"Of course I don't want my daughter to have anything to do, but it's better to rely on yourself than on others. I'm not afraid of ten thousand, just in case!" father Guan shook his head. He was really worried about his daughter's safety.

"I won't tell you, I'll have a look... Oh yo, Guan Er is going to have a fire, and even the search list has come up..."

Mother Guan clapped her hand and jumped up again. She couldn't sit still at all.

"A loving mother has many defeated children..."

Father Guan disdained shaking his head, and then watched the live broadcast with interest. He was very satisfied. Since his daughter disappeared, the family has been in constant haze. Now, the rain has finally cleared up. At this point, father Guan is very grateful to Wang Dali!

But the signing company of guan'er was full of joy.

"Yes, yes, it's going to be a big fire!"

"The ranking of major search lists in the world is soaring rapidly, ranking fifth and still soaring..."

"God, brother Dali has too much energy and loves you so much!"

"Brother Dali is completely a personal star making machine. Who is next to who is angry. Now we are going to achieve a world-class reputation!"

"Guan Er is black. Can he turn powder?"

"Ha ha, black is good, indicating popularity!"

"Brother Yao is also on fire. He was originally a world-class star. Up to now, he has gone to a higher level!"

"Earth people have no way to stop brother Dali's star making energy!"

At the same time, Wang Dali and his party were moving forward in the tunnel.

"How long is the tunnel?" Wang Dali asked.

"Who knows? If it's just this tunnel, it's about forty or fifty miles!" Yao Dan shrugged. "But I know that the closer it is to the city of time, the tunnels will extend in all directions and form a huge underground tunnel network. Some tunnels are built by the city of time, while others are

The fugitives built, and some were dug up by giant insects like many giant caterpillars! "

"Well, it seems that the tunnel net is a huge maze?" Wang Dali was secretly frightened.


Yao Dan exclaimed, and suddenly there was no sound.

When they looked back, it was dark. Where else was Yao Dan?

"Ah Da, Ah Da!"

Guan ER was startled and shouted quickly.

"Shh, don't shout, he just fell into the pit!" Wang Dali hurriedly covered Guan er's mouth and made a quiet gesture. He only heard a faint roar of wild dogs in front of him.

"Adele, pull him up!"

Wang Dali walks to a sewer. The manhole cover is gone. Yao Dan is climbing on the edge of the sewer with his hands and breathing down.

"Pull quickly..." Yao Dan's face was pale.

"It's useless. Can't you see such a big pit on the ground?" Adele said nothing. She grabbed Yao Dan's arm and pulled the little giant out as light as a weight.

"Hoo... Thank you. I was scared to death and almost fell into the sewer!" Yao Danxin had a lingering fear. The energy gun in his hand was gone, and Ganqing had fallen into the sewer.

Yao Dan and Guan Er are ordinary people with insufficient eyesight, while Adele can still see subtle things ten meters away even in the dark.

If Wang Dali's five senses are fully open, he can perceive things one or two hundred meters away from the straight line even in the dark tunnel.

"There are a lot of sunstones here?" Adele pointed to a Sunstone on the top of her finger. Because her energy was exhausted, she only gave out a moonlight shimmer.

"We call it Moonstone, which can be used as a low light illumination!" Guan ER was a little frightened. He listened to the roar of wild dogs getting closer and closer, and said with fear: "what's ahead? It seems that there are a lot of wild dogs?"

"Yes, they're coming!"

Wang vigorously looked at the darkness and said, "twelve, like jackals, as big as tigers and leopards, move very quickly..."

"It's a black jackal, it must be a black jackal!" Yao Dan was frightened and hurriedly looked for his energy gun.

"Don't look for it, use mine!" Wang Dali threw his energy gun into Yao Dan's arms, and then picked up the sun god spear. The power operated. The tip of the sun god spear immediately sent out the light like a sun stone to illuminate the nearby area of 20 meters!

I saw a fortification ruins ahead, and twelve black jackals were speeding up.

These jackals are as black as tigers and leopards, but their eyes are very bright, like orange lights.

At first glance, it looks like a ghost in the night, which can scare the timid to death.

When the audience saw this scene, they were really frightened.

"Come on, hold on, Adele, protect the two people behind, and I'll be a meat shield!" the king shouted vigorously. With a flash of his body, he had accelerated forward to meet the black jackal.

When the roar came, the Jackal jumped up in the air and jumped at Wang Dali.


An energy regiment rushed from behind, quickly passed Wang Dali, hit a jackal in the air and hit it to the ground. Another energy mass hit another black jackal's leg and broke it.

When the camera turned, people saw that Guan ER and Yao Dan shot again and again, and energy groups shot out one after another. Just now two shots hit, it was Guan ER and Yao Dan who made a great contribution!

"Cool... Hit -"

"Bichi, I'm sure I've practiced my shooting skills -"

"Goddess gunman, when is Guan Xiaoniu so powerful? I admire -"

"Ha ha, not bad. It seems that these jackals are not as powerful as they thought -"

"I was almost scared to pee just now. I didn't expect the energy guns of the black iron city to carry it like this -"

"It's cool to kneel down for sister Guan. From now on, black will turn pink -"

"I also turn black to powder. I won't explain -"