
Chu Feng frowned. He didn't expect that brother Jiong was the leader of Linyuan guild!

It sounds like this is not a simple word.

"Is he the creator of Linyuan guild?"

Chu Feng couldn't help thinking of what brother Jiao said before - he knew more big men.

If we say that as early as before the super pupil era, there were many Tiantong people coming in the real world, and they are secretly becoming the top level of the world

Well, as the "Lord" of Linyuan guild, it's not strange that brother Jiong knows many big men.

"Lord, can you come here?"

The sky fell and asked excitedly.

Brother Jiong sighed: "I didn't come here completely. I just felt that this door might be dangerous, so I put a projection of me here first."

The sky nodded.

Door is the most important part of the Linyuan guild plan!

It's not strange that brother embarrassing made a move.

He paused and said with a smile, "you are careless about this task. You let Feng Shen get the four elephant seal Tiantong."

The sky fell slightly stunned, and then reluctantly shook his head: "we know too little about Fengshen..."

"I don't blame you." brother Ji waved his hand, interrupted Tianluo's remorse, and said with a smile: "anyway, this is doomed. Even if I make more preparations for you in advance, the next war is inevitable."

Tianluo couldn't help thinking of the old enemy brother embarrassing said.

Is it a God?

In that case, why didn't brother Jiong quickly eliminate the enemy when the super pupil era opened?

Not far away.

Chu Feng tried to open the pupil of heaven.

However, the pupil of heaven can't get any tips from brother embarrassing.

It seems that this person is only visible to himself, but does not exist here.

Using yinglingji to perceive, the real form of brother Jiong is a vague shadow, as if there is no entity and does not exist at the boundary of the world.

"It's time to retreat."

Brother Ji's eyes turned to the virtual shadow of the door.

Then an amazing scene happened

With the virtual shadow of the door as the center, there are traces of virtual cracks around.

The world, like a broken glass, has a mark of being separated over the sky.

The virtual shadow of the door, together with the sky, suddenly disappeared!


The original place has become a void space.

Looking at the void space, it is a world without any color and space, just like a hole. It is neither black nor signs of life and material.

Chu Feng has not seen a similar place.

The void shattered by the Tianting system and the black hole channel opened by the abyss bringer look like this!

However, these are special phenomena caused by breaking space.

After bearing the force that should not be borne, space will collapse, and then there will be void cracks.

After the crack appears, after a period of time, the space will automatically return to its original shape.

The broken void is just such a short moment.

However, there is no sign of recovery in the excavated space.

The hole has been standing in the sky. The depth of gray makes people feel a palpitation!

There was no sound, no omen

From the appearance of cracks, to the disappearance of the door, and finally to the emptiness of nothingness

As if it was just a blink of an eye, the door disappeared!

And there is no trace in that place!

"This is..."

Chu Feng's eyes narrowed.

He felt a wave of pupil force.

Obviously, this belongs to brother Jiong's super pupil ability.

So far, among the information about the era of super pupil injection searched by Chu Feng, there has never been a pupil technique that can do such an incredible thing!

"Things are almost done. We should go back."

Brother Jiong looked back at the sky and dropped a sentence lightly, as if he were doing a trivial thing.

Chu Feng frowned. He didn't intend to let brother Jiao wait. He just took the door and went back easily.

Open the four elephant seal!

Designated target: brother Jiong!

Centered on brother Jiong, there are four extreme attributes of different elements around him.

Then, four extreme forces suddenly compressed into the center!

Whether it's hypermydriasis or any extremely powerful existence

The four elephants can seal almost everything!

At the same time, the magic sword in Chu Feng's hand has also gone out of his body.

He even communicated the power of Yutai quangu.

At this moment, a terrible seal psionic storm broke out in the spirit base of Chu Feng Yingling!

Seal means out!

Chu Feng plans to use the means of seal to try to fight brother Jiao.


When the power of the seal fell on brother embarrassing, it didn't play any role!

The four elephant seal went through brother Jiao's body!

Together with the sword light of the magic sword, it seemed to pass through a transparent man when it covered brother embarrassing.

"Can't even seal play any role..."

Chu Feng frowned.

Even if it is projection, it should not be impossible to seal.

The four image seal can seal all substances.

The seal magic sword combined with the seal power of Yutai quangu, and the seal power burst out at that moment, even the soul can seal.

The structure of the world is nothing more than material and invisible soul.

Chu Feng's attack can affect both material and soul. Even if it is projection, it should be a picture reflected by optical distance. In essence, it is still material. Everything should be inseparable from material. Even soul can exist only with material as the carrier

However, Chu Feng's all these attack means can't play any role for brother Jiao.

What the hell is going on?

What kind of existence is this embarrassing brother?

"I haven't completely come to this world yet. Any attack you make on me is invalid."

Brother Ji turned around and looked at Chu Feng faintly.

However, he seemed to show an interesting look: "of course, we will really meet that day."

Chu Feng frowned and asked, "the real world?"

Brother Ji nodded: "the real world can also be understood in this way..."

"You mean, in your idea, our world is also a part of the heavenly towers, or... Not so special?" Chu Feng frowned.

For the super pupil, the world where the Tiantong is located is a copy.

So, what kind of existence will super pupil be for Tiantong, even the creator of Linyuan guild?