Wang Dali's arm was bleeding. This time, Wang Dali was desperate. It's the so-called that he couldn't bear the child to trap the wolf. What's more, Wang Dali was full of confidence in the blood of the Prussian giant crocodile identified by the God system.

After all, it is the cream of life, not the dessert.


Xiumei was so distressed that she shed tears and nervously used a cloth strip to bandage her wound.


Wang Dali quickly stopped, pressed the wound with his right hand and said to all the audience, "well, I'm going out for human medical career. Now I'll clean the wound with the blood of this super giant crocodile!"

The crocodile blood poured on the wound and it was hot.

"Note that if other dirty things pollute the blood in the body, it is easy to cause sepsis. Therefore, crocodile blood should not be drenched too much!"

Wang vigorously looked up and gulped down a bag of super crocodile blood.

After a while, a stream of heat radiated from Wang Dali's abdomen to his limbs and bones. Wang Dali was surprised when he found that the wound was itchy and quickly let go of his hand.

The wound on the arm stopped bleeding quickly and was healing with the naked eye.

Xiumei was so stunned that she couldn't believe it was true.

The super camera gave a close-up of Wang Dali's wound. The wound healing was really clear. Now, everyone who watched the live broadcast saw it clearly.

Wang Dali was in a good mood. The wound on his arm was very itchy, which was a side effect of rapid healing.

If Wang Dali hadn't been determined, he would have had to scratch and scratch.

In an instant, Wang Dali saw that his panel had changed again.

Height: 178 + 1

Constitution: 28

Endurance: 10 + 6

Mental strength: 14

Willpower: 9 + 2

Explosive force: 8 + 7

Agility: 10 + 6

Smell: 9 + 5

Listening: 12 + 3

Vision: 13 + 2

Lucky: 21-1

Class Lv2

I wipe, Wang vigorously excited, this Prus giant is really extraordinary life, its blood is the essence of a body. After taking its blood, physique + 1, and other attributes also increase slightly.

"Have you seen it? It is very clear now that the blood of this prehistoric crocodile is indeed the essence of extraordinary life. Let's cheer up, audience, and I have found the essence of extraordinary life!"

Wang vigorously raised his arm and gathered in front of the camera. He was very proud. He saw that the injury not only stopped bleeding, but also healed, but there was still some distance from complete recovery. This may take some time. After all, the blood of extraordinary life is not omnipotent.

The audience immediately fried the pot.

"I wipe, it's a miracle, a real miracle -"

"There is no medicine in the world that can cure the wound so quickly. Note that it is healing, not convergence -"

A ready-made panacea is the elixir of all things.

"Oh, MAIGA, giant apes, python, crocodiles, these are extraordinary lives? Their value is immeasurable -"

"I believe that as long as we study the mysteries of the essence of life, all diseases of mankind can be cured, and even the lifespan of human beings will be greatly improved."

"Although Ben Baobao was shocked, he despised it, because this extraordinary thing must be monopolized by the ruling groups, rich people and large scientific research institutions all over the world, which has nothing to do with our civilian losers -"

"Brother Dali has found something wonderful again. I hereby predict that this discovery will be a very important discovery in the history of human medicine, no less than the discovery of antibiotics in that year -"

"Brother Dali is no longer a human being. He is the greatest explorer and great discoverer of this century. He is paralyzed. I also want to sink into the water and drift to the island of death -"


The medical research institutions that are paying attention to Wang Dali all over the world cheered.

Wang Dali's discovery did let them see another brilliant hope in the field of medicine.

Extraordinary life, the essence of life, is incomparable to the great wealth of medical scientists. That is God's gift to mankind. It is the key to opening up a whole new field.

If we study this key clearly, mankind will move towards a new era and a new palace.

All researchers, with red eyes, wanted to immediately put on their wings and fly to the island of death.

However, the location of the island of death is still a mystery.

I only know that it is the sea area of Sumatra. There has been a legend of the island of death since ancient times, but no one can come back alive after going.

Just like the Bermuda Triangle, there are amazing legends. Even though human science and technology have been quite developed, so far, there are still many phenomena and regions that can not be explored by human beings, such as the deep sea, such as the deep space, such as the underground, such as the polar earth, and so on.

"All right, all right!"

Wang vigorously waved his hand and fucking great. "Now, the magic of transcendental life is beyond doubt. I think we should be able to speculate on the extraordinary aspects of life when we see the diamond giant ape. But it is not too late now. Here is Wang Dali, Wang Dali is me!"

Wang Dali's voice continued to rise.

"I will lead you to explore the true mystery of the island of death, reveal the ultimate of human evolution, and open a legendary exploration road. Please follow my footsteps to discover the unknown, explore the mystery and open the future!"

Just as Wang Dali was triumphantly issuing a great declaration, several vultures circling in the sky had been staring at the Prussian giant crocodile.

The corpse of extraordinary life has a great temptation for vultures. As long as they eat it, they will be stronger and more evolved.

A vulture swooped down suddenly.

"Ouba, be careful!"

When Xiumei saw the vulture swooping down, she couldn't help but throw Wang Dali down and put her petite body on Wang Dali.

"Uh, pretty"

Wang Dali and Xiumei face to face, eyes to eyes, and suddenly an impulse surged up.


Wang Dali suddenly kissed the beautiful sweet lips.

"Hate it, oba!"

Xiumei blushed, pushed Wang away and got up herself.

On the Internet, beautiful fans have fried the pot.

"Wang Dali, I misunderstood you. How dare you take the opportunity to molest the beauty of my family -"

"Big brother 666"

"Keep up your efforts, and my baby will go to the theatre -"

"The beauty is over. It seems that I like brother Dali. I don't have a chance -"

"I want to jump out of a building. It's beautiful and has people I like. It's too shocking --".