Wang Dali is not stupid. He must know that he will be confiscated.

However, that's what will happen in the future. No one knows what will happen in the future!

Wang Dali dares to confirm that the sun spacecraft does not belong to any authority without the permission of his successor. Even if the spacecraft is taken away, it cannot be cracked by current earth technology.

Wang Dali is confident that people can't even break the shell of the spacecraft and enter the interior of the spacecraft smoothly.

Only in a few hundred years will earth technology be able to do so.

Wang Dali doesn't worry about the spaceship at all, because it has to be said whether the world can find the island of death!

"Ouba, the spacecraft needs a Sunstone. We can find enough sunstones!" Xiuer suggested.

"Where are there enough sunstones?"

Priest Aya immediately shook his head: "when the ship crashed, all the sun stone reserves exploded and scattered all over the world. There may be buried on the island, but it is impossible to collect enough. I think the ship is destined to lie here forever!"

"Forget it, forget it!"

Wang Dali spread his hand: "originally, I didn't have any hope for this ship. Anyway, I'll meet the big snake first. I don't believe it. I can't kill it!"

"Do you have a way to deal with the dominator?" the priest Aya was surprised.

"Not before, but now, with God's arms, I think I can deal with it!" Wang Dali was full of confidence.

"No, is the God armed so powerful?" Bart was surprised.

"It depends on who has it. For example, Xiuer, let her be armed with God. It's not much powerful, but it can be very powerful in my hand!"

"That's not powerful enough to kill the snake?" Qian Yi didn't believe it at all and hummed: "you'd better not overestimate your ability so that we Xiuer won't cry blind afterwards!"

"Ha ha, Qian Yi, do you think I'm a fool?"

Wang vigorously shrugged: "you only see the size of the dominator, but you underestimate human wisdom. Don't you find that the big guy actually has a gray and big death hole? As long as I can hit its death hole, it will be slaughtered by me like all cats and dogs in the world!"

"Brag, I don't believe it!"

Qian Yi skimmed his mouth. "Tell me, what's the death point? Why don't I know?"

"That's why I said that you are stupid and have no common sense. In fact, when I saved you, I already found the death of the big snake!"

"You mean when you're eaten?" Bart thought.

"Ha ha, the old gentleman is still powerful, which makes you think. Yes, the dominator is a snake. How high can its wisdom be? Hum, the death hole is so obvious and so large. Look, I'll go out now. It's dead!"

Wang vigorously looked up and said, "is eva still there? Send me out first. I'm going to kill the big snake and relieve the crisis of the whole dominant city for many years!"

EVA didn't respond, but on the ground, a cursor indication appeared, indicating that it led to the metal wall outside.

Outside the spaceship, the silver gray hull disappeared silently, and a small door appeared. Wang Dali stepped out, and the small door disappeared behind him.

Wang vigorously raised his head and looked at the sky.

The dark clouds were low and the rainstorm was torrential. The big raindrops hit Wang Dali. Strangely, all the rain could not wet Wang Dali's body.

The rain doesn't touch the skin at all and flows down quickly.

Instead, the clothes outside, as well as the leather armor on the arms and legs, have been soaked.

Wang Dali frowned and felt that these external things were quite annoying. With a move of mind, all clothes and armor burst open, and then a layer of fluid gushed on the skin, which quickly turned into a handsome slim fashion dress.

This change is amazing.

"Sleeping trough, flying rice clothes can change clothes at will -"

"The blockhouse is really an alien super technology -"

"I can't imagine how this was done -"

"Visual deformation is only one of the abilities. Since it can deform, it must be invisible -"

"Brother Dali is powerful. No wonder he dares to trouble the dominator. It turns out that he has a card -"

"I don't know if feimi service is better than the nano biochemical service in the isolated island crisis. According to visual inspection, feimi service is two levels higher than the nano technology content. I hope feimi service is not just a powerful name -"

Wang Dali looked down at the fashionable clothes changed from Liuguang feimi clothes and was very satisfied.

"Handsome slag!"

Wang Dali grinned. The rain hit his clothes and was not wet at all. It seemed that there was something blocking the water molecules.

Flying rice clothes can absorb all light, heat, radiation, electromagnetic waves, cosmic rays, impact force, etc. they can also increase the ability of several times according to individual physique, such as strength, speed, armor, environmental adaptation, life recovery, etc.

Of course, flying rice service is not omnipotent. The increase depends on your bearing capacity.

"Everybody, my baby doesn't seem to see the dominator, but I have a hunch that it's near here and isn't really far away!" Wang Dali took the sun god spear and looked around. In the storm, the wilderness was not calm.

"Woo woo"

Suddenly, a loud horn sounded under the ancient stone wall.

Countless aborigines of the lunar eclipse tribe came out of the stone wall channel with spears and rushed to the spacecraft sun.

"It seems that these Aborigines have only caught up now. I saved the survivors and must have annoyed them!" Wang Dali's mouth tilted slightly and a sense of killing surged from the bottom of his heart.

The lunar eclipse tribe is completely different from the crescent tribe. They are cruel, barbaric and exclude foreigners.

Such a tribe should be punished!

"It's him, he's there, the foreigner who saved people, kill him, kill him!!"

Seeing Wang Dali from a distance, the clan leader of the moon eclipse tribe immediately shouted in aboriginal language. Hundreds of armed aborigines immediately screamed and rushed up behind him.

"I don't know what to do!"

Wang Dali was furious and showed a cruel angry smile on his face. Well, since he didn't see the dominator, kill the spirit of the eclipse moon aborigines first and lead out the dominator with their blood.


Wang vigorously drank, moved and rushed to the aboriginal group like running thunder.

The wrist shook and trembled, and the sun god spear flashed golden shadows from groups of Aborigines' necks, foreheads and hearts.

One stab and one close, the action is clean and neat, and then repeat it again and again, twice, 50 times, 100 times

"Ah, ah, ah, ah"

The natives screamed. In endless consternation, their throats, foreheads and hearts spewed out hot blood and splashed the surrounding vegetation.

The smell of blood gradually diffused and became colder and more beautiful in the torrential rain.