Osaka tower.

At the moment, the security system has been updated.

The garrison of all sides looked around with vigilance to prevent any powerful enemy from invading.

The prison system at the door constantly detects whether there is any enemy invasion in the harasaka tower.


Just then, the security system of Osaka tower was suddenly damaged!

Doodle doodle!

The whole harasaka tower sounded an alarm.

The Garrison who stood patrolling all over the country immediately alerted.

"There are invaders in Osaka Tower!"

"Our security system has been damaged!"

"Please feed back the information from the supervision department. Where does the intruder appear?"


Among the communicators, only the sound of electric current came.

The next moment, the whole harasaka tower suddenly fell into darkness.

All the garrison personnel lost contact with other departments.

The whole harasaka tower was in a panic.

"Get up and report to the upper department!"

As a command sounded.

Harasaka began to communicate with a special phone.



At this point.

In the lowest prison of Osaka tower.

The door of the elevator was bombarded with a huge hole!

There was a trail of rampant fighting around.

On the battlefield, there were also the garrison of Osaka tower in combat clothes, and their bodies fell to the ground.

Among the fallen bodies stood a man.

A little white fox was lying on the man's shoulder. His Ruby eyes were full of pity, as if he were in silence for these fallen people.

Chu Feng frowned and said, "I didn't expect that the defense system of harasaka tower has become so difficult, but it's harmless."

When he came in, he directly damaged the security system of the harasaka tower through the escape ability of the little white fox.

of course.

In the middle of the Osaka tower, a second security ban has been set up.

Therefore, even if Chu Feng destroys the security system, harasaka tower will still send out an alarm to make all personnel on full alert.

After finding it difficult to sneak

Chu Feng simply opened his unparalleled skill.

Yinglingji opened with the power of God and devil body, and all kinds of pupil techniques fell on him, just like tickling.

All the super pupil people here add up, and they are not his opponent alone.


The prison at the end was opened by Chu Feng.

In the room of this cell, the warden is impressively imprisoned.

There are dazzling flashes next to them, constantly torturing each other's pupil force and super pupil.

This kind of flash, which Chu Feng also saw in the special prison of the Dragon Kingdom, is a super pupil era technology specially developed to limit each other's pupil power and spiritual power when dealing with powerful super pupil people.


There were also many ferocious scars on the warden's body.

Obviously, when he was detained, he was beaten violently.

Chu Feng was too lazy to waste time and opened the supreme pupil.

A golden light flashed through the pupils of his eyes.


Chu Feng silently said:

"Watch the fate of the disappearance of evil gods!"

In front of the picture, great changes have taken place soon!

With the guidance of Chu Feng's mind, his vision came to the battlefield where he had suppressed evil gods.

Under the dark sky.

A huge figure of an evil god, as high as the nearby skyscraper, stands between heaven and earth.

The surrounding has become a huge hole.

The mysterious smell of yin and evil constantly erodes the surroundings.

At the feet of evil gods, many descendants of evil gods were born, exuding Yin and evil thoughts, rushing and walking around like walking corpses.


At the moment, the evil god has been limited by the warden and the super pupil around him. He can't move for the time being.

Just then.

A figure suddenly appeared near the evil god.

Next second

The evil god suddenly disappeared!

The warden and others were stunned. They didn't see what the other party came from.


The man's pupils seemed to have endless magic.

Just glanced around

The warden, along with the superpupil nearby, all fell!

At a glance, kill everyone!

When he left, the evil god disappeared with him.

Chu Feng looked at the comer, and his eyes were full of thick flames.

The mysterious man who robbed the evil god wore a mask.

An embarrassing mask!

Impressively, Chu Feng joined the God Group and was founded by brother Jiao!

However, unexpectedly, he appeared in reality and even wore an embarrassing mask!

"Let me see what you are!"

Chu Feng took a deep breath, and then launched the power of the supreme pupil.

He wants to launch his destiny ability again in the warden's fate picture to watch brother embarrassing's fate!

As a result

A strange scene happened.

When Chu Feng's most important pupil fell on brother Jiao, it was invalid!

There is no picture of fate!

As if his pupil technique, when dealing with brother embarrassing, released the most important pupil to the air!

It's not blocked.

But can't find the target at all!

Chu Feng frowned.

He tried again to activate the supreme pupil.

The result is the same.

Finally, Chu Feng just looked at brother Jiong and left this space.

From beginning to end, his supreme pupil seemed unable to find each other's existence.


In the fate seen by the warden, the man wearing a mysterious embarrassing mask actually appeared.

Moreover, he just glanced, and the evil god had disappeared out of thin air!

"Is this the ability of pupil surgery?"

Chu Feng fell into thinking.

We can imagine what will happen next.

When the evil god disappeared, the harasaka tower and the Dongshan group immediately killed him back.

However, the target they attacked was not the evil god, but the warden who stopped the evil god.

Other super pupils who have participated in the evil god suppression plan have also been imprisoned by these two shameless institutions!

The next thing, just like the news.

Order was restored in the cherry blossom country.

However, under the control of public opinion, not many super pupils will talk about the situation of Osaka tower and Dongshan group.

The people of Cherry Blossom have no overall view.

Their vision in the general pattern will never dare to speak for truth and justice.

Knowing small rites without big festivals is the best portrayal of this nation.

And such a nation has no cohesion.

The picture of fate ends here.

Although it is clear who robbed the evil god


Up to now, Chu Feng still doesn't know what brother Jiao's real identity is.

Moreover, even the most important pupil can't see the fate of that guy.

"It's time to get out of here."

Chu Feng felt a movement in his heart. Since the most important pupil had no effect on brother Jiao, the clue here was temporarily interrupted.


Suddenly, an explosion came from the bottom of Osaka Tower!

Rolling smoke, accompanied by dozens of Gray figures, killed from the fire!

Shadow killer!

Chu Feng's side suddenly had dozens of more enemies!