Someone even advised themselves not to try the mysterious alpha ruby?

Wang Dali curled his mouth, and the cow forced him to coax: "I don't go to hell. Who goes to hell? How can I shrink back for the great scientific cause? Don't say it again. In the past, Madame Curie carried out great scientific research regardless of the danger of radioactive rays. Don't I have the courage

Learn from your predecessors? "

In fact, Wang Dali believes 100% in the God system and the identification of the emperor's brand in the center of the eyebrow! More believe in their own luck and strength.

"Watch it carefully so that you don't think I can only talk nonsense!"

The king vigorously stretched out his hand, broke the chain and took the gem in his hand.

Starting with this, Wang Dali felt that an unparalleled strange energy ray penetrated into the palm of his hand, directly affecting the smallest prokaryotic unit of his body, that is, the genetic level.

This energy is very strange. It even stimulates a recessive gene in DNA to become dominant and greatly increases its effect.

Wang Dali only felt that an energy began to penetrate and spread rapidly from his hand along his arm.

Where the energy passes, the arms are mutating. The muscles of the originally smooth and hairless skin burst, and the steel hairs of an ape or a wolf grow. They are hard, straight and very thick

"Wow, wow"

Wang Dali shouted in surprise and looked excited.

"I can feel that a strange energy radiation is stimulating my Qi and blood. My Qi and blood are restless and boiling. My strength seems to be soaring. Shit, I can blow down a hill with one fist."

Wang Dali did feel the great leap in physical quality and couldn't help looking at his panel.

Name: Wang Dali

Lineage: Yanhuang lineage of Dongyue Kingdom

Physique: 38 + 3

Spirit: 30

Five senses: 30

Charm: 22 + 3-9

Lucky: 21

Skills: primary rock climbing, primary archery, primary tracking, primary rescue, intermediate spear shooting skills

Extraordinary awakening: Dragon Boxing (lv4), Yanhuang Department of Dongyue Kingdom, the way of sincerity can be known before, incomplete emperor brand (2 /?), the eye of true knowledge

Remaining skill points: 1

Remaining points: 10

Grade: lv4

Wang Dali looked at whether there was a circle. His physique was + 3 at once, but his charm was reduced by 9, which directly reduced his charm.

It seems that the black hair on his arm really destroys his handsome pot image!

Fortunately, the change of physical signs is only temporary, but Wang Dali feels that his physical change is permanent, that is to say, the alpha radiation of this gem can indeed help life improve the level of life.

"Wow, sure enough, I feel my blood is burning. It really stimulates some potential gene fragments. My hands are so hot and spicy. It's like acupuncture everywhere. I've been stimulated by a certain line of recessive genes. Will I become a monster?"

When Wang Dali looked at long Mao's arm again, he was shocked to the extreme. The eye of true knowledge was indeed right. It was indeed that some of his genes were stimulated. Although it was only temporary, it was shocking enough.

Wang Dali immediately released the gem and suddenly suppressed the boiling blood in his body. Suddenly, the black hair spreading from his hand was suppressed and stopped on his shoulder.

In this way, Wang Dali had a funny appearance: all his arms grew terrible steel hairs, but there was no difference in other parts of his body.

"Shit, it's wolf hair -"

"Brother Dali, is this the rhythm of turning into a werewolf -"

"Wow, brother Dali has a wolf sex gene hidden in his body. It's a good cow -"

"God, incredible -"

"That's what triggers recessive genes? It's amazing -"

"Before Cyrus and Jenny became vampires, now Brother Dali wants to become a werewolf?"

"This gem is really strange -"

"Brother Dali, you're dying. If you don't go back, you'll be funny -"

"If you don't die, you won't die. Brother Dali, be careful -"

"This is the timid brother Dali? I laughed. I see you are so bold that you can't do anything if you don't want to admire -"

"Brother Dali is full of self-confidence. He is an outstanding representative of the courage of art experts -"

"Don't panic," said Wang Dali. He was not in a hurry, but others were in a hurry?

For a moment, Wang Dali felt a deep sense of guilt. NIMA, what's this called? The emperor was not in a hurry. The eunuch was in a hurry. He even made the majority of fans who really cared about him so anxious. It was a sin. Oh, rice tofu!

"Don't panic, this is a short-term excitation, not permanent!"

Wang Dali hurried to carry the blood gas. Gradually, Wang Dali felt that the strange energy radiation in his body gradually dissipated, and the steel wool on his arm gradually fell off to restore smooth and strong skin.

Wang Dali smiled: "well, now believe it. Please remember, my brother Dali is absolutely reputable. How can he talk nonsense? Hey, this mysterious alpha gem is priceless. If it is used for plant improvement and evolution and human life evolution

And the scientific study of DNA variation, its value is almost unlimited. "

Wang Dali announced: "I solemnly announce that I have found that this extraordinary treasure of immeasurable scientific research value is my exploration booty! Yes, I accept this magical gem!"

Wang Dali put the gem into his pocket. After a while, he could no longer see where the gem on Wang Dali was hidden.

"God, that belongs to all mankind -"

"The absolute force belongs to all mankind, brother Dali. You are stealing the heritage of all mankind -"

"Hand over the treasure and spare you from dying -"

"Praise, brother Dali is a public enemy of mankind -"

"Brother Dali, my baby supports you and is determined to be greedy for ink, regardless of the children's chirp -"

"Domineering Manifesto: I find that all my brother Dali has the style of my generation -"

"Jack up, brother Dali is worthy of being the greatest explorer and treasure hunter in history -"