Chu Feng's expression at this time also became heavy.

Look at the blood red eyes in the sky

He didn't forget that these eyes killed himself several times at that time!

If I hadn't kept the evolution point, evolved the pupil of reincarnation and refreshed the number of resurrection, I'm afraid I would really die in the hell world last time!

The blood eyes in the sky suddenly changed.

With a twist of the void.

A young man dressed in blood and with a cold look appeared in front of Chu Feng.

His face was as flawless as a knife cut, but his indifference and the killing intention of boundless blood in his blood red eyes made his temperament very strange.

It seems that watching this man is watching Shura hell.


This is the coming of the real Lord of hell.

It is also Chu Feng's opponent to deal with Yama level!

"You came as predicted, living one."

Yama's indifferent tone sounded not far from Chu Feng.


"Yes." the king of hell nodded, and then his eyes became deep: "in the prophecy, you killed me and became the new Lord of hell."

Chu Feng looked slightly stunned.

He did not expect that the king of hell would personally tell himself that the other party would die in his own hands.

After pondering for a moment, Chu Feng said, "you should know what happened to the heavenly towers."

Yama's eyes were calm.

"I've seen him before..."

He, of course, means brother embarrassing.

Chu Feng can be sure that the Lord of the underworld has seen brother Jiao.

The next second, Chu Feng launched the supreme pupil.

He needs to know what kind of connection he had with the underworld.

Then, the picture in front of us changed dramatically.

The man wearing an embarrassing mask walked out of a door and looked at the Lord of hell.

The next second, the projections of the two worlds began to collide violently!

Chu Feng suddenly noticed that there were tens of thousands of times more yin soldiers in the underground at that time!

It can't be described by tens of millions of levels!

Yin soldiers covered the sky and rushed towards brother Jiao like an endless stream.

Behind the embarrassing brother, the world is reflected.

These vast worlds are the virtual shadows of Xuanhuan and Xianxia.

Different worlds began to collide.

In the end, Yama lost.

But he also lost the projection of several worlds.

"Are you going to reshape the heavenly towers?"

After the king of hell appeared, he looked at brother Jiao solemnly.

"That's good," brother Ji said faintly. "It seems that you won't give me the underworld, just like the heaven above."

The king of hell said, "you are not the one in the prophecy."

Brother Jiong's mouth suddenly aroused a smile.

"The person in the prophecy has the same soul as me."

The king of hell shook his head: "even if the soul is the same, you are not him."

"Although you and he come from the same soul, the end of fate is different."

"You haven't reached your peak strength yet. You have too much appetite to swallow the 90 story world."

Brother Jiong was silent for a moment.

"You're right."

A door opened in front of him.

Leave here.

However, before leaving, brother Jiong said faintly, "I will make use of the power of the underworld. At that time, please help me."

"This is a little request that didn't kill you."

After that, brother Jiong disappeared in the door.

The king of hell stopped and fell into silence.


This is the end of the picture.

Chu Feng's eyes moved slightly.

"Before this, the underground was attacked by brother Jiong."

"No wonder it's much weaker now."

"Even the king of hell has not reached the peak of the past."

If it is the underground mansion in the peak period, it is impossible for Chu Feng to come back alive on that day.

However, brother Jiong once attacked the underworld.

The collapse of ancient heaven may also have something to do with him.

To be sure, brother Jiong once had ideas about the world with more than 90 floors of the heavenly towers!

After all, his super pupil is the pupil of the world!


Brother Jiong didn't have enough strength at that time!

Although the Lord of the underworld lost, if brother Jiong wants to forcibly drag the underworld world to destruction, then the king of hell also has a way to kill brother Jiong.

Therefore, in the end, brother Jiong didn't want to do this thing.

So he had to leave

But in the back, brother Jiong asked to use the power of the underworld.

The realization of plans such as evil god recovery and secret incubation has something to do with this agreement.

The content of the agreement is not complicated, that is, when the door of the nether world is opened, the king of hell cannot prevent the internal Yin soldiers from pouring out of the door.

Therefore, this is why brother Jiong has not obtained the underground world, but can use the underground to invade the real world.

After all this

Chu Feng said, "I need to be the new Lord of hell."

The king of hell smiled.

"I know you want to become the world, and I know that there will be a war between you and me."

"Moreover, as a result of the battle, you will kill me."

"However, the king wants to see if the predicted fate can be changed..."

Next second.

Yama opened the pupil of hell!

The breath of death envelops Chu Feng in an instant!

Chu Feng madly urges the blood of gods and demons in his body!

Under the protection of yinglinglingji, the king of hell now launches death gaze, which can't kill Chu Feng in an instant!

The position of both of them has been pulled to a similar level.

The Tianting system is even higher!

Chu Feng's eyes moved. At this moment, he realized the difference between himself and brother Jiao.

"Although the pupil of the world can project the world, what brother Jiong had at that time was still the world projection below the 90th floor..."

"On the throne grid, it is still incomparable with the enemies at the level of Yama."

"Although brother Jiong suppressed the king of hell last time by relying on the pupil of the world, his own personality is not enough. He has not obtained the inheritance of heaven, so naturally he can't pose a threat to the king of hell."

"However, after I have the inheritance of ancient heaven, I am qualified to wrestle with brother embarrassing."

Chu Feng also noticed that brother Jiong started his strategy from the top of the heavenly towers.

Therefore, his order of attacking the world of the heavenly towers is from the end of the world to the underground, then from the underground to the 89th floor, and finally to the front.

Chu Feng started from the first floor.

Brother Jiong didn't have enough time. He didn't explore the first layer, so he found the owner of eternal God's eyes.

Therefore, brother Jiong is not omnipotent and invincible. He also has a part of the world that has not been explored.

And this part is what Chu Feng can grasp!

Chu Feng no longer hesitated.

He urged the master's eyes with all his strength.

Use the power of the heavenly system to compete with the king of hell.

Two extreme forces collide togethe