"Fighters from all sides are ready!"

"Our city is facing the attack of S-class Tianjia monsters!"

"Please retreat to the rear of the battlefield immediately."

"Lingwu people quickly dispatched to follow the front-line troops to fight!"

When Chu Feng had just crossed over, a broadcast sounded in his ear.

Accompanied by a harsh vent alarm!

"Here is..."

Looking around, I saw that in this small high school classroom, all the students hurried to stand up, and the sound of panic discussion came from all around.

"Finished, it was the attack of S-class monsters!"

"It is said that the last night city was attacked by an S-class steel spider, and all the dispatched Lingwu were destroyed!"

"Where did these beasts come from and why are they so powerful!"

"I hope the spirit warrior can stop those strange animals, otherwise we will die!"

"Fool, do you think Lingwu is so easy to cultivate?"

"Stop talking nonsense and run for your life!"

Just when the class was in turmoil.

The voice of head teacher Wu Wenbin sounded solemnly on the podium: "all students are quiet, don't move, obey the command of Lingwu and escape in an orderly manner..."

However, a student rushed out of the classroom recklessly.


A man in a power suit suddenly appeared outside.

His figure was like a remnant, and came to the student in an instant.

"Wait... I'm wrong. I just want to live..."

However, the man slapped the boy directly and knocked him unconscious.

"Everyone must take refuge in the air raid shelter in an orderly manner..."

The voice of indifference came from the man's mouth.

His eyes glanced at the people present. After hearing that the surrounding voices gradually decreased and became silent, he opened his mouth and said, "running away in disorder will only kill more people."

"If any of you dare to ignore the discipline and obey the command, we, as Lingwu, would rather kill you than let a group of mice hinder the retreat speed of the large army!"

"Now, tianwu city is being attacked by S-class Tianjia monsters. If you don't want to die, please listen to the command quickly and don't say more nonsense!"

Wu Wenbin took a deep breath and said, "you see, it's not the peaceful age before. If you don't want to die, be honest and obedient. If you really violate the rules of Lingwu, even if I'm a head teacher, I can't protect you..."

Just then


There was a loud noise in the sky.

Chu Feng looked over the sky.

A huge crack straddles the other end of the sky.

What followed was that from the huge cracks, out came a huge steel monster like a city!

Dozens of combat planes crossed the sky in an instant!

The world's science and technology seems to be a lot ahead of the real world before the super pupil era. The fighters and airships sent out have a visual sense of science fiction movies.

Lasers of various colors were ejected from the muzzle of the combat aircraft.

Each laser missile, falling on the Tianjia beast, burst out a fierce and bright fire.

However, Tianjia monsters, the size of a steel city, walk out of the cracks in the void. They are as large as mountains. When any modern heat weapon attacks Tianjia monsters, even the defense armor can't be broken, and even scratching can't be counted as itching!

Tianjia alien seems a little bored.

Its two nostrils, as big as magic holes, spewed out its breath.

Due to the huge size of the heavenly beetle beast, the heat in the body is extremely terrible. Even the air waves gushing from the nose wipe out a long and narrow flame, turn into two flame beams, and sweep around the combat aircraft.

Suddenly, countless flames appeared in the sky.

With the explosion

The students in the class were so frightened that they couldn't even speak!

They didn't expect that the S-class Tianjia monster could be terrible to this state!

Just rely on hot weapons, but you can't compete with Tianjia monsters!

"If you don't want to die, hurry up and don't look at it!"

The Lingwu outside the door is impatient.

Under the command of the combat department, all the students rushed out towards the teacher.

"Line up, don't crowd there!"

There are several male students who obviously want to walk in front of the team, although they don't move much.

Who knows, Lingwu's eyes were extremely sharp and fell on those male classmates.

They dared not move casually in an instant and obediently followed behind the flow of people.

Although Chu Feng's action was unhappy, he did not act rashly.

"This big guy is hard to deal with..."

Looking at the heavenly beetles and monsters in the sky, I frowned tightly.

The beast's body is too big!

It's like a monster in a doomsday movie!

More exaggerated than Godzilla!

Are you sure humans can handle this?

Chu Feng predicted that even if he completely opened the demon body in the past, it would be hard to deal with such a monster!

"This place, like the city that never sleeps, can't stay any longer!"

Nearby, a high school student about 17 years old sighed.

Chu Feng's heart moved.

What's the situation in sleepless city now?

With this question, the aura of the prophet of truth triggered and soon provided first-hand information.

Sleepless city is the first place in the star world to be attacked by S-class monsters.

The name of the beast attacked is: steel spider.

The reason why it is called this is that the structure of the monster is very similar to that of a spider, but its volume is similar to that of the Tianjia alien that attacked tianwu city this time. It can cover a city.

With the current technological level of Tianxing world, it is impossible to compete with such a terrible beast.


S-class beasts need a lot of energy when they are active. After leaving the original world of beasts, it takes some time to adapt to the world of stars.

Chu Feng wondered, why can these monsters grow so large?

Are all animals so big?

[the prophet of truth] soon transmitted some information to Chu Feng again.

"The original S-class beast is placed in the world of beasts. It is the top beast of the imperial level. There are only five in the world of beasts."

"Although the monsters below the imperial level will also bring great damage to the human beings in the star world, they are not completely unmanageable."

"The world of beasts, the reason why such a terrible beast can be born, is still the world under the ancient heavenly system!"

Chu Feng felt relieved when he knew the situation.

If the exotic animals in the world of beasts have the system of ancient heaven, it is not surprising that their cultivation is so huge.