Behind the lava giant is the origin after destruction.

Therefore, as long as you kill the enemy, this mission will be left to the final stage

The world of the heavenly towers may also have a certain consciousness.

Among the Task Tips released to hypermydriasis, there are certain props to reward them, and then according to the tips, you can restore the origin of the world.

Seeing that the lava giant was punched by Xia Longwu, the other dragon guards showed an excited look in their eyes.

"Our chief, I didn't expect to be so powerful!"

"Yes, I thought the chief wanted to sacrifice himself and save us. It turned out that he went directly to solve the big boss!"

"The strength of the leader is beyond our imagination!"

After solving the lava giant, the Dragon guards flattered excitedly.

"All right, don't talk nonsense. Hurry to solve the source. I have other things to do."

Back in the line.

Xia Longwu asked his teammates a few words, and then came to a remote place where there was no one.

To repair the source, as long as the final boss is solved, everything behind is easy to say.

Just follow the instructions of the tower mission.

These teammates are already mature longwuwei.

Of course, you don't have to worry about such a thing.

After Xia Longwu came to a deserted place, he was caught into the spirit world again by Chu Feng.

"Feng Shen, why are you here?"

Now, Xia Longwu had a chance to ask.

Chu Feng simply explained the story of the 92nd floor of the heavenly towers.

Unlike Bai Xiu, Xia Longwu just listened to a few words and soon understood the current situation.

"Feng Shen, you don't have to worry about us. You can go to more copy worlds as soon as possible."

Xia Longwu said quickly.

Through the projection of the spirit world, it is equivalent to crossing the spirit world of the ninety layer world, which takes a lot of time and energy.

Chu Feng nodded, took back his true immortal origin, simply said goodbye to Xia Longwu, and then left.

Xia Longwu looked at the back of Feng Shen and was silent.

In fact, it's hard to say whether we can see this goodbye again.

There are so many friends. In fact, Xia Longwu also has something to say.

But they don't have time to talk about these things.

Feng Shen has a great responsibility on his shoulders and bears the fate of the whole heavenly towers.

Xia Longwu is not that kind of woman.

He soon returned to the troops of longwuwei to help other teammates quickly recover the damaged origin of the world.

"Captain, why do you seem to suddenly become weak? Did you wither?"

Nearby, a Longwu guard noticed that Xia Longwu's strength became weaker and couldn't help asking.

Xia Longwu has black lines all over his head.

"Can you shut up?"



Chu Feng continued to float away towards the other world.

Along the way, he even saw the scene that Mo Bai and Tiannan joined hands again to deal with the ancient demons in the immortal Xia world.

It seems that when I returned to the second floor of Xianxia world

However, at this time, Tiannan and Mo Bai have been very proficient together.

The number and difficulty of the world selected by their strategy group are not very difficult.

Therefore, Chu Feng just looked at them for a moment, determined that the strategy group could complete the task and continue to move towards other worlds.

On the way.

He even saw the ninja world he had conquered.

There is also an isolated space in this world.

Once the magic night crow, in this space, witnessed the super pupil to attack the ninja world one after another.

Chu Feng suddenly noticed that this space seemed a little similar to the spirit world.

But it is different from the spirit world.

It's like... A mirror.


I don't know why, Chu Feng suddenly thought of the 99th floor of the heavenly towers.

The mirror is a super pupil era.

But not all.

Does that sound contradictory?

However, when the spirit of the super pupil connects into the super pupil era, it enters the interior of the mirror, just like the interior of the world tree.

But mirrors also have external space.

If we say that the interior is the super pupil world, it represents the spirit.

Then, the outside of the mirror may be a barrier.

Brother Jiong can enter the interior of the mirror, that is, the era of super pupil, but this is not enough.

His goal this time is to pass through the end of the world, through the external mirror, and then reach the origin of the heavenly towers.

It can be said that behind the mirror is the origin of the heavenly towers.

If you just enter the interior of the mirror, you will be trapped in the super pupil era and can't get out.

We have to break through all the way from the world behind the 95th floor before we can pass.

"The world structure of the heavenly towers is really complex enough..."

Chu Feng couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

I don't know who created the world of heavenly towers is.

I can think of constructing such a complex world

When entering the ninja world, the magic night crow was isolated in a space similar to a mirror, which attracted Chu Feng's attention.

"How did this mirror appear..."

Among the many Tiantong people, it seems that only the magic night crow has had such a magical experience.

Well, it shows that the mirror did not come from the heavenly towers, perhaps it was created by the magic night crow himself.

And the reason why he can create mirrors

The only possibility may be related to his superpupil?

A thought.

Chu Feng opened the panel of the pupil of samsara.

"What is the last skill of reincarnation pupil?"

When the idea came to his mind, he got the answer


Chu Feng's eyes moved slightly.

"Restart, time backtracking type skills..."

"By sacrificing the pupil of reincarnation, you can even restart the whole world!"

"However, this skill can only be triggered after the reincarnation pupil is upgraded to the supreme level."

"Moreover, the restart can only be used once, just like the final skill of the pupil of the five element seal. After using it once, it can no longer be used!"

Chu Feng noticed that the pupil of reincarnation had such a terrible ability.

In the later period of the heavenly towers, Chu Feng rarely used the ability of the pupil of reincarnation.

When he looked back now, he found that there was an extremely terrible skill hidden after the pupil of reincarnation was upgraded to the supreme level.

Help several strategy groups to finish the task again.

"Now, many strategy groups have successfully recovered their origin. Brother Jiong's strength should be weakened. I don't know what's going on over there..."

Just then.

Chu Feng suddenly noticed that a strange feeling came from his yinglingji.

His face suddenly changed.

"Something happened to quangu Yutai!"