Wang Dali flew to a nearby mountain, which was covered with snow and ice.

Ape men and Panthers chased down the mountains and never dared to catch up again. They only lingered under the mountains.

The savage ape man knelt down and worshipped on the mountain.

"I wipe, this is not worship me, what are they worship?" Wang Dali was surprised. The sun god spear was held high and gave out light. He saw metal objects faintly in the snow and ice of the mountains, reflecting the light.

"Everybody, there's something!"

Wang Dali frowned, looked at the ape man and beast under the mountain, shook his head, deliberately flew away, then circled around, quietly returned to the mountain and fell next to the metal object.

Pulling aside the snow, Wang Dali saw a huge smooth silver metal sheet. Under the metal sheet, there was a huge metal fist, the size of a grinding plate.

"Is this a robot?"

Wang Dali's eyes widened. What was buried in the snow was a robot?

In doubt, Wang vigorously jumped into the snow and stomped his feet. A shock wave swept away, and the ice and snow were shaken away by strange forces in an instant.

The robot under his feet appeared.

This is a robot five or six meters high. He is lying on the snow. Half of his head and body are festering and missing. He can only see countless shining and broken parts and lines inside.

Wang Dali touched the sun god spear on it, and a strong current gushed out to the robot.

The robot suddenly trembled, as if it had been stimulated to the nervous system.

The fist suddenly loosened, and a metal object like a football rolled to the ground, emitting a faint light.

Wang Dali looked at it and immediately saw the huge treasure light.

It seems that the current of the divine spear stimulated the metal object.

"Is it still a treasure?"

Wang Dali was surprised, jumped down from the robot and picked up the metal object.

There are two layers of metal objects. The outer layer is a metal device and the inner layer is a high-level energy group. Wang Dali's mind moves and the eye of true knowledge starts to identify the treasure.

"Discovery artifact - leader module, value 390."

"It is an ancient artifact of mechanical life civilization, full of ancient power and wisdom. It is a symbol of power."

"It can endow mechanical life with great power and wisdom."

"This is the exclusive relic of mechanical life. It's a pity that non mechanical life can't be used."

"It is recommended to have, anyway, this is a semi artifact. Throughout the whole universe, there are not many semi artifact or artifact."

"Mechanical civilization is a very powerful civilization in the universe. Mechanical life runs across the universe and establishes a great empire. Now, they are still powerful in the universe."

Wang Dali was stunned and shocked by pieces of information.

I wipe it. It's mechanical life. There's really mechanical civilization in the universe.

If there is no misunderstanding, mechanical life should be based on silicon-based life? Just like our earth civilization, it is one of the carbon based civilizations.

Wang vigorously stared at the leadership module in his hand and trembled with excitement.

"Dear audience!"

Wang Dali's voice trembled a little: "look what we found? It's not a robot, but a mechanical life. You didn't hear wrong. It's life. He's a mechanical life. Unfortunately, he's dead!"

"Isn't this mechanical life on Cybertron?"

"Is there such a hanging?"

"Dafa, brother Dali found another form of life --"

"We are carbon based monkeys, they are silicon-based metal blocks -"

"Is it true, brother Dali, don't blow the cow -"

The whole world, a burst of eagerness. What we see in front of us is really like a robot. It is so huge that it has no ability to make such a robot in terms of current earth technology.

In a word, nine times out of ten it is an alien creation.

If it is not a robot in our traditional sense, but a mechanical life, then the assertion of the diversity of life in the universe will be strongly supported.

Hiss, hiss, hiss

The leader module suddenly sent out an electric light, rushed to the nearby mechanical body, and then drilled into the rib position of the mechanical body.

With a click, the rib position opened, and a bowl sized metal ball jumped out, suspended in the air. He opened his eyes, opened his mouth and shouted, "live, live, steel bullet live."

"I wipe, your name is steel bullet?" Wang Dali was surprised.

"Yes, steel bullet, what's your name, human?"

"Please call me Wang Dali, or brother Dali!" Wang Dali smiled.

"Brother Dali, brother Dali!"

The steel bullet flew around Wang Dali happily. Suddenly, it saw something in Wang Dali's hand and shouted, "leadership module, this is leadership module, give it to me!"

Wang Dali was surprised and quickly grasped the leadership module and took it back. "No, this is my booty!"

"It's the master's, it's the master's, not yours!" steel bounced up and hit Wang Dali on the arm.

"No, it's mine now. Unless I'm in a good mood, I can give it back to you!"


"When are you in a good mood!"

"When I ask questions, I feel better!" Wang Dali flickered.

"Ask quickly, ask quickly!" the steel bullet can't wait to jump, very flexible.

"Well, well, first of all, what are you?"

"Steel bullets are not things. Steel bullets are mechanical life. Steel bullets are different from your carbon based life!" steel ballistics.

"Why are you in this big guy?"

"This is the master of the steel bullet, but he's dead!" the steel bullet sighed.

"Well, what's the use of the leadership module?"

"It can activate and strengthen our mechanical life!"

"Can that save this big guy?" Wang Dali pointed to the huge mechanical life in front of him.

"No, no, it's seriously damaged and beyond the limit. Go and find the mechanical life with high integrity!" the steel bullet said eagerly.

"Are there other mechanical life bodies around here?" Wang Dali was surprised.