Chu Feng came to the channel.

Using the power of the statue, he can easily dig a passage here.

That is to say

The pupil of the world cannot go in and out of the root at will. It needs to forcibly open a channel to enter the end of the world.

But Chu Feng will not have this restriction.

Because he has the spiritual foundation of the spirit.

Therefore, Gaia will stand on his side and help him.

In that case, the power of the gods is what Chu Feng can use.

The pupil of the world can only use the power at the end of the world to find a way to destroy the root cause, but the plan failed.

This means that the last war will be at the end of the world.

With Chu Feng's heart moving.

The passage was slowly opened.

A desolate breath beat Chu Feng's face through this channel.

"Is that the end of the world?"

Chu Feng took a deep breath and muttered to himself.

Just looking at this passage from a distance, you can feel the silence and horror at the end of the world!

A hint came from the pupil of heaven——

"Ahead is the end of the world. First light the fire of the origin of the world, and then move forward!"

Chu Feng's mind moved and communicated the origin of the world in his body.

The origin of his world suddenly burned like a flame.

At this moment, Chu Feng's breath of life became very different.

As if he were standing here, like a world.

"To enter the end of the world, you must first become the world before you can enter..."

Chu Feng took a deep breath.

His body now has the origin of the underground world, the origin of the Yingling hall, the origin of the true immortal and the connection of half the roots

Although the number of worlds is certainly not as many as the pupil of the world, most of the world forces above dozens of floors of the heavenly towers are in the hands of Chu Feng!

The power of these worlds is not as simple as that below 90 floors!

With these adequate preparations

Chu Feng no longer hesitated and stepped into the end of the world.



The sky at the end of the world is completely gray.

No, not just the sky.

Even the earth here is gray.

In addition to the gray of the earth, the endless sea is also gray.

The beach is gray.

The trees are gray.

Occasionally, a few gray birds fly across the sky.

However, those birds have no eyes in their pupils, their fur is also gray, and the movement of flashing wings is very mechanical, as if they were a programmer who had set their flying speed and flashing wing frequency for a long time.

When the gray bird flew to the end of the field of vision, it suddenly turned into a bubble and disappeared.

This bird just looks like life.

However, Chu Feng knew that there was no life at the end of the world.

Everything here is a disordered world created by copying order.

No rules, no life!

Just like all the colors at the end of the world, they are gray!

It looks like there are beaches, sea water and sky, but it actually looks a little more empty than the dark wormhole channel after the 95th floor.

Like a hopeless world.

Chu Feng's eyes moved slightly.

At the end of the world, I once saw a corner in the fate picture of the pupil of the world, so I'm no stranger here.

"No wonder Chengshen group appears next to a beach. It turns out that the end of the world looks like a beach."

Chu Feng suddenly sighed in his heart.

The ocean at the end of the world looks like the ocean built by the space of the gods.

The group Friends of Chengshen group just stay far away on the island, but they won't get close to the beach, because it's just a fictional scene, which has not been opened up.


Chu Feng suddenly remembered something.

There are islands in the Chengshen group. There are also islands in the memory of the pupil of the world, but I didn't see the islands when I came to the end of the real world

He looked back and found the island far away.

Chu Feng walked towards the island, but unexpectedly found that a boundary appeared at the end of the world.

As small as the space of the heavens!

"The end of the world is not big..."

Chu Feng said silently in his heart.

Originally, the island is the world tree on the 93rd floor of the heavenly towers across the border.

Through this boundary, you can see a world tree growing infinitely upward.

Next to the world tree, there is a sky vine.

That's the Tongtian vine planted by Chu Feng. Before that, he planted Tongtian vine through the seeds of the world tree. Only then did he ascend the 94 story Yingling hall.

"A world with borders?"

Chu Feng whispered.

The boundary at this end of the sea connects the 93 story world tree.

So, what will the boundary on the other side connect?

Chu Feng used the power of the origin of the world.

Soon, his body succeeded in floating at the end of the world.

There is no order at the end of the world.

If you don't reach the world and enter the end of the world, you will become a bird in the sky, assimilated by the end of the world, lose consciousness, thinking and mode of activities, and become out of order.

After Chu Feng reached the world, he used the world origin, so that he could move in it with the ability of a normal person.

He floated towards the other side of the sea.

The sea water along the way is dead and will not churn any waves.

The occasional fish in the sea just appeared for a moment and disappeared, as if it were just an illusion.

Chu Feng flew in the sky at the end of the world.

The dead sea is not as wide as expected.

But after a while, Chu Feng found that he had reached the other end of the dead sea at the end of the world.

In the distance, a huge mirror straddled Chu Feng's eyes.

The mirror looks transparent, but nothing can be seen through this mirror.

Beside the mirror stood a man.

At this moment as like as two peas, the pupil of the world has taken off the mask of the embarrassed character, revealing the same face as Chu seal and watching him.

Chu Feng felt as if he was looking at a mirror. Through the mirror, he saw himself.

However, Chu Feng felt that the soul breath on the pupil of the world was different from himself.


This is the soul breath opposite to yourself!

However, the soul breath between the two seems very similar, as if it was carved from the same mold.

"You're here at last."

When Chu Feng's figure appeared not far away, the pupil of the world opened his eyes.

His eyes reflected the world and Chu Feng's figure.


Chu Feng found his ability to attach great importance to his pupils, and even ran automatically!

The next moment, his eyes reflected the fate of the pupil of the world!