Copy: ancient god world

Number of floors: 86

Background: many ancient myths are born in this world. All the legends are transformed into divine power and exist forever. In this realm, there is the heart of God King. Get the heart of the God King, become the king of the gods, surpass the myth and open up everything.

Mission: kill the pupil of the God King!

When Chu Feng came to the ancient god world, he immediately felt that there was a divine atmosphere everywhere.

The sky is gray.

Looking down, countless fortresses are like a shadow curtain.

In the distance, the huge shadow of gods and Demons spans the horizon.

Near the giant shadow, many hypermydriasis people float nearby and constantly release pupil surgery.

However, these pupil operations can't cause any substantial damage to the giant shadow.

Chu Feng was moved and immediately moved to the scene.

At this moment, the super pupil of the free country shouted:

"Don't look straight at that guy!"

Suddenly, the giant shadow contracted and turned into a white haired man.

His face was very cold, like a God, and an incandescent light suddenly burst out on his body.

Looking directly at all the super pupils of the man, he fell to the ground and lost consciousness.

Except Chu Feng

"You're finally here, Feng Shen."

The white haired man said.


Chu Feng recognized that the owner of the pupil of the divine king was the president of Kassel college.

The white hair was as like as two peas in the Cassell Institute.

It's just that his face is hazy now.

God cannot look directly!

The mythical system in which aresta is located is the mythical world of the western ancient god system, which is different from the heavenly system.

In this system, legend will give God more powerful power!

Aresta is the owner of the pupil of the king of God. He is superior to all sentient beings, grasps the power of the real ancient god, and bursts out the divine pupil power. Unexpectedly, with the power of one person, he has restrained the super pupil strategy group counted in tens of thousands.

It can be seen that aresta is really a God with pupil technique. Whether it is attacking and killing pupil technique or attribute level is very high!

When it came, Chu Feng felt the majestic divine breath from alesta!

This made his demon blood begin to boil!

Aresta can be said to be one of the Tiantong who are closest to the gods in terms of power attributes.

"You step back."

Chu Feng looked at the other super pupil and said faintly.

In the ancient god world, aresta is the absolute ruler. He can absorb the power of nearby myths to obtain endless combat effectiveness. Therefore, it is useless to put the human sea tactics here.

"What nonsense are you talking about!"

A super pupil of the cherry blossom country, with disdainful eyes, looked at Chu Feng and said sarcastically, "the combined strength of all of us can't deal with this enemy. Can you go up and die alone?"

The next second, Chu Feng opened the pupil of the master!

I master!

The Dragon cutting sword and the magic sword appeared on his hands.

At that moment, Chu Feng's body erupted into a terrible hurricane!

And his figure immediately fluttered, attacked and killed, and collided with the giant shadow of aresta!


There was a terrible noise in the sky!

Even the most common collision between two powerful gods makes the earth tremble and the mountains and rivers break!

Feel these two extreme forces, impact together, the cherry blossom national super pupil who still has the color of ridicule shut up and stared at him incredulously. He can't imagine the strength of Fengshen. He was so terrible

As Chu Feng's figure attacked and killed, the world sounded a bell like sound.

Alesta took a deep breath, and the virtual shadow of the gods immediately condensed around him.

"The gods submit!"

With his tone and command, Chu Feng felt the pressure like a mountain on himself!

If only the mountains pressed on him and broke the mountains with Chu Feng's current power level, it would not be a problem.

But alesta used pupil technique to suppress Chu Feng's divine power!

The pupil of the God King is so powerful and terrible!

It's beyond people's imagination!

At this point, those with hypermydriasis immediately step back.

They didn't expect that when alesta dealt with them, almost one tenth of his strength was not used, and he couldn't help feeling shocked.

In such a gap, even if more super pupils are dispatched to deal with aresta, it is in vain!

But aresta didn't use all his strength to deal with them. He was just reserving his strength to deal with the possible Chu Feng.

Crazy urge the energy in the body

Chu Feng's magic sword suddenly came out of its scabbard!

Cooperate to cut Tiantong!

Even if the divinity was suppressed, Chu Feng broke the suppression of aresta by relying on his terrible attack!

And he urged the ultimate sealing power of the magic sword to imprison the void layer by layer!

Alesta took a few steps back, and a burst of strange light burst out in his eyes.

"All the gods!"

The next second, Chu Feng's seal power retreated like a tide!

More than that, he found his divine power flowing uncontrollably towards aresta!

"It's the pupil art of controlling divinity..."

Chu Feng was shocked. He didn't expect that the strength of aresta was so terrible. He was basically not at the same level as other Tiantong people!

The sky pupil on the 86th floor is really not simple!

Chu Feng took a deep breath and urged yinglingji in his body.

The power of the spirit, which belongs to more than 90 floors of the heavenly towers, is even higher than the heavenly system and the underground system!

When Chu Feng chose to use the spirit base of the spirit, the blood of the gods and demons on his body began to boil, and the ancient inscriptions in his body suddenly burst into golden light.

At this moment, Chu Feng, like a little sun, bombarded alesta with a fist.

But arresta did not retreat and looked indifferent.

"All the gods are destroyed!"


With aresta's hands, he waved a strange and incomparable black breath!

Chu Feng's divinity disappeared at this moment!

All the divine powers are destroyed under this palm!


Alesta shouted angrily again and grabbed Chu Feng.

At this time, Chu Feng's Alchemy furnace suddenly appeared in front of him.

After the alchemy furnace appeared, he fought with aresta.

Both figures exploded back several steps.

However, at the moment of retreating, Hou Yi's bow and three pointed two-edged knife suddenly appeared in Chu Feng's hand.

Take the three pointed two edged knife as the arrow and put it on the arrow string of Hou Yi's bow!

Chu Feng shot an arrow in an instant!

The arrow as bright as a meteor flies towards aresta