With the reward of an earth trench, a group of amazing rewards appeared.

The all-in-one Space Fortress rewards the information screen.

The winners are all fork research institutes, so and so science colleges and circle biology laboratories from all over the world

"Shit, there's another reward from the earth trench. No, it's a reward from the world's famous scientific research institutions -"

"Well, I'm so jealous of brother Dali -"

"Ha ha, Ba Cuo, brother Dali and datuhao are sparing no effort to contribute to charity --"

"My baby should also support brother Dali's charity and reward a wave of great Swords -"



Wang Dali was stunned. Unexpectedly, there are so many scientific research institutions all over the world watching the live broadcast silently. Usually, they rarely send messages and boast at will like those boring sprayers.

Unexpectedly, when serious research came, they shot one after another, Zheng Qianjin, in order to do research.

Well, since they are generous, Wang Dali can't refuse, can he?

"OK, OK, all kinds of friends, I don't have much time. Now it's about to start. Please leave the screen consciously, children, blood sick audience and timid audience!"

"It's time for serious scientific research, not Hollywood blockbusters!"

"If there is no guardian present, please leave the live video for 15 minutes. Yes, that's 15 minutes. After 15 minutes, Wang Dali will come back and take you on a mysterious and thrilling jungle adventure!"

Wang Dali said, glancing at the number of people online. NIMA, will you not fall but rise!

"There are too many people. Scientific investigation and research are not suitable for ordinary people. This is not sitting in front of the TV screen eating barbecue and drinking beer. This is a bloody anatomy and a serious scientific activity. If you are not an expert, scholar or scientist in this field, please leave temporarily and come back in 15 minutes."

Wang Dali turned his head and saw Xiumei standing aside. He had no intention of avoiding.

"Xiumei, I'm going to work for biologists in the world. You know, if they don't do it again, they'll be crazy. Er, don't you need to avoid it?"

"No, no, oba, I'm not afraid. I have to be strong. I can't be afraid of what I see. I can't drag you down and always be your burden!" Xiumei said with her lovely shell teeth.

"Well, well, well, I know you've been working hard, but you don't have to be so hard on yourself, okay?"

"I see. Thank you, oba!"

Wang nodded vigorously, came to the little fast Raptor who came to the last moment of life, raised his hand and raised his stone axe.

"Experts and scholars, I know what you want to see most urgently and crazily. Don't worry, I know this very well, so next, I'll knock the little guy's skull open for you!"

The voice fell, and Wang Dali took up his axe and slashed it on the head of the little fast Raptor.

Bang bang——

The Raptor's head was cut open and blood burst.


Xiumei covered her face and stared at the Raptor's head through her five fingers. When she saw the white flowers in the Raptor's skull, she couldn't help but turn around and vomit.

"Wipe, wipe, it's terrible -"

"Brother Dali turns into a Ripper -"

"Sleeping trough, why is it suddenly mosaic -"

"What's the matter? As soon as my baby saw his bloodthirsty desire - it looked up, you put a mosaic on my brother --"

"Shit, mosaic? My pants are off. You won't let me go, Wang Dali. I hate you -"

"Mosaic, what's going on? Let's not look at mosaic -"

Wang Dali was also stunned.

What's going on? Why is the good live video mosaic? This is unscientific!

"In view of the adverse physiological reactions such as vomiting and screaming caused by too many viewers, the God system triggers the independent protection mechanism to limited screen the pictures that may cause adverse reactions. If you want to see the original clear video, please pay to select the scientific research channel."

The cold electronic synthesis sound sounded in Wang Dali's mind.

"Fark oil!"

Wang Dali is really speechless. Well, well, God system, you are really more humanized than people. You're hanging on the sky.

But then again, don't you just open your head? Do so many people vomit?

Watch the message burst.

Wang Dali spread out his hand and said with a helpless smile: "sorry, sorry, audience, suddenly encountered an accident. In view of the adverse physiological reactions such as vomiting caused by too many viewers seeing the bloody scene, they had to put some mosaics on the video appropriately, which was an adjustment they had to make in order to take care of the health of the vast majority of viewers in the world!"

"As for those who want to watch the complete and clear version, please choose the scientific research channel video below the video. However, if you click this channel, you need to pay a small fee. Of course, for real scientific researchers, I think this little money is not a matter, and all this money will be used for charity. I don't spend a penny or a dime myself!"

Wang Dali felt that he had had enough and began to work again.

"All right, let's go on"

Wang Dali carefully took out the Velociraptor's brain and cerebellum, and then let the super camera shoot it in an all-round way.

Under the super definition of 8K, any folds and blood foam in the cerebral cortex can be clearly seen.

"Next, show the cross section, which is very important!"

Wang Dali took out a silk thread and quickly divided the Velociraptor's brain into two. The incision was neat. Under the large close-up, you can clearly see every cell and neuron.

The brain, cerebellum and various subtle structures and forms are clear.

Wang Dali moved quickly, put down his head and began to dissect the cavity, viscera and major organs of the Velociraptor.

8K ultra clear image quality makes everything invisible.

Each frame is the incomparable and most precious first-hand information for relevant scholars and researchers.

It was supposed to take 15 minutes, but it was extended by five minutes.

On the live video, some researchers' words were too noisy. Wang Dali was not satisfied with his good temper one by one.

"OK, it's overtime. Xiumei and I have to run for our lives. Experts and scholars, I won't accompany you."

Wang Dali is a bull. He dares to throw his face and put down his challenge to the great scientists all over the world.

"All scientists, if you want further research, you can find your own opportunity to come to the island of death. I believe that death can't make science and truth shrink back!"

It's a dragon ball series, which was also put on the shelves last night. In the effort to order 1000, if you are interested, you can go and have a look.