Looking at the envy, jealousy and hatred of LES, Wang Dali was in a good mood. It was great to pretend to be forced in front of such a beautiful girl as les.

"Wow, you found the secret of my skin!"

Wang Dali became more and more excited. He hooked up with the great beauty on the shoulder and coaxed, "I tell you, the reason why my skin is so good is because I have practiced the Dragon boxing of the East moon country. You may not know that my dragon boxing of the East moon country can excavate and improve the level of life

, as long as you keep practicing and have strong vitality, your skin will become very good, just like me! "

"I see, but can you just practice that fist?" Cyrus seriously doubted.

"Of course, it's not that simple. You need to practice to a certain extent. You see me. When the physique is as strong as me, you can have great power. Even when the mind comes, the blood of the body can converge and don't let any energy out of the body!"

"You mean you can control your temperature at will?" Les stared.

"It's not just to control the body temperature, but to control the blood, muscles, nerves and even local tissues of the body!" Wang Dali laughed.

"If you do this, the skin pores will shrink, the sweat will fall off, and the skin will become fine and smooth. Not only will all kinds of bacteria, fungi and mites become extinct, but also the skin is not easy to age, and there will be no defects and wrinkles. The skin is as delicate as lanolin white jade!"

"Wow, your skin won't parasitize any microorganisms now?" Les was shocked.

"Of course, there will be no skin, not even in the body. This is the characteristic of strong vitality to the limit of ordinary people. It is like a big oven. Once the body is like a fire, all flies and insects will be burned up, just like this!"

As soon as Wang Dali shook his fist and tightened his arm, there was huge heat on his skin.

The arm is slightly red, just like a red hot soldering iron. The wisps of white mist steaming from the arm looks like a Wulin expert running internal skills.

"This is not magic?"

Les felt the heat wave coming and almost suffocated.

"Of course not. When vitality breaks through the limits of the human body, it will unconsciously send out the breath of life outside the body. This is the smell of the sun you smell!"

"Oh, so this is the breath of life?" Les suddenly realized, "no wonder I like this breath. I feel that my body and soul are singing happily while I smell your breath."

Far away in the civilized world, the hidden martial Taoists in various countries widened their eyes when they saw Wang Dali coming, and then became as restless as beating chicken blood.

"This is a white tiger!"

"No, no, no, this young man has reached this heat. He is worthy of being a great master of dragon boxing in the East moon country."

"Awesome. It's estimated that Dharma and Zhang Sanfeng were just like this in those years."

"At this age, you have such attainments. You are no longer mortal -"

"In ancient times, this man was an immortal -"

"Come, come, I feel a little trance and sleepy." Les suddenly felt uncomfortable, but as soon as he approached Wang Dali, he felt that the symptoms were alleviated, so as not to blur his consciousness.

"Is the influence of the ghost ship starting to happen again?"

Wang Dali was awe inspiring and grabbed Lars's shoulders: "how's it going, is it all right?"

"I'm fine. I'll be fine if I get close to you!"

"Cyrus, you have a crush on brother Dali. What can I do -"

"It's so sad, my goddess Cyrus. It hurts my baby so much -"

"Brother Dali, I hate you -"

Not worth mentioning make complaints about the Tucao.