A blast.

Qi Tian's Ruyi golden cudgel immediately extended a hundred feet. The cudgel suddenly became larger and swept away towards Chu Feng!

What a big stick!

A little white fox appeared on Chu Feng's body.

His figure was extremely ghostly. He dodged a stick in an instant by blinking through the void.

At the same time.

Chu Feng took out Hou Yi's bow.

The three pointed two edged gun rests on the arrow string.


He felt a majestic sea like trend condensing on Hou Yi's bow.

It seems that this arrow can break the heaven!

Qi Tian's eyes contracted slightly. The next second, Chu Feng's arrow had been shot!

When the three pointed two edged gun is in the air, it seems to break the void.

On the way of this shot flying away, the surrounding void was broken layers by layers. Even the space system of the ancient heaven could not bear this shot!

Qi Tian's face changed, and his whole body suddenly began to burn violently.

The idea of war is like ten thousand horses galloping, burning into flowing flame and blood, forming the golden armor of the idea of war all over the sky.

At that moment, Qi Tian's power increased greatly!

The golden cudgel in his hand was a round, and the surrounding void was broken layer by layer!

Under the impact of both.

It seems that the whole ancient heaven will be broken!

The emperor of heaven looked at this scene and couldn't help but be moved: "he forced the monkey out with all his strength. This shot is really terrible!"


The void in front of us burst in an instant, but it recovered in a very short time.

The space system of ancient Tianting is more stable than other Tianta worlds. I don't know how much.

Being able to break the void is enough to prove the power of their collision. How terrible it is!

If you put the world of heavenly towers below the 90th floor, I'm afraid that one place will become a permanently unrecoverable forbidden area. The broken void will take thousands of years to repair.


Qi Tian shouted loudly, swung the stick up and said, "you are still the first opponent to force me to use my full strength!"

Chu Feng's eyes fell on the other party and suddenly noticed that the virtual shadow of Qi Tian's God of war became transparent.

He was a little surprised.

"Originally, Qi Tian is only a virtual shadow, not an entity. No wonder he won't use his full strength easily."

"If he uses all his strength, the virtual shadow will dissipate quickly, and it will also affect the combat ability behind him."

After knowing this information, Chu Feng understood why Tiantong, who dominated God's eyes, could defeat Qi Tian.

Of course, just a virtual shadow, you can also feel how powerful the God of war is. If it is a whole body, what kind of state should it be?


Qi Tian's eyes showed a strong sense of war.

"Well, you are a boy beyond my old sun's expectation."

"Even better than that dead bald man!"

"Hahaha, very good. My old sun came to this ancient heaven. He was extremely bored. I haven't met such a powerful opponent for a long time!"

"Come and fight!"


A word fell.

Qi Tian's body was rolling with a strong sense of war.

Chu Feng was surprised to find that Qi Tian's war spirit turned into a gushing breath of real immortals, which made his power more terrible!

At that moment, Qi Tian's virtual shadow was more solid.

"I see..."

"The God of war of the whole sky is like a real fairy with the intention of war."

"When the war spirit is stimulated, his power will be strengthened. Therefore, he is a natural God of war, and his war spirit will break through the sky!"

With that in mind.

Chu Feng held a three pointed and two edged gun, and a surging sense of war burst out in his heart at the same time.

The war spirit between the two collided together!

Facing the Qi Tian God of war with the majestic sea in his body and the Lingtian war spirit that seems to run through the sky

Chu Feng did not feel the slightest fear.

On the contrary, he inspired his war intention and took the initiative to fight with Qi Tian.

And when his war spirit was activated

Chu Feng's immortal breath is also rising!

Qi Tian felt Chu Feng's war spirit and suddenly smiled.

"Unexpectedly, you are taking the path of all sentient beings."

"It's the most difficult for this Tao to come true, but once it is completed, the heart of the Tao is the most stable!"

"The Tao heart of all sentient beings can accommodate thousands of roads and lead directly to the main road. No wonder you can copy my war spirit, very good!"

In Qi Tian's eyes, the sense of war is more intense.

He felt that Chu Feng was a rare opponent in his life.

Since we enter the Tao with the intention of war, we will only be more excited when we meet a strong opponent!

At this moment, Qi Tian's war spirit has been completely activated. The war spirit in his body is rolling and surging like a river. When waving the golden cudgel, the void layer by layer splits along the way. He has climbed his strength to the peak!

The golden war spirit covered Qi Tian's whole body. He just stood there, almost giving people a feeling of being superior to the world!

Chu Feng felt that Qi Tian now was like a three pointed two-edged gun on his own Hou Yi bow, which would run through at any time!

He thought a little, put the little white fox into the space of the heavens, and faced the sky alone.

At his current speed, even if he mastered the law of escape, he could not avoid this blow!

In that case, Chu Feng was afraid that the little white fox would be affected by the war and put it into the space of the heavens in order to fight Qi Tian with all his strength!

Put away the little white fox

Chu Feng took a deep breath and held Hou Yi's bow in his hand. At the same time, the three pointed and two edged gun also rested on the arrow string.

However, in addition to the three pointed and two edged gun, Feng's magic sword and dragon cutting knife also floated in front of Chu Feng at the same time.

These two Heavenly Treasures were also placed on Hou Yi's bow at the same time.

Three supreme level Heavenly Treasures are all shot as an arrow!

Chu Feng's back suddenly projected ten thousand magic soldiers!

All the way from the army tomb, the broken virtual shadow of divine soldiers, thus condensing the breath of thousands of divine soldiers, was stimulated, turned into thousands of virtual shadows of divine soldiers, and suspended in the rear of Chu Feng. The scene was extremely spectacular!

Qi Tian nodded. His Ruyi golden cudgel suddenly became infinitely bigger!

The golden cudgel seems to be as high as the sky. Even if you look up and look at it, you can't see the top of the golden cudgel. Where does it extend

Far away.

The emperor looked at this scene and his eyes twitched slightly.

"It's over. I'm afraid this already dilapidated heaven will be destroyed again!"


"The dead old man is still asleep!"

"I have to move him quickly, otherwise he doesn't know how he died!"

Say it.

In a flash, the emperor of heaven came to the dourate palace.

With a wave of his hand, he pulled away the sleeping old gentleman on the bed and fled to another corner of the ancient heaven.

When the emperor's footsteps stopped and looked away in the distance

The two extreme forces turned into endless golden light and the shadow of a hundred soldiers, colliding together!