Adele finally knew the horror of these insects. The soul stone of the stone statue of Anubis emitting fear on her could not deter these white terror insects.

They ran out of the pagoda very fast, but the white jade Scarab behind was not slow. More importantly, the Pharaoh's mummy also chased out.

The speed of Pharaoh's mummy is incredible, like a strong man running with all his strength. More importantly, he won't be tired and doesn't need to rest.

Wang Dali looked back and was so surprised that his eyes almost stared out.

"It doesn't make sense. Can mummies run so fast? After lying for thousands of years, they haven't rusted yet. How strong the body is! It has such a terrible speed!"

Wang Dali was speechless.

The white jade Scarab surrounded the Pharaoh's mummy, as if under the control of the Pharaoh's mummy. Gradually, the Scarab soon caught up with Wang Dali and Adele.

Wang Dali touched out a sharp little Throwing Knife, waved it, and his extraordinary mind immediately started.

Whew, whew

The knife turned into a sharp light and shot back and forth. The white jade beetles that caught up fell to the ground one after another, and some were cut in half.

The little flying knife turned, swept through the air, made a whew, plunged into its eyes and deeply stabbed into his head.

Pharaoh's mummy was suddenly dug out from his eyes, flew to the ground, and roared angrily up to the sky.

"Great, hit him!"

Adele was excited.

"Blunder, irritated him!" Wang Dali took back the small Throwing Knife. For a while, he felt a lot of mental power consumption and a nerve in his head was aching.

This is a sign of mental overuse.

Shit, you still can't use it unlimited! It seems that extraordinary mental power can only be used to surprise. It's not appropriate to fight strange things every day!

"Why not? Go on!"

Adele urged, Wang Dali rolled his eyes and didn't have a good airway: "my head hurts when I use it, and then it hurts and wants to crack!"

"So you can't use more. It's useless. You might as well kill it directly!" Adele said nothing.

"It's good to be able to solve the temporary dilemma. What else do you want? Run, ahead..."

Wang vigorously clenched his teeth and increased his speed. Adele's speed was also fast, but she didn't lose the wind at all. In this way, they ran away in a large group of golden pagodas!

Behind them is a Pharaoh's mummy. He is commanding a group of white jade scarabs, chasing them closely, and a terrible roar erupts from time to time.

In the middle of the night, under the moonlight, the scene was very much like fierce ghost street.


"So exciting, praise brother Dali -"

"The movie return of the mummy, weak explosion -"

"This is a war between man and Iraq. Those who were chased and killed miserably, brother Dali, is that it? Fight back and kill the villains -"

"Run what run, brother Dali, fight with it, isn't it a pharaoh mummy and a group of insects? Fight, don't counselle, it's one word - dry!"

"Watch impulse, impulse is the devil -"

"Don't worry, children. Brother Dali came from Xiaoqiang and can't die -"

"It's just a strategic shift. Everyone calm down -"


"Wang Dali, I think we can compete with it!" Adele gasped.

"Shut up!"

Wang vigorously gritted his teeth and turned around a huge gold pagoda. At the end of a main road in front, there was a small square. In the middle of the square, there stood a particularly huge gold pagoda.

This golden pagoda needs to look up to see the top.

Wang Dali took a breath. The pagoda is estimated to be two or three times taller than the Khufu pagoda.

Strangely, there are broad stone steps leading to the top on all sides of the pagoda. At the end of the stone steps, that is, the top of the pagoda, there is a palace. The pagoda shaped palace and the dark gate are faintly visible.

All the people who saw the pagoda were shocked because the other pagodas were small in front of it.

"Lying trough... What a magnificent Pagoda -"

"Miracle, miracle, miracle -"

"Is it true that such a magnificent pagoda was built thousands of years ago?"

"Incredible, incredible -"

"This resting place is the treasure of human civilization -"


Wang Dali instantly sensed the sense of terror and oppression from the magnificent pagoda and Wei Wei's mountain like and unpredictable strange will.

This will made Wang Dali's sun golden Sutra running in his consciousness vibrate unceasingly.

There's a door!

Wang Dali was so happy that he felt that he was in a desperate situation. He quickly shouted, "come on, run up to the golden pagoda. The Pharaoh's mummy may not dare to catch up!"

Although Adele was curious about why Wang Dali said so, she didn't say a word. She spread her legs, rushed up the stone steps of the pagoda and ran up quickly.

What kind of world 100m flyer, what kind of hurdler, compared with Adele, they are all weak!


Wang Dali catches up from behind and steps up a big stone step. From a distance, Wang Dali is a Wulin expert. He is a flying man.

"Damn it, can't beat you, can't run you?"

Adele clenched her teeth. How could she tolerate Wang Dali acting forced in front of her, so she clenched her teeth and couldn't let Wang Dali compare herself.

Hundreds of meters high super pagoda, two people are stunned to climb to the top quickly.

Looking back, the Pharaoh's mummy stood under the golden pagoda and did not dare to cross the thunder pool. However, he could only roar up to the sky, and the huge spiritual wave spread, which made Wang Dali's heart palpitate.

Those white jade beetles were all lying on the Pharaoh's mummy. They didn't dare to fly to the super gold pagoda. It seems that there is something terrible on the gold pagoda, which makes them very afraid.

"Good fellow, he really doesn't dare to catch up. How do you know?" Adele breathed a sigh of relief and was very surprised.


Wang Dali also felt palpitations, which was a terrible premonition before the disaster.

"Dear babies, the Pharaoh mummy did not dare to catch up. There is definitely a reason. I can feel that the palace at the top of the golden tower is extraordinary!"

The king vigorously calmed his mind and continued: "I doubt that there are enough things in the top palace to make Pharaoh mummies afraid!"
