[congratulations on killing Lei Ji, the pupil of heaven, and getting an additional super pupil talent - Lei Yinzhi's pupil!]

However, Chu Feng just glanced at the panel and didn't look again.

Sealing is not a great improvement to one's own strength.

Chu Feng plans to work hard to kill Tianluo and others and gather the pupils of the five elements seal.

Wouldn't it be happier to look directly at the panel of the supreme super pupil?

When the sky fell, his face sank, and his hand turned into a silver sickle again.

However, this sickle can only be used for ordinary metal attacks, but it cannot be sealed.

Chu Feng slashed at the sky.

The falling metal hard resisted Chu Feng's attack.

He himself retreated hundreds of meters towards the rear, but he didn't suffer much damage.

A knife fell.

Tianluo's whole body suffered a lot of damage, but it soon healed again.

"I see."

"Your body is a special metal liquid."

"Not only does it have a strong density, but even if it is damaged, it can differentiate into the form of liquid metal, re polymerize and solidify."

"Unless you use seal, you are an immortal existence."

"However, you are a pupil of sealing. It is impossible to kill you with sealing."

Chu Feng looked at the sky falling and slowly opened his mouth.

Tianluo smiled and didn't object to it.

But this does not mean that his eyes will relax their vigilance.

Since Feng Shen can see this, he may really find a way to restrain himself!

Besides, when the sky fell, Chu Feng didn't forget that in addition to the pupil of heaven, there were those eyes from the hell, which were terrible!

Although I am a heavenly pupil, I have a high congenital pupil force, if Feng Shen forcibly consumes all the divine pupil force, I'm afraid that those eyes from the underworld can still take my life.

Of course

Tianluo is not completely against this field. There is no way to prevent it!

Chu Feng tried to use the spirit of the yellow spring to guide the sky falling.

This is the second kind of pupil technique launched by the secret avatar.

However, when Chu Feng tried to invade the spiritual world of Tianluo with the soul of the yellow spring and the illusion of the pupil of reincarnation

In his mind, a sacred golden lotus of enlightenment emerged, emitting swaying Buddha light to stabilize his mind.

The evil nature of huangquan soul and the spiritual attack of reincarnation fantasy will not play any role in the fall of the sky.

Even the use of unlimited monthly reading may not play any role in the setting of the sky.


Chu Feng turned his eyes to the north wind.

The north wind cooled my heart.

The flywheel knife in his hand was put on his foot.


Beifeng tried his best to escape!

Heaven is imprisoned!

Chu Feng doesn't intend to give each other any chance at all!

After being imprisoned by the way of heaven, the activity space of the north wind suddenly becomes very small.

Then, Hou Yi's bow appeared in Chu Feng's hand.

Shining sword lights shot out from the supreme bow and arrow and roared to the north wind!

Hou Yi's bow has the function of tracking. The north wind can only try to dodge within the confinement.

Chu Feng did not deliberately narrow the scope of imprisonment, because it would cost a lot of pupil power.

He just needs to hold Hou Yi's bow and shoot one arrow after another, aiming at the position where the north wind may escape.

Even if the north wind runs fast, it can not be shot by Hou Yi's bow for the time being.

However, Hou Yi bow has the function of tracking.

The north wind was soon surrounded by Hou Yi's bow. There was no place to run anymore!

"The air of the wind!"

A white pearl was crushed in his hand.

The air flow inside immediately turned into a fierce hurricane storm, forming a huge tornado.

The north wind is in the eye of the tornado, but it will not be affected by any wind.

However, when Hou Yi's bow shot on the tornado, it was changed by the fierce hurricane airflow.

The golden arrows were twisted and collided with each other, making a continuous explosion.

Chu Feng wanted to use the arrows of Hou Yi's bow to completely surround the north wind, so he shot a lot of arrows.

However, the north wind also made use of Chu Feng to shoot a lot of arrows. It used the wind current to change the direction of the arrows, so that they collided with each other and offset each other's attacks.

It's wonderful!

However, when the tornado raged, Chu Feng instantly carried the Dragon cutting knife and killed the north wind!

Fengliu can change the flight path of Hou Yi's bow, but it can't change the blade of the Dragon cutting knife!

With the bright blade, the tornado was broken in an instant!

The north wind wanted to move, but he found that the surrounding wind was very chaotic at the moment when it was split by the Dragon cutting knife!

His super pupil is to control the wind flow to move.

However, Chu Feng's Dragon cutting knife destroyed the surrounding void.

The void is gone, so what's the wind?

As a natural attribute of the atmosphere, wind will only become a destructive storm in the void environment and can not be used.

As soon as Beifeng's face changed, he realized that he had no way to escape now!

The sky fell and rushed forward immediately, trying to protect the north wind with a silver sickle.


A huge cauldron furnace suddenly appeared out of thin air and hit the sky heavily!

It's the alchemy furnace of the supreme old gentleman again!

This stove is very hard. It may be the hardest metal in the whole heavenly Tower!

When the sky fell and he was hit by the stove, his body could only fly hundreds of miles away.

Even if his body won't suffer too much damage, it can't save the north wind who is about to die!

The north wind took a deep breath and summoned all the Heavenly Treasures!

All kinds of shields, talismans, golden light spells, protective umbrellas, armor

As long as they can save their lives, they all pour their nests!

However, Chu Feng simply waved his dragon cutting knife.

All the treasures were destroyed by his sword!

The north wind's eyes gradually turned into despair.

After the last flash!

The head of the north wind also fell to the ground!

At this time, another prompt pops up in front of Chu Feng:

"You killed the Tiantong Beifeng and got a new extra super pupil talent - the pupil of the wind!"

"Tip: you can open the weakened version mode of the pupil of the five element seal by collecting the divine wind pupil, ice pupil, wind pupil and thunder pupil of the pupil of the five element seal!"

Chu Feng felt the pupil of the five element seal in the weakened version. Although the product level was not as high as the supreme level, it was also a great pupil technique!

He lifted the confinement of the pupil of heaven's way and opened the weakened version of the pupil of the five element seal.


His eyes turned into strange heavy pupils!

Left eye, surrounded by ice and fire, fire phoenix dancing in the cold!

In the right eye, the wind and thunder are raging, and there is a storm between heaven and earth!

At this moment, the sky immediately turned pale!

He felt the deadly restraint effect of these eyes!