Wang Dali climbed to the top of the cliff, and Xiuer fell to the ground with a white face.

"It's dangerous. The giant ape was knocked off the cliff!"

"It will come up again. This giant ape is very intelligent and remembers revenge!" Wang Dali was terrified. He blinded the giant ape's eyes and was sure to be chased and killed.

Xiuer suddenly picked up the little golden monkey, kissed the little golden monkey fiercely, encouraged and smiled: "oba, this time thanks to clumsy!"

"It's time to reward stupid!" Wang Dali smiled and looked at the bottom of the cliff. The giant ape that had been lying had disappeared.

"Let's go, it probably wants to climb up!" Wang Dali was slightly surprised.

Clumsy jumped up, fell on Wang Dali's shoulder and pointed to a huge cave on the top of the cliff, looking scared.

"Stupid, there is danger ahead?" Wang Dali's mind moved and couldn't help asking.

Clumsy nodded, holding his head in his hands, lying down in fear and cocking his ass. he looked very cute.

"Oba, how does Benben know there's danger inside?" Xiu'er was curious.

"Stupid, have you been to this place?" Wang Dali asked again.

Stupid shook his head, still afraid.

Wang Dali was silent. Benben seemed to be very sensitive to danger. Several times before, Benben warned in advance. Is this the extraordinary place of golden monkey as an extraordinary life?

"Oba, what should I do now?" Xiu'er was very upset.

"We can only move on!" Wang Dali sighed. There was no other way to the top of the mountain except for a cave formed in the belly of the mountain.

The huge cave is not completely dark. There is a faint light on the opposite side. It seems that there is a way out across the cave.

Wang Dali, holding a bow and arrow, strode into the cave.

Xiuer followed closely, holding the same bow and arrow, with a nervous face.

After entering the cave, the environment soon darkened. Hundreds of meters away, at the other end of the cave, the huge sky light came down, shrouded in fog and hazy.

"Ouba, there's light over there. It's the way out!" Xiuer was a little happy.


Wang Dali suddenly covered Xiuer's mouth and looked up at the top of the cave dozens of meters high.

Xiu'er also took a look along Wang Dali's eyes and immediately took a breath.

It was dark at the top of the cave. A huge bat hung upside down on the top of the cave and was sleeping.

Now it's broad daylight. Bats are really resting. Each of them is as big as a person, hanging upside down, their eyes are closed, their meat wings tightly wrap their bodies, and occasionally move. It seems that bats dream while sleeping.

Stupid was so frightened that he lay on his stomach and covered his eyes with his hands. He was too timid to look.

Wang vigorously opened Xiuer's mouth, made a quiet gesture and pointed to the way ahead.

Xiu'er nodded and understood Wang Dali's meaning.

They will enter the village quietly, walk through it quietly, and then leave quietly.

The cave is very spacious, with a huge and open hillside, and hundreds of giant bats hanging on the top of the cave. Nothing is more creepy than this.

Wang Dali is also thrilled. For mammals such as bats, Wang Dali is naturally disgusting.

"Come on, follow me!"

Wang Dali whispered, leading the way.

There was no road in cave, so I walked a little slowly. I had to take many detours in just a few hundred meters.


With a roar behind her, the female giant ape rushed in from outside the cave.

"No, the great ape is so stupid!"

Wang Dali was shocked and wanted to kill the giant ape to vent his anger. Nima, a stupid female giant ape, roared recklessly without looking at what was going on.

Great ape bichi, you're not afraid of death, and don't bother me, okay!

Wang vigorously did not have enough time to Tucao, and quickly make complaints about the son, and he bowed his head and hid under a big stone.

The giant bat at the top of the cave was finally awakened. The chirping sound and countless ultrasonic waves were sent out together, and there was a depressing movement in the air.

Although Wang Dali could not hear some ultra-low voices, his keen five senses still made him vaguely feel that ultrasound made him feel very uncomfortable.


The bats flew down, spread their wings and pounced on the roaring female giant ape.

The giant ape roared, waved, tore and bit. Although the giant bat is as big as a man, it is still much smaller than the giant ape.

Hundreds of giant bats fought against giant apes and attacked it.


Wang Dali felt numb. He pulled up Xiu'er and trotted outside the cave in front of him. While giant bats and apes are fighting, I must take the opportunity to leave this ghost place.


Seeing Wang Dali, the female giant ape tore a giant bat and ran towards Wang Dali and Xiu'er.

Where do giant bats give giant apes a chance? One giant bat after another swoops down from the top of the cave, grabs the giant apes, lies on the back and neck of the giant apes, bites the giant apes, and tries to kill the giant apes and suck the blood of the giant apes.

Just a few hundred meters, Wang Dali felt so long.

Wang Dali simply picked up Xiuer and ran to the exit at the other end of the cave at the speed of 100 meters.

The giant bat heard Wang Dali's footsteps and flew down immediately.


Wang Dali was furious. He held a stone axe in one hand and cut it on the abdomen of a bat. The blood burst out and sprinkled on Wang Dali. The giant bat crashed to the ground and screamed in pain.

The audience was again awed by such a thrilling scene.

"NIMA, brother Dali is dead -"

"If you want to break into such a dangerous place, it's fearless for those who don't know --"

"The island of death is really terrible. Even bats are so big -"

"This is the legendary giant bat. No, it's bigger and more terrible than the legend -"

"I heard that bats suck blood. I guess they not only suck blood, but also eat people -"

"What a disgusting giant bat, I'm going to get goose bumps -"

"Brother Dali, run, disgusting bat. It's so ugly -"

"Brother Dali, show your power quickly, kill all the bats, kill all these disgusting animals --".