The torrent of Yan red was as red as blood.

Wang Dali's pupils were tiny. With his strong eyesight, he immediately found that there was no blood, but a school of small red fish with palm size.

According to the volume of the red torrent, Wang Dali was shocked. The number of fish should be calculated in tens of millions.

Well, this sea area didn't have enough food, but there was too much food. No wonder there were so many big squids in the sea, because the sea was never short of food.

The fish swam quickly. When they met the Annie, they immediately dispersed. The squid bodies on the sea and in the sea were immediately covered by the fish.

Suddenly, the smell of blood filled the whole sea, and everyone was stunned. Countless small red fish flew over, jumped on the squid and tore its flesh and blood.

"God, these fish are very fierce piranhas." the crew were stunned.

"Not piranhas, but red pirate fish!" corrected count Budd. They are omnivores. They eat what they see. Their teeth are very sharp. They are groups of terrorist killers in the sea!

Pirate fish?

The people were horrified. After a while, all the squids on the sea were eaten up.

After eating the big squid, the red pirate fish swam around the Annie as if they knew there was food on the Annie.

As soon as the online audience saw it, it was creepy.

"Sleeping trough, won't you really attack the Annie -"

"I don't believe fish can have such wisdom -"

"The fish may be attracted by the people on board -"

"It's strange. It's incredible. Why didn't the fish swim away -"

The survivors of the Annie are also frightened. There are so many fish in the malegobi. What if they attack the Annie?

At this time, countless big squids swam over the distant sea, about hundreds of them, and collided with a huge school of pirate fish. Suddenly, a tragic race fight was officially staged.

This time, it was the live squid, not the dead.

The whole school of fish suddenly turned upside down.

The fish were disturbed, and the big squid was very fierce. It was ink-jet juice and fought the fish with tentacles.

"It's amazing. I didn't expect to see such a good play -"

"Really once in a lifetime -"

"Ben Baobao guesses that the big squid must have won. I think those fish can't get close to the big squid, so they are thrown away -"

"Well done. If a dog bites a dog, it's better to lose both sides -"

Wang Dali stood in the bow of the boat and was more and more frightened. NIMA and her party broke into someone else's battlefield.

"Pull up all the sails, Annie, go ahead at full speed, let's get out of here!" roared Wang Dali.

"Raise all sails quickly and move forward at full speed!" brother Jushi immediately began to give specific command.

The crew immediately woke up and began to work hard.

Wang Dali's face was pale. For a moment, he felt a palpitation. It was a sense of danger. It was absolutely right!

"Dear viewers, we seem to have encountered other crises!"

Wang vigorously looked at the sea. With a crash, a huge beluga whale as big as a hill jumped out of the sea. Its huge mouth opened and swallowed a group of pirate fish and a big squid.

The beluga whale is so huge that it is 40 or 50 meters by visual inspection. Even the big squid is a small thing in front of it, which is not worth mentioning.

"Oh, my God, what a big beluga whale"

Count Budd opened his mouth in horror. "It's really a big beluga whale, a legendary whale in the legend. God, it's really so huge. It's incredible. It's a perfect marine creature!"

The beluga whale plunged into the water, the huge wave was pushed away, and the sea tide hit the Annie. All the people on the deck were immediately drenched.

The Annie shook badly, the killing in the sea continued, and the waves rose higher and higher.


Another big beluga whale jumped out of the sea.

"A lot, two, four, six, seven, a total of seven beluga whales. God, they're looking for food!" Jenny exclaimed.

Seven big beluga whales like hills are foraging in groups. This scene is really spectacular. The fight between red pirate fish and big squid becomes dull.

When the mantis catches the cicada and the Yellow Finch, the beluga whale becomes the final winner.

Wang Dali is also very excited. It's a once-in-a-lifetime scene.

"Dear viewers, dear viewers, do you see that there is a big white whale in the world? The body of these huge whales is actually pale, but the shape is a little similar to that of the blue whale, but the body is bigger and slender. I have reason to believe that this is not the blue whale, but another kind of whale!"

"This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. The foraging activities of beluga whales are so magnificent!"

Wang Dali spread his hand: "I think we have photographed something extraordinary. The life of the Moby Dick is really incredible. The red pirate fish and the big squid are dwarfed in front of them!"

Count Budd grabbed Wang's strong hand and was very excited: "Wang, according to the legend, the beluga whale is a legend among whales. Their wisdom is not lower than that of human beings. Their size is the largest. This is the most elegant life. Wang, can you help me catch one?"

"Er, Lord count, do you want to catch a big white whale?" Wang Dali was surprised.

"Of course, who doesn't want such a great and elegant existence?" count Budd begged: "well, king, if you can catch it, I'm willing to give you half of the gold in the vault of Shengli port!"


Wang Dali shook his head and refused: "there is no way. Human beings are too small in front of such giants. Even if I am an extraordinary person, I can't catch them!"

"What a pity, what a pity!"

Count Budd looked up to the sky and sighed. It's a pity. In this moment, the red pirate fish in the sea ran away madly, and the squid didn't know where to go. The Moby whales chased the fish and went away.

"Fark, it's spectacular -"

"NIMA, I'm suffocating when I see the Moby Dick. It's so beautiful. He must be the perfect and elegant marine creature -"