu Feng jumped and stepped on the ground, and a crack appeared on the cement floor!

His toes jumped gently, but his body flew high into the sky like a slingshot that had been accumulating strength for a long time!


Chu Feng turned over in the air, and his body fell steadily on the top floor of a 30 story magic sky high building.

Even if this is Superman, it may not have such a powerful activity ability!

However, for Chu Feng, this is like something that can be done easily!

Close your eyes.

This moment.

The power of God and devil body flows around the body!

Chu Feng's perception of this heaven and earth has also undergone great changes.

If he used to have a special understanding of the world, he used to use different super pupil vision to get different information feedback

Well, after awakening the demon body and inheriting altoria's yinglingji

The wind, rain, vehicles and streams of the world

Even the sound of atmospheric clouds surging in the sky

And countless sense of smell, hearing and touch on the surface of the skin

Everything that can be perceived with the senses has gained a new experience at this moment!

Chu Feng can hear any movement within a hundred miles!

Even the sound of ants crawling on the ground, the sound of water vapor transpiration on the surface of the lake, and such complex and subtle sounds were all integrated into Chu Feng's ears and turned into a strange music.

However, in this music that integrates the movement and stillness of all things in the world, Chu Feng can clearly distinguish the source of any sound, and infer what kind of activity is going on.

This divine experience makes Chu Feng's life level completely different from ordinary mortals.

"It's time to go to the cherry blossom country..."

A little white fox, under the greeting of Xinnian, flew out of the space and lay on Chu Feng's shoulder.

As the figure changed several times in succession

It took Mo about half an hour.

The sea waves beat the rocks on the shore.

The familiar East China Sea appeared in front of Chu Feng again.


Originally, there was a huge barrier along the coast, which isolated the island where the cherry blossom country is located.

But the barrier has disappeared.

During this period, when Chu Feng entered the copy, he only maintained the opening of the heaven barrier with the residual divine pupil force.


The loss of this energy is also fast.

Now, the cherry blossom country is no longer trapped in the confinement of heaven.

Anyone can go in and out at will.

Open the pupil of Poseidon.

Chu Feng's ability to launch transmission.

Next second.

His figure appeared in the sea near the cherry blossom country.