In front of Chu Feng, a prompt pops up:

"If you kill Tiantong, Tianluo will gain an additional super pupil talent - gilded pupil."

"Detection: you have collected five kinds of seal system super pupil. Are you upgraded to the supreme five element seal pupil?"


Chu Feng's mind moved, and his pupil force the five light masses in the ocean, floating together in an instant.

These five light masses are the pupil force energy represented by the five element seal superpupil.

Five different superpupils are fused together and burst into bright light!

At that moment, Chu Feng found that his super pupil began to fuse!

A five element seal array appeared impressively in the sea!

Five different seals are super pupil, which are arranged in the five corners of the array.


The array burst into a bright light!

Then, the pupil of the five line seal began to aggregate slowly!

Different attributes are differentiated into different colors, but they appear very regularly in the super pupil pattern of the pupil sealed by the five elements.

Next second

When Chu Feng opened his eyes, his eyes reflected this mysterious pattern.

This pattern, like an array pattern, gathers the energy of the five elements and looks deep and bright.

Looking at these super pupils, it seems that they will be sealed at any time in the next second.

At the same time, a prompt popped up in front of Chu Feng:

"Congratulations, you have successfully fused the pupil of the supreme five element seal!"

"Specific properties can be viewed in the super pupil panel."

Chu Feng's mind moved, and then a new super pupil panel appeared in front of him——

Super pupil: the pupil of the five element seal

Product level: Supreme

Skills: five element seal, seal the world

Five element seal: your super pupil can differentiate the power of the five element array to seal everything. The higher the target attribute level of the seal, the more pupil force consumed.

Seal the world: seal the whole world with the pupil of the five element seal as a sacrifice (you can only use the limited skill once. After using this skill, the pupil of the five element seal will completely disappear. This seal can work on characters. Please use it carefully)!

Chu Feng's eyes couldn't help but put them on the seal world.

"Unexpectedly, the pupil of the five element seal has such a skill. No wonder those guys of Linyuan guild don't want me to get this super pupil talent!"

Even the world can seal at the cost of the pupil of the five element seal!

In this way, if Chu Feng launches "seal the world", it is likely to have a great impact on the plans behind the Linyuan guild!

After all, the Linyuan guild wants the world of the heavenly towers to come to the real world.

Chu Feng mastered the power of this super pupil, which naturally made the Linyuan guild a taboo!

His mind moved, and a door immediately appeared in front of him.

This door is the door of the heavenly towers that he opened when he came to this world.

It has the ability of two-way transmission.

However, Chu Feng had a chance to use it after it was transmitted to the real world.

"In other words, can I kill at most two Tiantong people next?"

Chu Feng showed a thoughtful expression.

In the future, the world of the heavenly towers will surely come to the real world one after another.

The gates of the heavenly pagodas sealed by Chu cannot be used indefinitely.

With their backs against the gates of the heavenly towers, the invaders can engage in guerrilla warfare with the super pupil in the real world.

Therefore, Chu Feng can only use the power of the gates of the heavenly towers to transmit twice, enter two worlds and solve up to two Tiantong people.

Go through the gates of the heavenly towers and return to the real world.

Chu Feng suddenly noticed that he and the thunder wolf army had not been solved.

"Let's try the power of the pupil of the five element seal..."

The next second, in Chu Feng's eyes, a terrible seal breath broke out.

Centered on the base of the thunder wolf legion, a huge seal pattern appeared in such a large site.

"What the hell is this?"

"I felt a terrible force that surrounded me!"

"No, get out of here!"

Some information super pupil people, aware of the current situation, were very bad for themselves, and immediately shouted to remind everyone to escape.

The super pupil of space system and mobile system took the lead in launching their own pupil surgery to escape this dangerous place.

However, after they opened their super pupil, they found that all these pupil operations were confined in the five element seal array and could not move a penny.

"What, can't you go?"

The super pupil of the space system and the mobile system showed a very surprised expression.

When they found that they wanted to escape from the array, their bodies fell heavily on the barriers that sealed the array.

No one can leave this place.

"Let's come!"

The super pupils of the blasting department, with their heavy voice, walked right in front of the team and performed the blasting type of pupil technique against the sealed part of the transmission array!

On the transmission array, a bright fire suddenly appeared!

The ground shook violently.

However, the five element seal array was not shaken at all.

"How is that possible?"

Now, the super pupil of the blasting department is not calm!

Their combined attack can bomb a military base!

But can't deal with the pupil surgery of a super pupil?

How is that possible?

Then, the five element seal array suddenly covered all the legions.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

In a sad scream, none of the legions trapped in the five element seal array survived the five element seal array of Chu Feng.

There are some super pupils who are not in the base, but go out to perform tasks. Seeing such a terrible scene in the base, they are scared to leave far away from here.

They were even in the back. After hearing this, they were glad that they didn't stay in the thunder wolf corps at that time, otherwise they would be dead!

Chu Feng's figure returned to several Middle East giants.

After seeing Chu Feng appear here, those Middle East giants looked extremely respectful.

"There are no other hidden dangers. Do you need me to solve them?"

Chu Feng asked in a deep voice.

Several Middle East giants looked at each other and read a strong shock from each other's eyes.

Judging from the current situation, it is not difficult for them to see that Chu Feng has solved the two malignant tumors of Skyfire Legion and thunder wolf Legion!

They immediately said excitedly, "if these two legions no longer exist, we will be able to gather the strength of the Middle East!"


Chu Feng nodded.

Soon, the giants called back.

When the super pupil guild in the Middle East learned that the two legions were destroyed in an instant, they were all surprised and didn't understand what was going on.

During this time, they need to quickly integrate the super pupil organization here.

Chu Feng thought and quickly returned to the Dragon kingdom.

PS: Well, this book is almost finished. Brothers, let's count the tickets