Like a meat grinder, Chu Feng's double knives stirred quickly on the body of emperor level Tyrannosaurus Rex!

The invincible dragon cutting knife easily broke the flesh and blood of the imperial T-Rex.

The power of sealing the magic sword, when penetrating into its flesh and blood, immediately launches the power of sealing.

The black breath continuously flows out of the wound of imperial T-Rex

More than that.

Chu Feng was like a top, flying on the dragon's tail, leaving ferocious scars one after another!

Before long, the dragon's tail as long as a river was covered with scars, and black fog gushed from the wound of emperor T-Rex.

The emperor Tyrannosaurus Rex issued a wail, and its tail hung down powerlessly at the moment, which was completely useless.

After such a terrible attack, he was eroded by the seal of the magic sword

At this time, the dragon tail of emperor T-Rex was completely unable to move.

"Unexpectedly... Really... Succeeded?"

Watching Chu Feng's figure.

All the psychics behind them have elongated their chins.

Where on earth did the boy come from?

Carrying a long knife and a long sword, like a meat grinder, cut the imperial Tyrannosaurus Rex as pork!

This... This is ridiculous, isn't it?

The students who are also in the shelter are also stupid at the moment!

Although they don't have much communication with Chu Feng, they can also recognize that Chu Feng is their classmate.

"Wow, why is that classmate so strong?"

"The monster is by my side!"

"God of war, is this the God of war coming to earth?"

"Unexpectedly, my classmate is a big man who can tear T-Rex by hand!"

At this time, the emperor T-Rex suddenly roared.

When the sound wave spread around, it sounded strange.

It was as if he was calling his friends over.

Then, the strange animals in all directions suddenly stopped chasing and killing the scattered people, and rushed to the imperial T-Rex instead.

"Damn it, that guy is calling his accomplice!"

"Go and call headquarters. We need to ask for support!"

"Just stop other monsters from passing by and buy the boy as much time as possible, and there will be hope for our fight!"

The presence of Lingwu also realized that the key to the problem was to assist the young man so that he could successfully kill the imperial T-Rex.

The landline of headquarters was soon connected.

Long Ping of the Lingwu group roared, "this is the battle front line of the supernatural in tianwu city. There is an imperial Tyrannosaurus Rex in front of us. It has called its partners. Now ask for support!"

Headquarters, the commander who connected the phone looked at the big screen of the general control center.

In the direction of tianwu City, the marked beast fluctuation has broken through a new value.

At this time, a female technician came nearby with a slightly helpless voice: "tianwu city has been attacked by two S-class monsters. I'm afraid there is no hope."

"Although Tianjia beast is still stuck in the crack, no one knows when this beast will attack tianwu city."

"Another S-class beast appeared in tianwu City, which is an imperial T-Rex."

"In addition, there are three other beasts that destroy the city level and wreak havoc in the city."

"Tianwu city is estimated to have been occupied and there is no hope."

While answering the phone, the commander listened to the technicians, rubbed his headache head, looked at the landline and said helplessly, "Captain Fang, what you need to do now is not to ask for support, but to mobilize all the Lingwu forces. If you can retreat, just retreat!"

"The steel spider in the sleepless city has not been destroyed. Your strength is very important."

"We need to gather the power of Lingwu again, recapture the sleepless city, and then consider tianwu city."

Fang Ping showed a strange expression and then said, "commander, what nonsense are you talking about? Now we are about to destroy the imperial Tyrannosaurus Rex. If we release the S-class monsters, their recovery ability is very strong, but our Lingwu people will not come back after they die."


The commander was surprised and rubbed his ears: "are you going to destroy the imperial Tyrannosaurus Rex?"


"How did you destroy it?"

This sentence is too outrageous to say.

During the last battle in the sleepless city, all Lingwu people felt how terrible the ruling power was after the arrival of emperor level monsters.

Although everyone's strength has been greatly improved after practicing the boxing techniques announced by Wu Wenbin, it is still far from the stage of eliminating imperial monsters.

Facing this problem, Fang Ping didn't know how to reply for a moment.

"Yes... We have got a strong combat helper, and then he can beat the imperial T-Rex..."

Fang Ping explained hard.

This is, this explanation, he sounds a little unconvinced.

The commander's face changed: "Captain Fang, this is the time. Why are you still kidding me?"

"I hope you can understand what kind of charges you have to bear for falsely reporting military information!"

"I know tianwu city is very important to you, but now I need to pay attention to the life of every Lingwu person!"

"This is an impossible task, and I won't send you additional staff!"

Fang Ping was speechless.

Although it has long been expected that the other end of the phone will give such a reply

But he wasn't surprised.

"Forget it, I'd better pass the picture back directly and let the old man see it!"

Fang Ping looked at his assistant and said, "have you brought your camera?"

The female assistant nodded and then took out a camera.

Connect to the satellite network

The scene picture was soon transmitted to the command center of the Lingwu combat department through the camera in the hands of the female assistant.

On the big screen.

What else does the commander want to say.

The technician nearby suddenly said, "the team leader sent us the picture of the scene. Do you want to see it?"

The commander's heart moved and said, "open it and have a look..."

In fact, he had been able to foresee what tianwu city would look like when the picture was opened.

What else can Fang Ping do to transmit pictures to himself?

Just let yourself see how miserable tianwu city is at this time!

The commander also knows that tianwu city has been greatly destroyed. He is also very sad, but he really can't send more Lingwu people and sacrifice more soldiers!

"Alas, Fang Ping, it's not that I don't want to send troops, but that we humans are really too weak!"

The commander couldn't help sighing.

However, when the screen opens

In the picture, the picture of a teenager holding double swords and hanging an imperial T-Rex is presented in the command center

The commander looked at the scene and the man was petrified in situ.

PS: at the sixth watch, there are few silver tickets in recent days. To tell you the truth, I have so many, and you have so few silver tickets. It's too much!