Chu Feng's body passed through the golden clouds.

He suddenly found that he had broken through the ancient heaven.

Below, there is a tree looking at the endless world.

The volume of the world tree can't be seen at all, as if a tree is a world!

Chu Feng also found that when he came to the branches and leaves of the world tree, there were virtual shadows of the world one after another.

"This should be the projection of the spirit world."

Murmuring to himself, Chu Feng's eyes became sharp.

The projection of the world tree, the 92nd floor of the heavenly towers!

He is now one step closer to going to the 95th floor to deal with brother embarrassing!

"Wait, since the spiritual world projection is on the 92nd floor, how should the Yingling hall go up?"

Chu Feng's mind suddenly flashed this question.

The hall of heroes is located on the 94th floor.

According to legend, it is the place where the soul sublimates.

The location of Yingling hall is even higher than the ancient heaven.

Look up.

Chu Feng suddenly saw that there was a hazy brilliance on the ancient heaven, shrouded in the world tree.

That brilliance, perhaps the place where the hall of heroes is located, is located above the world tree.

Chu Feng shows the realm of true immortality and wants to go up.

However, he found that when he reached the ancient heaven, he could not continue to climb up.

Can only go down.

Chu Feng was helpless. He found that he could not directly climb the Yingling hall from the ancient heaven.

"Also, if it were really that simple, the hall of heroes would not be located on the 94th floor."

Then Chu Feng set his eyes on the 92nd floor of the heavenly towers, that is, the middle of the world tree, in the dense virtual shadow of the world.

"Perhaps, after passing the spiritual world projection and reaching the real world tree, we can go to the Yingling hall."

Chu Feng's mind flashed this idea.

Open the pupil of the floating world.

The body falls rapidly in a short time.

When we landed in the middle

Suddenly, Chu Feng noticed his figure and integrated into a virtual shadow of the world.

"The world on the 89th floor of the heavenly towers..."

He recognized it at once.

There are two ways from the ancient heaven to the lower boundary of the heavenly towers.

One is to go directly through the internal trunk to the lowest underground.

One is to continuously dive underground after breaking through the ancient heaven and projecting towards the channel of the spirit world.

The location of arrival is also different in two different ways.

Came to the world on the 89th floor

Chu Feng swam in the form of spirit.

Suddenly, some creatures with divinity stared at Chu Feng.

"The monster at the top has a good sense of smell."

Chu Feng just glanced at those creatures who have divinity and can stop in the spirit world.

Suddenly, these spirit creatures felt a terrible pressure, enveloping them!

Scared to retreat quickly!

make fun of!

Chu Feng now has the realm of true immortality!

It was only after breaking through the ancient heaven that the lower boundary was reached.

With Chu's current status, there are few heavenly towers below 90 floors that can provoke his existence!

Although it was in the form of spirit, Chu Feng continued to dive underground with an invincible attitude because he was high enough.

A thought.

Chu Feng used various pupil techniques to find out what happened when he went to the spiritual world to project.

Anyway, it takes a lot of time to sneak into the lower boundary.

During this time, Chu Feng watched the fate of all living beings in all worlds of the heavenly towers through the spiritual world in the form of spiritual body.

And his diving direction also has a certain goal.

In addition to pursuing speed, Chu Feng will also pay attention to what happened to the Tiantong who dominated the divine eyes of the previous generation.

With a variety of pupil techniques such as the most important pupil and the pupil of heaven, Chu Feng needs to catch the trace of fate at a glance, which is not a particularly big problem.

After traveling around several worlds

Chu Feng sighed slightly.

"It turns out that when the Tiantong who dominates God's eyes broke through the ancient heaven, there was not much longevity yuan left on him."

When we reach the demon battlefield.

The Tiantong who dominates God's eyes is here to die.

One of his eyes stayed in the battlefield of gods and demons, constructed the system of gods and demons in the world, and made Jiutian become the pupil of gods and demons.

Another eternal God's eye, however, followed the long cherished wish of the pupil of heaven, and kept falling down, trying to browse the whole picture of the world of heavenly towers.

When the eternal God's eyes went down to the first floor, he had lost all the breath of life.

Therefore, the eternal God eye had to withdraw from the spiritual world and look for a new Tiantong.

Zhao Feng was originally the chosen Tiantong.

However, because Chu Feng was a super pupil, after knowing the information of Tiantong, he killed Zhao Feng in the mission, so he obtained the eternal God eye.

Later, he climbed to the top of the heavenly towers again, killed Jiutian, and integrated the real master God's eyes

All this may be a well arranged soul journey!

Chu Feng sighed.

Diving all the way from the spiritual world, he browsed the fate of all living beings.

It's like copying what Chen Bo has experienced before.

Although it was not the fate of the dead, through this long journey, Chu Feng brought the fate of all sentient beings into his eyes and had a deeper understanding of his Tao heart.

He gradually realized that fate is not necessarily the arrangement of heaven, but also closely related to his own attributes.

There are many people in the world who resent the injustice of heaven, but they are born with a destiny. Although there is nothing they can do, their destiny is closely related to individuals.

Some people are cared for, in fact, they have encountered a moment that can change their destiny.

However, they chose to give up because they didn't grasp it, or because they doubted their own ability. In the end, the pattern of fate didn't change much. They missed opportunities that were difficult to meet in their life, so they could only spend their whole life and become an ancient empty talk.

After watching the fate of all living beings.

Unconsciously, Chu Feng has come to the world on the 50th floor.

Just then

Through the projection of the spirit world, Chu Feng saw Jiang Xue and others!

"Become the strategy group of God group?"

Chu Feng's mind moved and immediately controlled the spirit body and floated away.

Under the leadership of Jiang Xue, the friends of the God group are fighting an ancient demon God.

However, the ancient demon God has the breath of divinity, which is far from being comparable to ordinary super pupil people.

Although Chengshen group is a quick attack group, they have no divine power, and the number of layers of the strategy is higher, and the number is less than other strategy groups, so they soon fell into a disadvantage.

Just then.

The ancient demon God waved a sword light and went towards the white repair roll mat!

"Be careful!"

The faces of the people who became gods changed.

However, they were suppressed by a prison and could not go to rescue