
Chu Feng shouted angrily.

The yinglingji in his body vibrated like a rolling Milky way.

Open the sky pupil!

Sacrifice the Dragon cutting knife

The blood of the ancient ten thousand families all over the body was completely inspired!

That knife will break in nine days!

The five element seal disintegrated in an instant!

The figure of Tianluo and others disappeared gradually.

Chu Feng frowned: "this is not true. Tianluo and others came out..."

His ability to activate the supreme pupil.

Suddenly, a picture appeared in front of Chu Feng's eyes.

I saw that in a ethereal and uncertain space, a man suspended in the air reflected the breath of vanity in his eyes.

Around him, then appeared Tianluo and others.

It seemed that the man seemed to notice something. As soon as his face changed, he crushed a jewel in his hand.

The next second, the picture in front of Chu Feng disappeared.

"I see..."

Chu Feng hooked his mouth. He finally knew what was going on in this scene!

The man appearing in the picture of fate is the pupil of vanity.

"The end of the world is a disordered world."

"And the power of the pupil of vanity can create everything of vanity."

"With the disordered space force at the end of the world, this super pupil can even project the dead in the form of disorder."

"The projected Tiantong, because of the particularity of the world, can even burst out the original strength..."

"Moreover, the world is connected with the spiritual world, so as long as we find the zone connected with the spiritual world, we will find an orderly world!"

"The difference between the end of the world and the spiritual world is that the spiritual world is orderly, but the existence there is only emerging in the form of spiritual body, and there is no order and rules at the end of the world."

"The vain Tiantong is hidden in the spiritual world of this world, so he can use the pupil technique to summon the dead in the form of projection to pose a threat to me..."

"Of course, for this guy himself, using such a level of pupil surgery also has a lot of consumption!"

Even if the pupil technique is strong, the release is not unlimited.

Projecting other dead people may not cost that much.

However, summon all Tiantong of the five element seal pupil and release the five element seal array, which will consume a lot!

Even if it is Tiantong, the pupil force is not so casual!

Moreover, the other party's move also made Chu Feng confirm one thing

"If we can find the spiritual gap in this world, we may be able to find an orderly place."

"In this way, my pupil of heaven can use [peeping into heaven's destiny] to play its due role!"

Thinking of this, Chu Feng opened the pupil of the floating world!

you 're right!

Is the super pupil obtained in the floating world!

This kind of super pupil of creation can enter the spirit world and control the creatures in the spirit world!

Now, it's time for these super pupils to work!

Open the pupil of the floating world

Chu Feng suddenly saw a blue boundary in front of him.

The blue border straddles the gray edge of the sky, above the holy city.

"I found you!"

Chu Feng confirmed that that is where reality meets the spiritual world in the chaotic world!

The pupil of the sky, which is the pupil of vanity, must be hidden in the spiritual world in order to ensure their own safety.

Otherwise, if he is in the chaotic world, he will soon be found by Chu Feng!

Chu Feng no longer hesitated and immediately entered the crack



In a palace.

Brother Jiong looked at the man in front of him and said with a smile: "look, I have said that your attack on Feng Shen has no effect."

The vain look was stunned, and then said with a bitter smile: "I just want to have a try to see if Feng Shen is so terrible as rumored."

"Now your blow has exposed your position," brother Jiong said

"Some cards in my hand will be kept until later. I won't help you so many times."

"Now, Feng Shen should have noticed your position, and he has the pupil of the floating world and can easily find you."

The vain face changed in an instant.

"Why didn't you tell me such an important thing earlier?"

Brother Jiong shrugged: "you didn't ask me!"

Vanity: "

Brother Jiong continued to explain: "besides, there are so many super pupils on Feng Shen that he may be almost unable to count. Do you expect me to tell you everything?"

Vanity had to admit:

"I was careless."

The reason why he dared to fight against Chu Feng was that he was in the spiritual world of the chaotic world, thinking that Feng Shen should not be so easy to touch.

Therefore, he dared to test Chu Feng boldly.

Who would have thought that Chu Feng had the pupil of the floating world!

Super pupil that can enter the spirit world!

If you face Chu Feng, vanity has no chance of winning. It's better not to have any ideas about enemies of this level from the beginning.

Brother Ji smiled and said, "but you don't have to blame yourself. Even if you don't kill Feng Shen, he doesn't think it will take long to come here to find you."

"After all, now that he has entered the chaotic world, he has also entered the copy world."

"With the urination of the heavenly pagodas, I'm sure I'll give him a hint!"

Vanity was silent for a moment and asked, "what should I do next?"

Brother Ji said faintly, "try to last a month first."

"I'll help you three times."

"If you still can't make it for a month after these three opportunities, I'm sorry."

Take a deep breath.

As the owner of the pupil of vanity, he has never felt so much pressure.

The next second, countless illusions appeared around him.

"Interesting, do you want to build a vain country to trap the gods?" brother Jiong showed a funny smile.

Vain way: "this is my strongest defense means."

Then, centered on vanity, the palace suddenly expanded infinitely and became a mortal country!

In this country, there is human order and life!

It's like creating a world.

But the world is vain.

It can be used to protect the false safety of life.

If Chu Feng attacks, he needs to find the real identity of vanity in this vain country.

Moreover, when you come to a vain country, all the rules are vain, and the attack is also vain.

Brother Jiong nodded, but then shook his head.


"However, you'd better not expect such scrap iron to stop the enemy of Fengshen."

"Especially the other party still has a month."

As soon as the voice fell, Chu Feng had entered the spirit world.