Chu Feng walked out of the temple after repairing the statue of water.

Next second, look up

But over the sky, there were many terrible monsters, covering the whole sky in an instant.

When Chu Feng just came out of the temple, these monsters seemed crazy and rushed towards Chu Feng.

Gaia's face was on one side and said, "get away!"

Chu Feng's hand suddenly burst out an extreme seal breath.

The next second, all the flying dragons were sealed in the sky and could not walk down.

Using the origin of Yingling hall, Chu Feng communicated the power of sealing psionics.

A magic sword appeared in his hand.

Although the monsters at the end of the world cannot be affected by ordinary attacks, after Chu Feng communicated the origin of the world, the seal psionic energy instantly changed greatly and became able to seal everything.

Even monsters at the end of the world can't escape the seal of Chu Feng.


The flying dragon in the sky is isolated by the golden seal.

At this time, Gaia immediately ordered: "lead all monsters away immediately..."

Her face became extremely heavy.

"Unexpectedly, the pupil of the world still has such a hindhand!"

"He can make the monster of the whole holy city suddenly hit and attack a little."

"As long as you enter the temple every time, this instruction will play a great role..."

"This is beyond my calculation!"

The pupil of the world just started, which is a bit similar to the power of coordinates.

Specify a coordinate so that all monsters from the end of the world in the root holy city will rush to kill them.

If Chu Feng is not in the temple, this coordinate can actually play a very small role.

However, Chu was sealed in the temple, but he had to stop for a while.

Then, when he comes out, he will die at one point!

In this way, when the pupil of the world starts to specify the coordinates, all monsters swarm towards the position of the coordinates. Even if the spirit can lead a certain number of monsters, how many can it lead?

Even if Chu Feng launched the origin and sealed a large number of monsters, it is difficult to stop the enemies emerging like a tide.

Chu Feng's eyes sank slightly.

At this time, Gaia kept sending heroes to block the outside.

The number of casualties is much higher than originally estimated!


Chu Feng came to the next temple.

However, the number of heroes who successfully came here has become very small.

There were thousands of heroes, but less than 500 came to the Third Temple.

More than half of the dead and injured!

And this is just the Third Temple.

After that, there are four temples to explore!

After repairing the divinity

Gaia looked at the door of the temple with great dignity.

She didn't seem to think about how to deal with the enemies outside when she walked out of the door next.

Chu Feng sat down.

He began to communicate the origin of the world.

"What are you doing?"

Gaia noticed that Chu Feng was using the power of the origin of the world. He couldn't help looking a little stunned and asked aloud.

The power of the origin of the world is very precious, but we can't help spending it casually.

Chu Feng said faintly, "I'm accelerating the holy skill of [divine shadow escape] to quickly recover to the next use time."

Gaia looked stunned.

She didn't expect Chu Feng to make such a choice.

However, Gaia added: "you can speed up the use of holy spells, but this method will multiply exponentially in the second and third times. This is not a long-term strategy."

If you want to use it four times, I'm afraid the source of the world will be squandered in an instant!

The number of sources consumed for the first time is good, but the number consumed for the second and third time is terrible.

Chu Feng shook his head and said, "once is enough!"

Gaia was stunned.

She doesn't know why Chu Feng is so confident.

However, it's just a Holy spell to accelerate once, and the consumption is not very large.

Gaia was a little curious about what Chu Feng would do next.

The origin of the world of Chu Feng is communicating the origin of the heavenly towers.

Holy magic is the power of the origin of the heavenly towers.

When exchanging with each other, because the origin of the heavenly towers is greater than the origin of the world, this substitution is naturally not equivalent.

After Chu Feng finished the communication

His [Shenying Dun] has been quickly advanced to the next use time.

The next second,

Chu Feng's figure came to the fourth temple!



In front of the passage to the end of the world

The pupil of the world opened his eyes, looked at the stable channel in front and smiled:

"Is it the Third Temple?"

The next second, he unleashed the power of coordinates.

From a distance, you can see that all kinds of monsters in the holy city rush towards the Third Temple.

"Tut Tut, I don't know how many more statues you can repair."

"Your hundreds of heroes should not be enough?"

"If you use too much power from the source of the world, you are not my opponent in the next battle in the world!"

This is also the calculation of the pupil of the world!

Waiting for a moment

The pupil of the world showed a look of doubt.

"Ah, why haven't you come out yet?"

"Have you been staying inside to find a solution?"

"This should not be the character of Fengshen!"

After waiting for a moment, the pupil of the world still didn't wait for the God to come out.

Therefore, he aimed his eyes at the channel in front of him again and planned to communicate the source and open the channel.

At this point.

The passage has opened a gap.

When this gap appears, it will be much easier to inject the power of the source again and pull it away towards both sides.


The passage in front of me was shaken.

Just then

The pupil of the world found that the channel became much more stable than before!

"How can the fourth temple be repaired?"

Suddenly, the pupil of the world felt the breath of Chu Feng and appeared in the fourth temple. His eyes flashed a little surprised.

However, he soon learned something and said with a smile, "it turns out that you use the power of origin to accelerate the use of holy magic."

"This method can be used once, but it will consume you much more next time!"

Unleash the power of coordinates.

Countless monsters rushed towards Chu Feng.


Chu Feng specially found a remote temple, far away from the direction of the coordinates.

At this time, all the monsters rushed towards Chu Feng and wanted to intercept him!


When the monster arrived at Chu Feng

The spirit did not attract the monster's attention from the beginning!

The heroic troops disappeared in an instant!

Chu Feng was left alone to face these monsters at the end of the world.