The hope turned into a light and soared into the sky.

People immediately saw the vast round surface of the earth and the bright white blue light on the horizon.

People saw the slightly blue atmosphere. On the earth, there were white clouds, and the round surface of the whole earth was boundless.


"Are we outside the earth?"

"God, I see the South Pole"

"Originally, this is the starry sky!"

The grey dwarf was completely shocked. What he saw was an unprecedented magnificent vision.

The vast earth occupies half of the field of vision, while the other half is a dark starry sky.

Not only the grey dwarf, but also the world was shocked.

The super camera faithfully recorded what Wang Dali saw and heard.

Even modern people may not have seen the magnificent scene of overlooking the earth from high altitude. Now, people have seen it and entrusted it with the blessing of super camera.

The hope stayed high in the sky for a few minutes, then flew to the southern region of America and entered northern Europe.

Hope crossed Pinghu Lake, forest and city, took a turning point and went to the fish coast.

Soon, a prosperous city appeared in front of the world. On both sides of the river, there are rows of high-rise buildings everywhere. On the coast, the statue of Liberty stands tall.

"How fast did you get to America?" Wang Dali was surprised.

"It's so fast. In fact, it can be faster!" Delia commanded the spacecraft and stopped slowly above the statue of liberty.

"This is an invasion of airspace!"

Shengcheng, Washington. The new president patted the table. "Tell the Pentagon that they are all waste. Can the great American people still count on them?"

The Pentagon.

All kinds of phones keep ringing.

An agent answered the phone and was immediately surprised by a fat woman on the phone.

"My God, my God, is it the FBI? I want to report one thing to you. There are UFOs over Liberty Island. If you don't believe it, please open the strong live broadcast point immediately. Just take a look and you'll understand!"

The agent immediately put down the call, opened the nearest computer display and entered the kanmu of the live broadcast point.

For a moment, on the video screen, there was a scene of hope hovering over Freedom Island.

The agent immediately cursed, quickly called and reported to his boss.

Almost at the same time, the whole Pentagon became chaotic, like a battlefield.

"The situation is not good. A krypton spacecraft is ignoring the existence of national boundaries and flying into American airspace!"

The Pentagon immediately instructed action, but it was startled when a nearby security team turned on radar exploration.

"The krypton spacecraft is right there. You can see it when you look up, but our electronic equipment can't observe the krypton spacecraft over the statue of liberty. It is invisible to the backward earth technology."

In the Pentagon North command center, a special level manager is commanding nervously.

"Look, we must find the krypton ship!"

"We must stabilize him. If necessary, shoot down the krypton spacecraft. We need krypton civilization!" the super first level management added.

I don't know how long later, when the small team boarded Freedom Island, they looked up and saw the krypton spacecraft, but they took out the equipment and looked at it. Shit, they couldn't detect the existence of the krypton flying ship at all.

"Report to the senior guard that the krypton ship is invisible!"

"You can see it with the naked eye, but all the electronic devices are out of order!"

The top-level management shook his head, quickly picked up the special line, called the new president and reported the situation.

"Waste, it's waste. I can't get it out at all!"

The new president was angry and shouted, "this is contempt, contempt for the great American people. It cannot enter the federal airspace without permission. This is a crime!"

"Exactly as the president said!"

"Since you agree, send out a plane and warn first. If you don't listen, fight down. We in America will never allow such a great danger to get close to the people!"

The superior management put down the phone and immediately ordered the dispatch of stealth fighters.

After a while, five stealth fighters flew near Freedom Island and flew around the bay.


The hope immediately flew away as fast as a shadow.

"Oh, MAIGA, where is this guy? Why is he gone?"

"Run, too fast, it's incredible"

"What if we can't keep up?"

"Request a new task, do you want to find its trace?"

The pilots shouted one after another and quickly asked the Pentagon for instructions.

"It's coming in the direction of Washington!" the pentagonal North immediately indicated.

"Good, guys, follow me, the target - Shengcheng!" the pilots were very excited and flew towards Shengcheng.

When the fighter plane reached over Washington, it saw the palace and the monument to Shengcheng from a distance.

It was shocking that the krypton spacecraft was grandly suspended above the palace, and a huge shadow shrouded the whole palace.

The palace was in a mess, and the new president was forcibly pulled by the bodyguards.

"Fark, I'm the president. I'm not going to the safe house, krypton. This is a provocation to the dignity of the United States. Beat it down quickly!" the new president was furious.

The new president was resisting and hiding in the safe house. In an instant, all the lights in the whole palace flashed and all the electronic equipment failed.

Over Washington, fighter planes came and just wanted to launch destructive weapons. The krypton spacecraft whistled and flew away like lightning again.

Washington is back to normal.

The new president tidied up his suit and became angry: "what a shame, what a shame!"

This time, the krypton spacecraft flew over the Atlantic Ocean, arrived in Western Europe, crossed Central Asia, entered Xia state, and then quickly went south, crossed Oceania and returned to the north of Antarctica.

After the ship became invisible, it fell back.

"Well, I went around and visited the most powerful country in the world. You can get off the ship!" Delia smiled at the gray dwarfs.

"It's great. It's an eye opening journey. It's really worthy of our God Lord!"

"I admire the royal highness of the princess!"

"Please allow us to be loyal to you!"

The grey dwarfs petitioned one after another. This time, no one dared to question Delia's authority!