After Wu Wenbin took a deep breath and accepted the research laboratory again, he felt very happy.

"Professor Wu, welcome back!"

The colleagues of the Institute also smiled at Wu Wenbin.

I haven't seen this scene for a long time!

Wu Wenbin was also very excited.

But he knew very well that his ability to complete this magnificent return had a lot to do with the man in black who appeared that day.

"I must keep in mind the kindness of the elder to me and try to pass on his boxing skills to me!"

Wu Wenbin took a deep breath in his heart.

The man in black appeared that day and passed on his boxing to the public. I'm afraid he wanted to spread it to the public and popularize it.

However, the elder doesn't seem to want to show up, and he is not interested in false fame.

Taking these elements into account, Wu Wenbin attributed this set of boxing to his own creation, without mentioning the emergence of people in black.

It took some steps and time to take over the research room.

Wu Wenbin was busy until midnight to deal with everything.

Wan Yuanqiu left the research room. All his things have been moved, and even resigned from all his positions and left alone.

In the Research Institute, someone disdained to say: "Wan Yuanqiu's mind is narrow. He thinks about studying those things all day. He is afraid that others will take advantage of him. He deserves to be reduced to such an end!"

Wu Wenbin looked at his old friend and left with a sigh.

The world is changeable!

Wan Yuanqiu's mind is not so bad.

But he chose the wrong path.

Wan Yuanqiu can only bear the cost and negative impact with his lifelong regret.

Late at night.

Wu Wenbin walked in the street, but he didn't feel tired.

After learning this set of boxing, Wu Wenbin's Zhenyuan is stronger and higher than before. Even if he doesn't sleep, he can ensure his energy.

Just then.

His eyes flashed, and suddenly the figure of the man in black appeared again.

"Master!" Wu Wenbin dared not neglect, and immediately came forward and said, "I popularized the skill you taught today. I hope you won't be surprised."

With that, Wu Wenbin deliberately paid attention to the attitude of people in black.

He wanted to know what kind of views the other party held when he did such a thing?


The man in black didn't seem to care about it at all. He just glanced at Wu Wenbin faintly and said, "there are still many rough places in your boxing. You need to improve."

"I hope you can teach me!"

Wu Wenbin was very happy to hear Chu Feng say so!

Since there is no mention of the spread of their own things, it is tantamount to default!

Moreover, the focus of the man in black is his own boxing attainments. Is the heat enough

Wu Wenbin immediately realized that people in black are noble people he can't meet in his life!

"Come on."

Chu Feng punched in an instant at this time.

The boxing he taught Wu Wenbin was used.

Wu Wenbin instantly used the same fist technique to resist

However, with the increasing intensity of resistance, Wu Wenbin deeply realized that his realm was too far away from the people in black!

After half an hour of fighting.

Wu Wenbin lay panting on the ground and waited for a while before he got up.


The true element in the internal vision.

Wu Wenbin found that his cultivation realm has been greatly improved!

When you hit the fist again

The cultivation speed has changed from 20 times to 25 times that of breathing method!

Although the efficiency is not as fast as before, it can be improved, which has surprised Wu Wenbin!

"Elder, thank you for your advice!"

Wu Wenbin immediately said with gratitude.

Chu Feng said faintly, "I will come to you every Wednesday night."

Wu Wenbin nodded solemnly.

The next day.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, all the reporters began to flock to the door of the Lingwu Research Association.

In the test square, countless cameras were aimed at Wu Wenbin on the field.

They want to shoot this boxing as a tutorial and popularize it to the public.

At the same time, this boxing course will also be pushed on various software platforms to facilitate everyone in Tianxing world to learn.


Shelters, schools, large squares, restaurants, teahouses, nursing homes and other places, as long as there is a projection screen, the picture displayed is Wu Wenbin's figure.

He will teach everyone in the star world through live broadcast today.

Take a deep breath.

When Wu Wenbin was ready, he began to fight the boxing taught by Chu Feng.

According to yesterday's training

Wu Wenbin's boxing is more proficient and more fluent!

The aura in the test hall was also continuously absorbed by Wu Wenbin.

"It's faster than yesterday!"

The professional technicians on the console showed an expression of surprise.

They found that Wu Wenbin's cultivation speed increased from 20 times yesterday's breathing method to 25 times, and his face showed incredible expressions.

"It turns out that Professor Wu said that after being proficient in boxing, the cultivation speed can be increased. It's true!"

"I thought this boxing was powerful enough. I didn't expect it to be more powerful than I thought!"

"Professor Wu is really my idol!"

When the picture is broadcast on each screen

Everyone in Tianxing world also practices boxing with Wu Wenbin.

The aunt in the square no longer danced the square dance, but began to fight;

The children on the playground no longer do colorful sunshine, but start boxing;

Bad teenagers in Internet cafes no longer play games, but start Boxing

In every corner of Tianxing world, all the people basically stopped their movements and followed Wu Wenbin to fight this boxing.

In the roaring wind, the aura surged.

The voice of breakthrough came from many people.

The vigorous wind breaks the dawn, and the fist is wide open!

For a while, Tianxing world, all people practice martial arts!

In the shelter.

In front of Chu Feng's eyes, all the students around him ran to the front of the TV and practiced boxing with Professor Wu.

Some of them feel a lot of difficulties when practicing breathing.

However, when using this set of boxing, I didn't feel anything wrong. The movement is smooth and natural, and the breakthrough speed is also very fast!

"I didn't expect our teacher Wu to be so powerful!"

Several girls in the class sweated a lot after boxing, but their faces were filled with joy and couldn't help praising them.

That is the sense of achievement after the power has made obvious breakthroughs and progress!

Just then

Countless cracks suddenly appeared over the sky star world!

Beast invasion!

Countless strange animals broke through the cracks and rushed towards the star world