The pupil of Chu Feng reflects the mysterious law of the five elements.

Then there was a strange wave in his eyes.

As if his eyes reflected the whole world!

Then, the five elements dissipated at this moment, turned into countless empty chains, and burned away towards the virtual shadow of the world above!

And the chain carries the most powerful seal power!

When the chain covered the gate of the heavenly towers, it was successfully wound!

Chu Feng immediately felt that his chain was sealing the gate of the heavenly towers.

However, the gate of the heavenly towers, as the origin of the heavenly towers more than 90 floors, how can it be said to suppress?

Chu Feng changed his mind. Instead of suppressing and sealing the door, he let it close.

Sure enough, this method proved to be effective!

The gate of the heavenly towers was unwilling to open, but now it was slowly closed!


Chu Feng moved in his heart, strengthened his pupil strength again, and tried to close the door!

Sure enough, under the blockade of the seal, the gates of the heavenly towers were closed and turned into closed gates!


The virtual shadow of the world behind the gate of the heavenly towers is also disappearing!

"Success!" Chu Feng was delighted. He didn't expect that sealing the world was really useful!


Chu Feng also consumed a lot of pupil force.

However, at this time, he will no longer keep his pupil force, crazy urge his pupil force, and want to seal all the world.

"Look, the virtual shadow of the world has really disappeared!"

When Chu Feng succeeded in sealing a world, the super pupils at the bottom suddenly made a cry of surprise.

Did you really succeed?

What kind of pupil is that? Even the world can be sealed!

At this time, several gates of the heavenly towers suddenly opened nearby!

From inside the door, he walked out of the Tiantong of Linyuan guild!

They will not let Chu Feng seal these worlds so easily!

Amun's hand has grabbed Chu Feng!

The owner of the pupil of theft!

At the moment, he wants to steal Chu Feng's ability!

At this time, a strange wave cut off Amun's theft.

Jiang Xue looked at Amun coldly. In her eyes, a gray desert world was reflected.

The boundary of endless grey desert!

Jiang Xue's super pupil can isolate other people's super pupil ability beyond the boundary of gray desert.

It's not just super pupil. All attribute forces will be isolated by her special pupil technique. It's like setting a boundary. No one can invade each other.

Become friends of God!

At this moment, they shot for the first time and sheltered around Chu Feng.

Xia Longwu instantly contacted longwuwei.

At this moment, longwuwei also set out collectively.

Dozens of dragon guards appeared in the sky.

Suddenly, the dense pupil technique aimed at the appearing Tiantong.

All kinds of super pupil weapons studied can also limit the use of pupil surgery for Tiantong people!

The scene suddenly became extremely chaotic!

The scuffle of the super pupil is staged around Chu Feng!

Below, the foreign super pupil guild also knows that we must protect the super pupil of the dragon country now, so that there is hope for the future of mankind!

They immediately called the super pupil of their own country, and all quickly came to this battlefield to fight!

The scene immediately turned into a scuffle!

All kinds of pupil flying in the sky, sending out countless explosions!

"What a trouble..."

Black dress Zhengtai appeared near Chu Feng at the moment. Suddenly, an ink light burst out in his pupils and turned into a strong protective cover to protect Chu Feng around.

A tall woman in black silk also came to Chu Feng. When she opened her eyes, a chaotic breath suddenly burst out, and the surrounding void suddenly became folded and distorted.

Any pupil technique falling on the protective cover of Zhengtai in black and the smell of chaos are all dissolved!

"He was the only Sura superpupil who survived that time in the immortal Xia world?"

Chu Feng recognized each other's identity from the chaotic pupil technique.

It is the inky white I met on the second floor of the heavenly towers before.

At that time, he was still the lineup of Shushan, and Mo Bai, as the Shura camp, had a short friction with Chu Feng.

However, since that copy, Chu Feng's progress has been very fast, so he has no chance to meet Mo Bai.

Unexpectedly, when we meet again, the other party has become long Wuwei. Obviously, he has withdrawn from the original super guild

With the protection of these two people, Chu Feng will not be affected by the aftereffects of the battlefield, but concentrate on sealing the world.

Amun's eyes narrowed, and Jiang Xue and Xia Longwu appeared in front of him, feeling very troublesome.

Xia Longwu's whole body burst into a golden light.

Bully status!

When Xia Longwu opens the bully body, any pupil technique will not have any effect on him in the bully body state.

Including theft, mind control pupil surgery and so on

As long as the pupil technique with negative effects is under the golden light of Xia Longwu, all will fail!

Therefore, amon is particularly afraid of super pupil people like Xia Longwu, who naturally restrain his super pupil!

At this time, a few Tiantong also wanted to find Xia Longwu's trouble.

The gray desert boundary of jiangxue is a little similar to the imprisonment of heaven, but it is different from the imprisonment of heaven.

With a wave of her hand, the border of the gray desert immediately surrounded Amun and Xia Longwu into a circle to form an independent battlefield. No one can easily interfere in the battle between them.

In the data and intelligence base, Amun's stealing pupil has a risk factor of S. it can play an extremely terrible role in any field, because he can even steal the pupil.

Moreover, this guy's careful mind and understanding of combat experience are not comparable to those of other Tiantong people. Even when restrained, he can make Xia Longwu suffer several losses. It is enough to see that Amun is the trouble in the hearts of the people of longwuwei!

Crayons and hippos cooperate.

The crayon opened the pupil of animals and immediately summoned a zoo, from which countless animals rushed out.

Hippos open the pupil of evolution, crazy evolutionary animals

Suddenly, the hippo in the zoo became a big steel hippo, and the big birds became giant eagles. Some birds turned into sacred wind and soared on the nine days, which seemed very majestic.

With so much combat power, Chu Feng can naturally seal the world at ease.

In the past, he was alone in solving the singularity.

However, now that the replica world appears in the super pupil world, the combat effectiveness formed by all the super pupil people will not be much worse than that of the Tiantong people!

"The second world!"

Chu Feng whispered.