When the blade pierced the snow.

The ice broke apart in an instant.

Ying Xue's eyes were full of incredible and looked at Chu Feng.

When she saw the magic sword, she suddenly smiled happily.

"Hee hee, it's you!"

"I'll tell you what's going on. It's you, the famous God!"

"Hahaha, I died in the hands of Feng Shen. It's really interesting and interesting!"

"My Lord has predicted that everyone will die in your hands, ha ha..."

"I'm the first, so who else will be next..."

Suddenly, the cold ice and snow was reflected in the pupil of Ying Xue!

On the little girl's face, she no longer showed any smile, but became incomparably indifferent!

"I'll let you bury with me!"

The next moment, there were traces of frost on Chu Feng's body!

Before she died, Ying Xue used all her pupils to freeze Chu at all costs!

"Now is the time to wait."

Chu Feng's eyes showed a smile.

A pair of indifferent eyes appeared in the sky.

Master God's eyes!

The ability to twist the void!

Thousands of miles away, immortal Feng suddenly felt the void, and a force was pulling her!


The immortal Phoenix sneered.

She retracted her wings to the closest position to her body.

Like a flame robe, it was draped over her.

Even if the transmission is launched, the immortal Phoenix will transmit it together with the defense robe of fire.

Even if it is transmitted, if the other party can't break the flame robe, it can't threaten the life of the undead Phoenix.

The void in front of us has found great changes!

With the replacement of space, undead Feng found herself in front of a person.

And before her eyes, a powerful frost burst out!

This breath is familiar to immortal Phoenix no longer!

That's Ying Xue's ultimate killing move!

After using this move, all objects will be frozen forever!

"Damn it, are you crazy?"

Undead Feng couldn't help yelling!

What does this guy do when he suddenly uses this level of pupil force against himself?

"Well, you little devil, isn't it because my mother kicked you out and used this means to deal with me? Good!"

Undead Feng closed her eyes and opened them again. Endless flames reflected in her eyes.

Immortal Phoenix!

The flames of destruction!

The next second, the rolling flame burst out from the immortal Phoenix, like a towering flame, rolling the whole earth!

The spirit warrior thousands of miles away showed his astonished eyes when he found that Ying Xue and the immortal Phoenix had been transferred away.

They were thinking about what happened when someone suddenly said, "look over there..."

When they looked back, they found an indescribable vision in the sky thousands of miles away!

Half of the sky turned into burning clouds, and the other half of the sky turned into frozen frost!

As if the sky were turned into two!

The two extreme forces, like the Heavenly Dragon dormant from the abyss, wrestle together!

The sky in the distance is like an overturned oil painting. The colors of blue ice crystals and red flames blend together and gradually become inseparable from each other

Finally, the two forces seemed to be tied and broke in an instant!

All the clouds in the sky were blown around by this terrible force, and all the mountains and rivers below became disastrous!

If you look down from a high altitude, solidified ice crystals and lava flames are distributed everywhere on the earth.

Strangely, when lava flows on the ice crystals, it doesn't melt the ice crystals. Instead, it flows from above. When it covers the earth, it makes a "hiss" scorching sound.

"What a terrible force!"

The present Lingwu people, looking at this scene, couldn't help feeling their scalp numb.

If they hadn't been using firepower to suppress immortal Feng and Ying Xue, as long as they had a chance to spare their hands, the dead might be Lingwu.

Wu Wenbin's eyes looked deeply at the direction of the horizon.

"He should have done it!"

Ying Xue and undead Feng suddenly moved from the battlefield to another direction. No one can do all this except Chu Feng!

"I don't know. What's going on over there?"



On the ground.

Ying Xue and the immortal Phoenix fell to the ground.

"Madder, I'm going to kill the bastard Fengshen. Why are you crazy in front of me?" Ying Xue looked at the face of the immortal Phoenix and was stunned for a moment, and finally broke the defense!

At this time, there was no lovely look on little Lori's face, just like a little devil. She wanted to swallow the immortal Phoenix!

"What? Fengshen!"

Immortal Feng was stunned for a moment, and then sneered: "so, is this the reason why you are going to freeze me forever?"

Ying Xue scolded: "it's you who have to run in front of me. I don't freeze you, a big brainless guy. It's the most regretful thing I've ever done in my life to perform this task myself!"

Immortal Feng smiled angrily: "well, I haven't eaten charcoal roasted Lori for a long time. I've eaten charcoal roasted seafood, charcoal roasted beef and beef before. Now I'm going to eat charcoal roasted Lori, and I'll take you first to cook!"

Chu Feng's figure suddenly appeared near the two women.

This scene, in fact, has long been in Chu Feng's calculations.

When he used the supreme pupil, he also found that this pair of combinations had the weakness of personality incompatibility.

Therefore, after only a little scheming, there was a problem with the cooperation of the two people.

The reason why Linyuan guild assigned them to one place was that their previous tasks were too simple and they were always in a favorable situation, so they could live in peace.

Once against the wind, the characters of Ying Xue and undead Feng were incompatible. Naturally, today's situation has long been.

"Fengshen... You are Fengshen..."

Immortal Feng's eyes were on Chu Feng.

Ying Xue stopped talking.

They both felt the deadly smell.

Chu Feng walked slowly in front of them.

"Cough, Feng Shen, you must have a lot of information you want to know, don't you lose it?" the immortal Phoenix's eyes turned, and her desire to survive made her attitude a lot better. She smiled and said, "my sister doesn't know you're in this copy, so it's offensive, and you have a lot of things you want to know, right? Go to the room tonight and my sister will tell you slowly..."


A sword flashed!

The magic sword immediately penetrated the blood of the immortal Phoenix!

Even if she has the blood of divine wind, any recovery ability is invalid in front of Chu Feng's magic sword!

Immortal Phoenix, pawn!

"If anything happens, I will naturally check it with my eyes."

Chu Feng said coldly in his heart.

What he wants is only the pupils of these two people!

Ying Xue knew she was dead. She sighed helplessly, and then transmitted the communication before her death to Tianluo.

"If the mission fails, we will be killed by the gods!"