The north of Antarctica is covered with snow.

Looking down from the sky, it was plain white. Zoom in, there are two small black spots moving slowly in the ice and snow.

Closer, there are two people, a man and a woman.

These two people are the dead Wang Dali and Delia.

"Your Highness, are you sure it's here?" Wang Dali felt unable to walk.

"It seems that it should be near here!" Delia stood up helplessly.

"Well, well, you haven't said that ten times, seven or eight times!" Wang Dali sat down in the snow and didn't go.

Shit, it hurts to walk in this ice and snow!

"Well, I'll feel it again. It should be here!" Delia was a little wronged.

"OK, don't worry, we have plenty of time!"

Wang vigorously waved and said, "it's estimated that it's fast, yo, I'm going to open the live broadcast!"

"Wait, I'll dress up!" cried Delia quickly.

"Don't dress up, your highness is naturally beautiful. Even wearing beggar clothes is beautiful enough!" Wang Dali giggled, shouted EVA and immediately ordered her to re open the live broadcast.

When the live broadcast was launched, countless people all over the world received SMS notifications at the same time. The audience and fans were immediately excited.

"Paralyzed, finally opened -"

"Brother Dali, you immortal board, it took so long to open -"

"When the flowers are gone, brother Dali, is it time to start a new adventure -"

"For three days, brother Dali disappeared for three days, and the whole world was going crazy -"

"Wow, where is this?"

"It's freezing and snowy. You can't see the end at a glance, mom. It's not the North Pole -"

"It's the Arctic. Identification is complete -"

"It's brother Dali, and Princess highland princess, the krypton beauty girl, good Kawai."

"It's time to start exploring again. Long live brother Dali -"

"There's a good play again, but this time, why did brother Dali bring a Lori? It's unscientific -"

Audiences make complaints about the message.

Paralyzed, brother Dali has been missing for three days and nights since he disappeared in Las Vegas. People are worried to death.

However, fortunately, brother Dali took care of his fans and finally reopened the live broadcast.

Every time the live broadcast is re opened, it indicates that a new exploration will begin, which is the reason why people are concerned and excited.

God knows how many loyal viewers and die hard fans there are in the whole global village today.

It's impossible to calculate. Some say it's 7 billion!

Others say that this figure is too conservative, because according to incomplete statistics, there are almost no people on earth who have not seen vigorous live programs, unless they are Martians!

As soon as the live broadcast was opened, people looked at it. It was very cold and snowy. Everything was clean!

Where is this?

It feels like the North Pole!

Wang Dali made a ha ha, waved to the super camera and smiled: "Hello, it's time for brother Dali to force again. Borrow a sentence from the mysterious zone of the world!"

"We can't say categorically that dinosaurs have disappeared. We are afraid of the mysterious power of 30 degrees north latitude, kneeling at the curse of the dead, wandering through the magic of prehistoric civilization, confused by the visitors from outside, the end of human thinking is full of question marks, asking about the ancient times. In addition to the various theorems and principles trapped in the mire, those mysterious areas all over the world seem to have countless problems If you want to say a word of rest, Stonehenge, the island of death, the sea of ships and graves, the west continent, the desert of time, the city of heavenly works, Olympus, terror, magic, strangeness, psychedelic and mystery are all inclusive. Those familiar or unfamiliar places stir the hearts of explorers again and again. "

Wang Dali finished in one breath and couldn't slip any more without a word.

"Hehe, I, Wang Dali, will continue to walk into mysterious areas and forbidden areas of life, and lead you to experience an unusual visual and spiritual thrilling journey."

Wang Dali's pretending force often starts with language.

Yes, Wang Dali is playing with words now.

People were stunned when they heard this.

A quality suggestive of poetry or painting began to make complaints about Wang Dali's words.

"Ice and snow melt, everything recovers, and it is another mating season. There is a smell of hormones in the air. However, in the vast Americana grassland, er, you are wrong. Please allow the baby to correct a small mistake. Not in the Americana grassland, but in the vast northern Antarctica, there are two people struggling in the ice and snow!"

Before Wang Dali finished, the world immediately fried the pot.

"What, this is in the north of Antarctica, not in the North Pole?"

"What's the matter? The baby still wants to see the polar bear. Brother Dali, how can he go to the South Pole -"

"In fact, it's good to see emperor penguins -"

"Gaga, brother Dali is so funny and literary -"

"The baby likes that sentence very much. It's another mating season 666 -"

"Moved, brother Dali turned out to be a young man of literature and art, so romantic -"

Seeing that everyone was more and more bullshit, Wang Dali immediately said positively: "well, after introducing the location, next we will introduce pig feet. One is me, brother Dali dada!"

Wang Dali waved to the camera with a proud smile.

"Another one is krypton princess, your highness Delia. Don't look outside. You can call her Delia, or your highness!"

Wang Dali turned his head and said with a smile, "Your Highness, please say hello and give us a speech?"

Delia was quite nervous, coughed, waved her hand and said, "Hi, Earthlings, Hello, I hope you will remember me and like me, krypton princess, Her Highness Delia, thank you!"