"Don't tell me that human beings evolved from ancient apes, and I still have doubts about it!" Wang Dali waved his hand and looked mysterious.


"Because as far as I know, the scientific research community has not found the intermediate form of the evolution of the two species of apes and humans so far. Those who claim to have been found are not only fake but also fake!"

"According to Darwin's theory of evolution, evolution between the two species is gradual, so where is a series of gradual forms from ancient apes to humans?"

"No, not at all!"

"From this point of view, humans may not necessarily be changed from apes!"

Wang Dali's suspicion is also justified.

From the ape man skulls excavated now, these clues are only a few points spanning hundreds of thousands of years, and almost all of these points have interrupted the inevitable contact with modern people, so these clues seem to be somewhat fragmented.

It is said that modern people originated from heizhou, so what did our ancestors evolve to the origin of heizhou? Go on, what is plastic source? There's no complete clue yet.

Wang Dali believes that Darwin's theory of evolution has only been recognized by most people in terms of analytical ideas, but I'm afraid it can't be confirmed.


Wang Dali was bullish and noisy. After talking nonsense and roaring, he wisely kicked the ball out.

"It seems too early to say what the facts are. I hope our scientists can come to the island of death for scientific research as soon as possible. If there are definite results after the research, remember to burn paper for me and say it, ha ha!" Wang Dali smiled with a look of beating.

Some of the audience who were fooled were confused, but many people still let Wang Dali get angry. The academic debate can't tolerate Wang Dali's nonsense.

"Brother Dali, how dare you stand up to Darwin -"

"How dare you compete with all kinds of brick houses now?"

"Is everything you say a guess or a conclusion? Do you have any conclusive evidence -"

"Brother Dali, don't talk nonsense. Be careful to be sprayed to death by the brick family's animals -"

"Support brother Dali, there is doubt, there is truth -"

"Brother Dali died. Do you want to be drowned by saliva -"

"Shocked brother Dali's courage to challenge tradition and classics. Unfortunately, others will only think you are talking nonsense, but I am willing to believe you. Personally, I would rather believe that I am an alien descendant than admit that I am a monkey -"

"Yes, we're not monkeys. We're human beings. Stupid monkeys, just shake --"

"Wow, haha, my baby has long suspected the theory of evolution. It has many problems that can't be explained. The theory of evolution is not perfect. Earth people, tremble and tremble. I announce again that we humans are alien immigrants. Now the evidence is conclusive -"

"Like -"


"Brother Dali is talking about my baby's heart. Whenever my baby looks up at the stars, he knows that we come from other planets -"

"Yes, Prometheus, deep space amnesia is the proof -"

what the fuck!

Even Prometheus and deep space amnesia have come out. These guys think science fiction is the truth!

Wang Li was unable to make complaints about them. They had a big brain. They were not reliable.

"Yes or no, these are not important. What is important is that this spacecraft will be a great heritage of all mankind. If scientists can find here one day, please identify the difference between the DNA of that corpse and us!"

"Now, after watching the holographic projection, I have reason to believe that the creators of solar civilization who left the island of death and went to all over the world are also likely to be the creators of some lost civilizations in the long river of human history. If so, let me lead you to uncover them one by one!"

Wang Dali felt his blood boiling. What he wanted to do was to keep exploring?

"Ouba, come quickly!" Xiu'er suddenly exclaimed.

Wang Dali looked back and was stunned.

Priest Aya inserted the sun stone necklace into a small hole on the console, the whole console lit up, and countless advanced technology instruments and display screens were instantly activated.

I wipe, the energy of the spacecraft is actually a Sunstone!

When Wang Dali came to the console, Bart, Xiu'er and Qian Yi all ran up. Touch here and see where. They were very excited.

Suddenly, a perfect female electronic synthesis sound echoed in the whole spacecraft, making people sound pleasant and very comfortable.

"The extraordinary person is detected. After checking the existing network database, the detection is completed. The conditions match the extraordinary person, Mr. Wang Dali. Do you want to obtain the title of successor of solar civilization?"

Everyone was stunned and won a title?

"Who are you?" Wang Dali raised his head and frowned.

"I'm EVA, the quantum intelligence center of the sun!" said the electronic voice.

Everyone was shocked. NIMA, the quantum Intelligence Center, is it a quantum computer? This has gone beyond the existing scientific and technological level of the earth!

"Why should I get the title of successor of solar civilization instead of Aya priest? What's the advantage of getting the title?" Wang Dali was surprised.

"The successor of civilization gives priority to the extraordinary. If you get the title, you will automatically get all the legacies left by the solar civilization, including EVA's Titan starship sun!"

"Sleeping trough, brother Dali, don't promise soon -"

"This is a proper pie from the sky -"

"Brother Dali is about to become a successor of civilization. Youmuyou -"

"Brother Dali is powerful. His luck is terrible -"

"I also want to become the successor of civilization, I want to go against the sky, I want to win Bai Fumei, and then I will go to the peak of my life -"

"It's a bunker to be the successor of alien civilization -"

"Compared with brother Dali, the second generation of the rich and the second generation of officials are simply weak -"

"Is this a legal inheritance? Will it be occupied by the Western authorities?"

"Roll rough, no one can deprive brother Dali of his inheritance -"

"Brother Dali is too stupid to agree -"

"If I had, I would have agreed to have a starship, which is a thousand times more powerful than owning a private yacht and a private plane.".